Kamala Chameleon: The fake populist and promiscuous, boozing whore
The Democrats are trying to turn a brain-dead, woke, slut and alcoholic into a female version of Donald Trump, and it isn't going to work
Back in the 80s, there was a band called Culture Club. They were a pop group with a gender-bending frontman called Boy George. One of their biggest songs was something called “Karma Chameleon,” and I have stolen that title and changed it a bit for this article.
If you’ve never seen the video for “Karma Chameleon,” here it is:
Now, when you read the title of this article, you can hear the chorus from the song. Just make sure you think of it as “Kamala Chameleon.”
Okay, with that out of the way, let’s get to the point of this article. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the Democrats have been keeping Kamala under very tight control during her first few weeks as their presidential candidate. I can’t say I blame them, Kamala is an older, uglier version of AOC. She’s not very bright, and whatever sex appeal she had faded away years ago.
However, the Democrats know full well that Kamala’s previous positions on issues do not sync well with the electorate in some respects. So they have already begun the process of attempting to reintroduce her to voters as more of a “centrist.” She has already tried to steal Trump’s idea about “no tax on tips,” and I expect the Democrats to go even further this week during their convention and try to mutate her into a full-blown populist.
The Democrats have their work cut out for them, as Kamala has already stuck her foot in her mouth about price controls on food. Even some left-wing publications, such as the NY Times and the Washington Post, criticized her for such stupidity. Left to her own devices to implement such policies, she would likely cause a famine of sorts in the United States. That might not be such a bad idea, given the number of unbelievably obese people in the country, but there would undoubtedly be severe collateral damage, so it’s best not to let her implement such idiotic ideas. Plus, if Kamala destroys the country’s food supplies, the fatties are going to go on a cannibalistic rampage to obtain the calories necessary to satiate their endless hunger. Nobody will be safe!
Kamala’s stupid idea about handing out $25,000 to more than a million first-time home buyers demonstrates her utter cluelessness. Hey Kamala, have you ever heard of supply and demand? Maybe if you had closed the border when you were Border Czar, the price of houses might be a little more affordable for those first-time home buyers. You can tell by her housing policy that Harris is economically illiterate and should be nowhere near the levers of power in the imperial capital.
Kamala has been busy distancing herself from her previous positions, such as Medicare for All, and other policy ideas from her past. She likely still believes in such things, but somebody inside the Anti-Democratic Party told her to shut up about such things and pretend to be more moderate until after the election. If she manages to cheat her way into office, then you can bet that all of her previous policy preferences will come roaring back once the stupid voters have been conned into voting for her.
I think the quest of the Democrats to make her more palatable to voters is going to fail. Kamala is an unlikable person, similar to Hillary Clinton in some ways but different in others. Hillary is an ice queen who looks down her nose at voters and can barely tolerate being in the same room with them. She radiates contempt for voters in a way that anybody who isn’t a brainwashed retard can detect. Kamala is more like the brainless slut who sucked her way to the top and now has nothing to offer, since no male voter wants her diseased mouth near his dick and no female voter wants a post-wall whore anywhere near her or her man.
I don’t doubt the Democrats will continue to try to steal Trump’s positions for Kamala. But they have a big problem, since those policy ideas aren’t very appealing to much of the Democratic base. Trump’s ideas might appeal to independents and moderates, but most of the Democratic base utterly loathes them. So there is a built-in limit to how much of Trump’s platform the Democrats can steal. Push it too far, and they start alienating their own base, and that might cost them enough votes for Kamala to go down in flames.
Kamala also has another problem: She’s a boozer. This part of her has been relatively hidden from the public, but it’s now beginning to come out all over social media. It makes sense, given Kamala’s utterly fake cackle and empty presence when she gives speeches or otherwise tries to connect with voters. You can just tell she’d rather be sucking down some scotch or vodka at a bar instead of pretending to care about whatever voters are babbling about at her rallies. That is when some voters actually show up to one of them, and it’s clear she doesn’t seem to generate much enthusiasm in that sense either. Compare one of her rallies to Trump’s, and it’s not a very flattering comparison for her.
I am not going to sit through this week’s convention, I just cannot force myself to take in all the bullshit the Democrats will be shoveling out trying to make Kamala appealing to the electorate. But I’ll catch the highlights, and you can bet that the Democrats are going to try to morph Kamala from a far-left, boozing nut job into a “centrist” that can appeal to independents and moderates. I doubt very much that they’ll succeed, and that whatever boost she gets from the convention will be tiny and will evaporate like dew on a cactus in the desert.
Kamala Chameleon can try to shift into something appealing to voters, but, in the end, she’s still an over-the-hill, worn-out, post-wall, whore whose days of sucking and fucking her way to the top are long since over. She’s a loser, and the only way she will be president is if the Democrats can cheat her way into office, like they did with Biden.
If you are going to vote in November, hold your nose and vote for Trump to stop the boozing, brain-dead slut before she finishes the destruction that the Pedophile-in-Chief has rained down on the economy and country since he stole the election in 2020.
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Man the 80s were a different era. I remember hack comedian Andrew Dice “The Dice-man” Clay incorporated Boy’s music into his act.
“Do you really wanna hurt me!!? I want to beat the shit outta you, you freak!!!”
It was a different era. Dice Man still had a career a few years ago but I haven’t kept up.
I'm not even convinced they're going to keep her. She keeps saying stupid shit that pisses off the donors. It took a palace coup to put her in this position and coups tend to be followed by more coups when the person installed is or looks weak.