Very true, you have to wonder if she thought it was all worth it at the end of her life. She might have married someone else and had a quiet life, out of the public eye, with privacy and a very normal situation. Instead, she married him and ended up in Dallas, and then was hunted by paparazzi scum until the end of her days. Not a very happy life if you ask me.
From what I recall, at one point Jackie was so (justifiably) fed up with her marital situation that she discussed with Kennedy patriarch, Joe, her throwing in the towel and divorcing Jack.
I think that Joe understood Jackie’s point-of-view entirely and thus, offered her a very generous bribe to carry on as if nothing were amiss.
In a twisted way, Joe understood women and was kinder to women than Jack ever was…and I’m being exceedingly (likely undeservedly) generous to Joe in this instance, in order to point out the contrast with Jack.
Due to his complete lack of understanding toward Jackie, my opinion is that Jack leaned more gay than bisexual. I don’t think he had any respect for or felt any empathy toward women at all. It simply wasn’t on his radar as something essential or required of him as a husband and father.
I’m certain Jackie’s horse farm and equestrian pursuits were a welcome distraction from her sham of a marriage. Living under the same roof as her husband’s gay lover must have been excruciating for her, especially with the press and the glaring spotlight of media attention just steps away from her family apartment at the White House.
Joe Kennedy Sr. was himself a serial adulterer, but by all accounts, he was extremely generous towards Rose. Her husband’s infidelity was a public humiliation for Rose, no doubt, but not unprecedented by any means. Other women among her peers endured similar trials and tribulations.
It’s quite another thing for a stunningly beautiful and fashionable young woman like Jackie to endure the vicious gossip of the political class who likely mocked her for marrying such a faithless man - one who not only did not prefer her above all others, but did not even prefer her gender. Women can be tremendously cruel in that way. Such an ordeal must have inflicted a sharp sting on Jackie’s self-esteem.
That’s a different level of public humiliation entirely. I imagine that, behind the scenes, Jackie was probably severely mistreated by both the Kennedys and her social set, yet expected to hold her head high in all circumstances.
Understood in that context, it’s not surprising that Jackie made a beeline for Onassis and Greece as a gargantuan FUCK YOU‼️ to them ALL.
It also makes sense why in the latter years of her life she chose to distance herself from all things Kennedy and strived to keep her two children as far away from the influence of the clan as possible.
In the end, no one understood better the Kennedy curse than Jacqueline Bouvier.
Excellent comment, I believe you summed up Jackie and her life very well indeed! It's hard to argue with your thesis here, I think you are likely very right about all of it.
Yes, I remember Drudge breaking the story but I cannot recall them covering it up before he released the info. Did they know about it before Drudge? Or did they run with it after he published it? I cannot remember the details. I might have goofed in the article if they knew about it beforehand. 🤔
Yeah, it's been a while, it happened almost 30 years ago. Google " Clinton coverup by Newsweek Monica Lewinsky". This happened in 1998. (The Drudge expose that is.) Actually, I think Matt Drudge exposing the Lewinsky sex scandal is what made The Drudge Report bigtime and Drudge a household name. Drudge became the alternative media along with Rush Limbaugh. I do remember Newsweek's editor hemming and hawing on radio how they wanted to be sure they weren't publishing disinformation if that was even a word back then.
That’s a good point, it was a very long time ago. I think you’re right about Newsweek too, now that I think about it. I had forgotten the details of that scandal. Thanks for mentioning it in the comments. 👍🏻
I prefer to take these situations one at a time, and make up my mind based on the evidence available. I do not agree that it's just a matter of retroactively, falsely labeling people. Human behavior is often complex and much is hidden from the public.
Regarding sodomy, that word can be applied to heterosexual as well as homosexual behavior involving oral or anal sex. A more accurate variation of the word in this situation would be "homo-sodomy" since we are talking about two men. However, I do not doubt that JFK engaged in such behavior with women at times too.
Examine the history of their relationship for yourself, Tony. If you believe there was nothing sexual involved, then so be it. But I disagree based on what I've read about all of it. I think you have to put on some serious blinders to believe otherwise.
