Luke Skywalker is not gay; Mark Hamill is a woke mental case
Mark Hamill drags Star Wars and Luke Skywalker down into the woke gutter once again. 🙄
I remember when the first Star Wars movie was released in movie theaters. I was a boy back then, and I was overwhelmed by all of it. Like so many other Gen X boys, I immediately became a fan of Star Wars. I remember seeing The Empire Strikes back at a drive-in on a huge screen, and it was almost overwhelming to me. Then, when Return of the Jedi came out, I was an adolescent, and I saw that film 8 or 9 times in the movie theater.
Luke Skywalker was my favorite character in Star Wars. I liked Han, Chewie, Lando, the Droids, and other characters. But Luke was my favorite because Luke was me. I imagined what it would be like to be a Jedi, fighting evil and having the power of the Force at my command. In other words, I was a nerd, and Star Wars was created for boys and adolescents like me.
Fast-forward 40 years, and the Star Wars franchise is a train wreck. Woke scum like Kathleen Kennedy have completely destroyed it. The character of Luke Skywalker was desecrated in her movies, and now the idiot actor that played Luke Skywalker - Mark Hamill - has doubled down on his stupidity and given an interview with Vanity Fair suggesting that Luke might be gay if a fan wants him to be:
Mark Hamill is a woke mental case, and has been for many years. But what he is suggesting here is a blatant lie about Luke Skywalker. In the Empire Strike Back, before Luke knows that Leia is his sister, she kisses him to make Han jealous. But did you know that there was more to that scene? Oh yes, my friends, part of the scene was never released in the movie.
In the deleted scene, it was Luke who moved to kiss Leia before being interrupted by the droids:
Why do I mention all of this? Well, there is very little in the Star Wars movies, except the scene in The Empire Strikes Back above, to demonstrate Luke’s sexual preference. But what is available suggests that he was interested in women, not other men. If he had been interested in men, it is likely he would have tried to kiss Han or some other man instead of Leia. Yet there was no hint of that whatsoever in any of the three original Star Wars films.
So what Mark Hamill said about Luke is a woke lie. Like so many other woke lies, it is a blatant attempt to rewrite reality to fit whatever distorted or weird thoughts people have in their minds. You see this exemplified by the Troon Cult’s attempt to convince people that men can become women and vice versa. That too is a lie, pushed by the woke mental cases in a blatant attempt to change reality. In Hamill’s case, his lie is a terrible lie because it encourages some Star Wars fans to engage in delusions by denying the truth about Luke’s sexuality.
In the case of Luke Skywalker, it is obvious that he is sexually attracted to women, not to men. After the scene in The Empire Strikes Back, Luke focuses on his Jedi training and then becomes asexual for the rest of the series. We never see him attempt to have a relationship with another woman, which makes sense for this story since he’s on a hero’s journey and a romance between Luke and another woman would have just slowed the pace of the story and bogged it down in unnecessary romantic claptrap.
It is necessary to point all of this out, however. Otherwise, Mark Hamill gets away with falsely saying that Luke might be gay. It just isn’t there in the story as it was written, and to suggest otherwise is a lie. Star Wars isn’t the first time this sort of gay-washing has been tried, however. There is another franchise where the exact same thing has been attempted many times, but it has always failed: The Lord of the Rings.
In the Lord of the Rings, Frodo and Sam share a deep bond of love. But it is not romantic or sexual love. It is the love of two comrades, forced to walk into almost certain death in the land of the enemy, far away from any help. The two of them have only each other to rely on, and thus theirs is a bond of shared hardship and trauma. If Frodo had gone alone into Mordor, the quest would have failed. It was only Sam’s presence that insured it had a chance to succeed, so the two of them needed each other to have any chance to destroy the ring.
Many woke morons have tried to suggest that there was some sort of romance between Sam and Frodo. Unfortunately for them, J.R.R. Tolkien anticipated such lies and wrote Rosie into the story as Sam’s romantic and sexual love interest. At the end of the Return of the King, Frodo goes into the West to heal from his wounds, and Sam returns to the Shire to live with Rosie and his children, and that is how the Return of the King ends.
Later, after Rosie grows old and dies, and Sam’s children are all grown up, he too leaves the Shire and follows Frodo into the West. That was Sam’s right because he too was a ringbearer, even if just for a little while. See the appendices in the Return of the King for all of this. Sam still loved his friend Frodo, and once Rosie had passed, he left the Shire and never returned. So we see that Sam’s romantic and sexual life played out with Rosie, and when it was all done and he was old, he passed into the West to finish his days with Frodo.
Thank goodness that J.R.R. Tolkien had the foresight to put Rosie into the Lord of the Rings books. Say what you will about Tolkien; he knew exactly what he was doing, and it has worked beautifully to refute any attempts by the woke mob to falsely define Sam and Frodo’s friendship. Sam and Frodo’s non-sexual and non-romantic love for each other still shines like a bright, beautiful beacon of light in the woke darkness.
As far as Star Wars goes, it too has proof that Luke Skywalker was not gay. George Lucas didn’t have a Rosie to put into the films, but it is clear to anyone who isn’t infected with the woke mind virus that Luke Skywalker was not gay and that any suggestion to the contrary is simply a woke delusion. It doesn’t matter if it’s Hamill or some unknown Star Wars fan who lies about it: Luke Skywalker was not gay. The deleted scene alone proves it beyond the shadow of any doubt cast by woke retards like Hamill.
Mark Hamill did a good job playing the role of Luke Skywalker in the first three films. I will give him that, and I thank him for his contribution. But over the last 40 years, we can see the devastation wrought in his mind by the woke virus. There is precious little left of the young man who played Luke Skywalker. Instead, what we have with Hamill is a worn-out, dried-up husk of a man who lost his mind a long time ago.
There will be no recovery from the woke mind virus for Mark Hamill. There are chains stronger than the strongest iron that were forged in his mind by the woke communists, and he will never be able to break them. He lives a life of delusion, like so many of the woke mental cases. In that sense, he is trapped in a mental prison that he will never be able to escape. He will spend the rest of his life that way, and he has only himself to blame for all of it. He allowed the woke ideology to take over his mind, and now there is no way out for him.
We should pity Mark Hamill, but we should never let him get away with his lies about Luke Skywalker or anything else.
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Mark Hamill is certifiable! And I mean literally, the dude is batshit insane. He's a poster child for "liberalism is a mental disorder". Fame, when bestowed on the wrong people, can make them lose their grip on reality.
Tipped you for this article and as thanks for the pay in crypto idea.