Meaningless psychobabble is the appropriate answer on Oprah.

There are women who watched that interview and said, "Wow, that's deep."

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Sep 20Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

She's just really really dumb, I think. Relies on the teleprompter as much as Biden without his mental constraints lol. And when she gives anything unscripted, it's just a unintelligible babble..

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I thought she was just awkward for the last three years.

I’ve revised my opinion and now I also think she’s just legit dumb.

It’s not that hard for someone who can read and memorize stuff to pass the bar exam.

Kamala reminds me of some of the upper-middle-class kids at my high school whose parents spent a ton of money on private tutors, SAT prep, etc and then they still barely broke 1000 out of a max score of 1600 because mom couldn’t take the test for them.

Kamala failed her bar exam the first time she took it. She’s just a dumbfuck who’s gotten this far because she’s got powerful friends and sponsors.

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Sep 21Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I am so glad you mentioned the “cluster B” in Kamala. She definitely has a histrionic type personality topped with narcissism. How do I know this? I grew up with a mother who babbled incessantly and there was no substance to most anything she said. Kamala Harris is another puppet and it’s difficult to watch this unfold and what it will mean for our country.

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Good evening Mary, you see her with keen eyes. Can you imagine how she will perform over 4 years of a presidency? Or even worse 8? The White House will have to be cordoned off as a Cluster B Zone. She will go through staffers by the thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands over four years. 😂

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Well that's one solution to an entrenched bureaucracy.

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Sep 21Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

You are so correct! I wish more could recognize this woman has a personality disorder and—she’s dangerous too. I’m just saddened by the stupidity of the people (and I know some personally) who will vote for her. There are so many oddities she displays and as time goes on she seems to be “devolving”. I personally could almost see her having some type of breakdown if she’s elected. They cannot hide who they truly are. Afflicted.

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Sep 21·edited Sep 21Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Can you imagine having to listen to 4 years of this nasal, whining HR boozebag cackling and talking about how great she is while there are multiple wars going on and the cost of living gets worse as we are swamped with even more illegals? I guess that's why they keep trying to knock off Trump, she needs all the help she can get. The usual tactics of dead people voting, ballot stuffing, gaslighting, propaganda and millions of newly arrived "voters" might not even be enough to win with such a knucklehead.

Brown Hillary is a huge bimbo and a phony and in no way should be the President. Even in Clown World. In fact, there ought to be a law to prevent such a person from ever attaining political power over other people.

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Now now, give Hillary her due. She is evil, but she is not anywhere near as stupid as Kamala.

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21 hrs agoLiked by Morgthorak the Undead

This is true.

But they do rival one another for being hard to like, look at, or listen to for any length of time

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Sep 21Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

We love our country, says Kamala, even as the borders are wide open and criminals walk across to deliver drugs, take over apartment complexes, and rape young women.

They don't love the country, they love power.

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Indeed, she is such a liar and she is not even a good one. Bill Clinton could lie like nobody else and get away with it, but she is not remotely in his league.

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It makes even more sense once you realize that they actively hate anyone not on board with their insanity. That the majority of what they do/allow to happen to this nation (and the West) is cruelly punitive among other things.

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Sep 21·edited Sep 21Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

There is no amount of money you could pay me, that would interest me in sitting through a full interview of Camal Toe, and Oprawhore. I don't know how you do it. I swear watching that interview would make my balls hurt.

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OMG a female Turdo! Can’t stomach listening to either one of them. Pure verbal diarrhea.

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Sep 21Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Two idiotic DEI hires

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12 hrs agoLiked by Morgthorak the Undead

Harris is the phoniest candidate I have ever seen.

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Sep 21Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

She is a lying crock. If Trump did in fact call Congress to kill the border bill the Democrats hold the Senate majority and still could have got it passed. There is too much money being made from this open border is the real problem. We left Afghanistan because Fentanyl replaced Heroin. 70k c are dying from overdoses each year. Obama allegedly told Fauci to stop gain of function research on deadly viruses so he sent it to China. I believe the Democrats are responsible for the unleashing of Covid. If she is selected as POTUS because she wont win fairly her and Walz will suspend Amendments 1 & 2. They recently had Totalitarian UK PM Starmer meet with Biden about shooting missiles at Russia and the EU has agreed to go to war with Russia as well. Trump is standing in the way of the Globalists Agenda so they cannot have this. Then Trump says no CBDC if he is chosen. He should not say these things because Biden has the Fed working on this right now. She was widely unpopular and now viewed as a star. When MSNBC asked her if he had been to the border she said, not today. She also said she has not been to Paris yet either. Before Biden was forcibly ousted out of the race they were looking to replace her. She is the useful idiot for all the UN/WHO/WEF agendas. The WHO Pandemic Treaty failed but now the UN is attempting another power grab which would remove sovereignty from all member state countries which are basically every one which will bring about the NWO they have been planning for decades.

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She’s had two successful public appearances in which she was required to speak. Her convention speech, and the debate. Both in retrospect were purely canned speeches practiced in advance.

It’s taken me so long to wrap my head around how deep down bone stupid she is. You assume that someone who has been a prosecutor and a senator and the VP has at least average intelligence. Or within a Biden of average, at least.

You can see the fear in her eyes and then she just starts talking and waving her hands and it’s as if she’s looking for a quota of 500 words so she can stop. And she ALWAYS loses the map and forgets to try to answer the question.

I’ve seen the clips where she appears drunk, but the recent ones I’ve seen she appears sober. Maybe they are controlling her drinking but that takes away her crutch for her nervousness and just makes her even more panicked and lost.

What will they do? She’s an odds on favorite to win still. But those odds may not last if they let her do too many of these. The narrative is established now, every bad performance feeds into it.

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Sep 20Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

She had wireless earbud earrings during the debate. She'll never sound as good again without them. A speech does not count like an interview or debate. Actors should be able to read lines.

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Sep 21Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I think she has specific speeches, or parts of speeches, memorized and will just start reciting one of them when asked a question.

I don’t think it was earbuds, I think there was a talking horse in the audience and it would paw it’s hoof to tell Kamala which speech to use.

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What the fuck does she know about being an American us? She's a foreigner who isnt eligible to run for the office she is as per Constitutional grounds.

But then who the fuck am I? Just a native born American who knows a thing or two about our constitution. The way politicians work disgusts me.

Then again, this hasn't been the United States of America since 1814 so this is all theater to begin with.

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Sep 21Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Oprah sitting back watching her panicked flailing, she’s thinking: ”amateur..”

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20 hrs agoLiked by Morgthorak the Undead

I didn’t know Kamala had a Dirty Harry side😂

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23 hrs agoLiked by Morgthorak the Undead

Chalk up another vote for A. Still get those Substack voting problems :) That second clip was the longest three minutes of my life...I couldn't stand to watch the last one, it's too early. She looked and sounded spaced out, but as she always does, it's hard to say. Jeepers.

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I know what you mean, I must brace myself every time I click or tap the play button to hear her speak. It is like nails down a chalk board!

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Each time Trump or one of his supporters goes on with bullshit like Haitians eating cats or Venezuelan rape gangs roving Democrat-controlled cities, voters forget about Kamala's latest word salad.

Each time Harris word salads her way through a speech or interview, voters forget about Trump's latest carnival barking absurdity.

It seems that Harris' best hope of winning the election is Trump, and Trump's is Harris. Which one will fuck up worse? That is the question.

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We know the answer.

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