I do not think there are photos or videos of them having sex, if that's the kind of evidence you are looking for, but it seems clear to me that their friendship also had a sexual element to it. All of it happened a very long time ago, in a very different time, so concealing it from public knowledge was certainly necessary to protect JFK's political viability.
Also, see the update I posted at the bottom of the article about labels. That might clarify some of it for you too since it is a mistake to label JFK as "gay" without understanding the use of that word and how it applied in this article.
You are certainly jumping to conclusions here and you know it. There is so much more evidence that could be made available to conclude an intimate relationship between the 2 besides what you provide and it doesn’t have to be pictures or videos. You run the risk of ruining your reputation for discerning bs if you make this conclusion. It’s a “tabloid take” to be sure. Come on. You’re better than this.
"JFK's gay boyfriend," quite the stretch. Was JFK gay (whatever innuendo the label carries)? I don't know, but I assume he was not. I will always assume that a guy is not gay unless he explicitly says so.
In high school I had a very effeminate friend—and I mean VERY effeminate. To this day I don't know if he is gay; I have never seen him show any sexual interest in either men or women. I hung out a lot with him. Why would people assume that makes me gay? I am not.
I met my best friend in university. We were soulmates then, extremely close (not so much now, though). Male bonding is a thing. Sometimes we even told people we were a gay couple just to mess with them. It was a joke—we were not. We were chasing women like rabid dogs. So, things can give the wrong impression.
Also, to attach sexual connotations to everything is a feminine trait. "These guys are too close, they must be gay" is something a woman would say.
Again, was JFK gay? I don't know. But first, I don't care. Second, I give him the benefit of the doubt—I assume he was not.
Very believable indeed Morgthorak. As to Clinton - the Lewinsky affair may have blown up in Clinton's face but that was only after he blew in her face!
Jacqueline Bouvier put up with a lot of shit from the vile Kennedys. I don’t think we’ve learned even half of it.
Very true, you have to wonder if she thought it was all worth it at the end of her life. She might have married someone else and had a quiet life, out of the public eye, with privacy and a very normal situation. Instead, she married him and ended up in Dallas, and then was hunted by paparazzi scum until the end of her days. Not a very happy life if you ask me.
From what I recall, at one point Jackie was so (justifiably) fed up with her marital situation that she discussed with Kennedy patriarch, Joe, her throwing in the towel and divorcing Jack.
I think that Joe understood Jackie’s point-of-view entirely and thus, offered her a very generous bribe to carry on as if nothing were amiss.
In a twisted way, Joe understood women and was kinder to women than Jack ever was…and I’m being exceedingly (likely undeservedly) generous to Joe in this instance, in order to point out the contrast with Jack.
Due to his complete lack of understanding toward Jackie, my opinion is that Jack leaned more gay than bisexual. I don’t think he had any respect for or felt any empathy toward women at all. It simply wasn’t on his radar as something essential or required of him as a husband and father.
I’m certain Jackie’s horse farm and equestrian pursuits were a welcome distraction from her sham of a marriage. Living under the same roof as her husband’s gay lover must have been excruciating for her, especially with the press and the glaring spotlight of media attention just steps away from her family apartment at the White House.
Joe Kennedy Sr. was himself a serial adulterer, but by all accounts, he was extremely generous towards Rose. Her husband’s infidelity was a public humiliation for Rose, no doubt, but not unprecedented by any means. Other women among her peers endured similar trials and tribulations.
It’s quite another thing for a stunningly beautiful and fashionable young woman like Jackie to endure the vicious gossip of the political class who likely mocked her for marrying such a faithless man - one who not only did not prefer her above all others, but did not even prefer her gender. Women can be tremendously cruel in that way. Such an ordeal must have inflicted a sharp sting on Jackie’s self-esteem.
That’s a different level of public humiliation entirely. I imagine that, behind the scenes, Jackie was probably severely mistreated by both the Kennedys and her social set, yet expected to hold her head high in all circumstances.
Understood in that context, it’s not surprising that Jackie made a beeline for Onassis and Greece as a gargantuan FUCK YOU‼️ to them ALL.
It also makes sense why in the latter years of her life she chose to distance herself from all things Kennedy and strived to keep her two children as far away from the influence of the clan as possible.
