Ketanji Jackson: Woke communist
Some people are shocked by Jackson's recent comments about censorship and free speech, but they shouldn't be because she is a woke communist
The Supreme Court is hearing oral arguments in Murthy versus Missouri, and some of the remarks of Ketanji Jackson have freaked people out, including Matt Taibbi.
Here’s a quote from Jackson posted in his recent article about the court hearing:
JACKSON: So my biggest concern is that your view has the First Amendment hamstringing the government in significant ways in the most important time periods…
Can you help me? Because I’m really — I’m really worried about that because you’ve got the First Amendment operating in an environment of threatening circumstances from the government’s perspective, and you’re saying that the government can’t interact with the source of those problems.
And these were Matt’s first three paragraphs after that quote from Jackson:
“Can you help me?” Yes, I would love to help you, Justice Jackson, to a less challenging line of work… Hamstringing the government, Good God!
That a line about “the First Amendment hamstringing the government” was uttered by one Supreme Court Justice is astonishing enough. Listening as none of the other eight pointed out that the entire purpose of the First Amendment is to “hamstring” government from interfering in speech was like watching someone drive a tank back and forth over Old Yeller. I needed a bite-stick by the end of the hearing.
A lot of us who’ve spent the last years working to expose the federal government’s myriad new content control bureaucracies had high hopes this case might stop some of the bleeding on the civil liberties front. After listening to Jackson’s “Can you help me?” rant, the game seems up (at least for now) at the judicial level.
I’m forced to ask a simple question: Why is what she said surprising to anyone? Jackson is a woke communist, and has been one her entire career. She should never have been put on the court, but that is beside the point now. She’s there, and she’s going to be there for a very long time.
Remember that these commies are motivated by their ideology to seek power, and the government is the biggest and most powerful institution in the country. Of course, she is going to take the side of the government, and her remarks are going to focus on the power that she thinks the government should have; she certainly isn’t going to give a damn anyone’s individual right to free speech.
Free speech, as you already know, is incredibly dangerous to woke communism. Allowing people to speak freely and without fear opens the door to that evil ideology being mocked, laughed at, and torn apart by logic and reason. This the commies, including Jackson, cannot and will not allow. It is a threat to their power, and power is everything to them.
I have a lot of respect for Matt Taibbi and also for Glen Greenwald, but both of them still do not understand woke communism. To me, they both sound like naive waifs who still do not understand that woke communism is evil to the core, and that everything Jackson said should not come as a surprise to anyone because she is a woke communist.
Wake up, guys. Please, wake up, understand who and what these people are, and stop being surprised when they reveal themselves. They are not "liberals,” and it’s about time people started to understand that and stopped being surprised by anything the woke commies say or do.
I think that in the case of Matt Taibbi, his problem is that he is an old-time liberal who believes that he can reason with people that he perceives to be roughly on the same side as him politically, but who have gone awry in one way or another. So he is shocked when someone like Jackson reveals her inner self, as she did in that court hearing.
I wonder: How long will it take for these old-time liberals like Taibbi to wake up and realize that they are dealing with woke communists? I underscore the word “communists” here. These people are totalitarians, and if they are left unchallenged and unchecked, they will institute another communist chamber of horrors in the West.
They have already caused an enormous amount of damage to Western Civilization. Institutions, media, history, art, and society itself have all suffered incalculable damage caused by people like Jackson. Imagine what our society would be like if woke communism had been stopped in the days when it was still incubating inside the indoctrination centers (universities). Much evil could have been averted entirely, and our society would be much better than it is right now.
But the commies are only getting warmed up; they are nowhere near done yet. Their problem right now is that they still don’t have enough power to implement their nightmare vision in the West. In order to implement their hellish utopian vision, they need to first have total control of our society. They do not have that kind of power…yet. There are still too many who oppose them, and they know it.
But they are always seeking more power. More power for themselves, and none for anyone who opposes them. That is their nature, and people had better wake up and realize it. They infiltrate every institution, hobby, group, and company, and then they worm their way into positions of power and drive out anyone who opposes them. They have done this over and over again, and that is why we are in the situation we are in right now.
The woke communists are playing for keeps, Matt, and free speech is just one of the things they want to take away; there will be many more after that until they achieve total power.
What then? Let us hope that we never find out.
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Woman: an adult human female
Fast forward 10 years: “Constitution is racist so we will stand against it”.