Aug 20Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Man the 80s were a different era. I remember hack comedian Andrew Dice “The Dice-man” Clay incorporated Boy’s music into his act.

“Do you really wanna hurt me!!? I want to beat the shit outta you, you freak!!!”

It was a different era. Dice Man still had a career a few years ago but I haven’t kept up.

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I remember Clay too. Didn't he go woke at some point? I don't remember him using Culture Club's music, but it probably fit for what he was doing back then.

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Aug 20Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

He didn’t actually perform the song, he just expressed a desire to assault Mr. George.

I remember he had an HBO show for a bit but still couldn’t move beyond hate comedy. A lot of other comics have done out with stories of what an ass he is. Good times. Good times.

Can they sell Kamala? The drinking issue is hard to predict. Last time it was relevant was Ted Kennedy.

It’s so hard to hide something like this. “I’ll just restrict my drinking to times when I don’t have to appear in public” doesn’t work for regular drunks, and it certainly won’t work for someone with a full schedule on a regular basis and the need to be presentable for most of the day.

It’s not the 1980s and they can’t just not report it. She will have to be in public and we’ve seen how quickly the videos are piling up of her being publicly intoxicated.

Alcohol is something people are familiar with and have learned to recognize when someone is drunk. It’s a core social skill.

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We'll see how the boozing issues goes, they will try to keep it hidden for as long as possible, at least until early voting is done and the votes are locked in.

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Aug 20Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I'm not even convinced they're going to keep her. She keeps saying stupid shit that pisses off the donors. It took a palace coup to put her in this position and coups tend to be followed by more coups when the person installed is or looks weak.

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You could be right, especially if she shows up drunk to a debate, if they have any.

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Aug 20Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Supposedly there is one already scheduled, but who knows, I don't think either side is eager for a debate where there is more to lose than to gain.

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Trump said Kamala bowed out of the Fox News debate, so I don't know if there will be one or not.

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I doubt neither of them are exactly great speakers when it comes to policy. Trump has bluster, but he is not really a facts and figures guy.

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No, and he has a tendency to babble, but what other option do we have? Do you want to pay the current costs of gas, heating oil, etc. for another four years? Or do you want cheaper energy?

We must stop Kamala at all costs.

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TBH I wouldn’t piss on either of them if they were on fire to put them out. Maybe we just need to get it over with, accelerationists like Auron MacIntyre say the only way out is through, I always thought that was lame, but maybe he has a point?

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It's too late in the game if they formally nominate her which they are doing this week at the DNC. IMO what they are going to try to do is try to push her over the line with a combination of cheating and empty policy free propaganda about joy, and if they fail use endless lawfare and deep state shenanigans to keep Trump from accomplishing anything, which sadly worked his first term.

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Aug 20·edited Aug 20Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I have to be honest if she fools even say 40% of Americans and they cheat in an extra 12% to push her over the line, I am going to be pretty disgusted with my fellow Americans. I might have to move to Alaska or something to be further away from normies.

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At least you will eat well. Alaska has moose, salmon, and elk. You will never go hungry as long as you can hunt.

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Aug 20Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I have Salmon and Elk where I live already, lol.

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But do you have large brown bears that can eat you? Life in Alaska would be way more fun with those things running around. 😂

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The black bears here are scary enough. You do not want to get between mama black bear and her cubs...

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Aug 20Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

The Diehard liberal democrats would vote for a one-legged, one-eyed, dead dog if it meant they could win. If Jim Jones were still alive, they'd drink the koolaid and do it willingly.

The blind followers of the borgified jackass don't care about the country or freedom and liberty anymore. It's sad to say, but they've all gone commie, and Kamala wants badly to be one of the commissars who build a dacha on the river.

If she cared about the country or the people, she'd have done her job and protected the common people.

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It's not even "commie" real communists have a material class analysis that rejects the Hegalian idealism of woke identity politics. That does not mean that I endorse communism or I think that communist economics, works, but it is a term with a specific meaning many misuse, which makes us look ignorant to people who know better.

No woke is more like something out of Brave New World, it is technocratic ammorral oligarchic hedonism. I know that isn't a cute phrase that rolls off the tongue like "commie." but if we are going to be worthy of rule after the woke technocratic oligarchy collapses then we need to show we are capable of high level thinking and not merely throwing out our own bromides to counter the woke's bromides. Real war is not a game like meme wars.

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They’ll do the same thing this time that they did in 2020. And it will work, again. Because the vast majority are just too stupid to learn.

If all my neighbours and a great part of BC were able to vote, they’d vote for her. Just as they voted for Turdeau. They are that brainwashed.

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Do not blackpill, this is great news. See my update just posted.

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They’ll do the same thing this time that they did in 2020. And it will work, again. Because the vast majority are just too stupid to learn.

If all my neighbours and a great part of BC were able to vote, they’d vote for her. Just as they voted for Turdeau. They are that brainwashed.

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