In the end, no one understood better the Kennedy curse than Jacqueline Bouvier.
Excellent comment, I believe you summed up Jackie and her life very well indeed! It's hard to argue with your thesis here, I think you are likely very right about all of it.
We’ll probably never know. Generally speaking, this sort of suffering is PRIVATE pain.
Someone like Jackie would never have dreamed of writing a tell-all book (despite working in publishing).
Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky was covered up by the media until Matt Drudge exposed it.
Yes, I remember Drudge breaking the story but I cannot recall them covering it up before he released the info. Did they know about it before Drudge? Or did they run with it after he published it? I cannot remember the details. I might have goofed in the article if they knew about it beforehand. 🤔
Yeah, it's been a while, it happened almost 30 years ago. Google " Clinton coverup by Newsweek Monica Lewinsky". This happened in 1998. (The Drudge expose that is.) Actually, I think Matt Drudge exposing the Lewinsky sex scandal is what made The Drudge Report bigtime and Drudge a household name. Drudge became the alternative media along with Rush Limbaugh. I do remember Newsweek's editor hemming and hawing on radio how they wanted to be sure they weren't publishing disinformation if that was even a word back then.
That’s a good point, it was a very long time ago. I think you’re right about Newsweek too, now that I think about it. I had forgotten the details of that scandal. Thanks for mentioning it in the comments. 👍🏻
If I ever hear of a famous and powerful man who was not retroactively called a sodomite by moderns, I'll eat my hat.
I prefer to take these situations one at a time, and make up my mind based on the evidence available. I do not agree that it's just a matter of retroactively, falsely labeling people. Human behavior is often complex and much is hidden from the public.
Regarding sodomy, that word can be applied to heterosexual as well as homosexual behavior involving oral or anal sex. A more accurate variation of the word in this situation would be "homo-sodomy" since we are talking about two men. However, I do not doubt that JFK engaged in such behavior with women at times too.
What evidence is there that they were gay lovers besides innuendo and rumor?
Examine the history of their relationship for yourself, Tony. If you believe there was nothing sexual involved, then so be it. But I disagree based on what I've read about all of it. I think you have to put on some serious blinders to believe otherwise.
I do not think there are photos or videos of them having sex, if that's the kind of evidence you are looking for, but it seems clear to me that their friendship also had a sexual element to it. All of it happened a very long time ago, in a very different time, so concealing it from public knowledge was certainly necessary to protect JFK's political viability.
Also, see the update I posted at the bottom of the article about labels. That might clarify some of it for you too since it is a mistake to label JFK as "gay" without understanding the use of that word and how it applied in this article.
You are certainly jumping to conclusions here and you know it. There is so much more evidence that could be made available to conclude an intimate relationship between the 2 besides what you provide and it doesn’t have to be pictures or videos. You run the risk of ruining your reputation for discerning bs if you make this conclusion. It’s a “tabloid take” to be sure. Come on. You’re better than this.
"JFK's gay boyfriend," quite the stretch. Was JFK gay (whatever innuendo the label carries)? I don't know, but I assume he was not. I will always assume that a guy is not gay unless he explicitly says so.
In high school I had a very effeminate friend—and I mean VERY effeminate. To this day I don't know if he is gay; I have never seen him show any sexual interest in either men or women. I hung out a lot with him. Why would people assume that makes me gay? I am not.
I met my best friend in university. We were soulmates then, extremely close (not so much now, though). Male bonding is a thing. Sometimes we even told people we were a gay couple just to mess with them. It was a joke—we were not. We were chasing women like rabid dogs. So, things can give the wrong impression.
Also, to attach sexual connotations to everything is a feminine trait. "These guys are too close, they must be gay" is something a woman would say.
Again, was JFK gay? I don't know. But first, I don't care. Second, I give him the benefit of the doubt—I assume he was not.
Are you really sure Lem Billings was single? Maybe he was a bit of a womanizer like Jack and just never settled down.
Bill Clinton’s affair with Lewinsky was a clear honey pot.
When I was young it was often said - “ If you can’t get a girl get a Choatey. “
Very believable indeed Morgthorak. As to Clinton - the Lewinsky affair may have blown up in Clinton's face but that was only after he blew in her face!