Mark Hamill is certifiable! And I mean literally, the dude is batshit insane. He's a poster child for "liberalism is a mental disorder". Fame, when bestowed on the wrong people, can make them lose their grip on reality.
Very true, plus he has been in LA/Hollywood his entire life and that place has never been worse than it is right now. Even with a lot of the city being burned down, most of them will cling to their woke delusions. I have very little hope they will ever change. Maybe when the entire city is burnt to the ground in a future fire.
I think they need to make crypto easier to use. Perhaps if Substack added a built-in tip option that included crypto? Something to make it very simple for those who might not know much about it.
Well, that fact of the matter is that there is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER to suggest that he is gay. If there had been, I would have included it in my article. But this always the way with the woke crazies, they simply want things to be the way they want them, even if all of the facts suggest the exact opposite.
He lost his mind a long time ago, check out his X page if you want to see the receipts. He doesn't seem to be posting there any more, I think he left for BlueSky. Once Trump won, Hamill seemed to retreat away from X.
Yep, these people cannot handle someone else’s opinion at all. They made themselves so vulnerable by being offended by everything. I used to say this when the Z kids were in elementary. They were always whining because the teachers taught them to say. “ I don’t like that.” if anybody looked at them wrong So the teacher used to reward the kids who were the biggest whiners. We are not surprised now.
In the post StarWars novels, which would have been ok’d by George Lucas, Luke marries Mara Jade and they have children. Further evidence Luke was never meant to be a gay character.
Of course Disney walked away from all of this history, turning Luke into a frightened hermit instead of a Jedi Master, but even still, he was a loner, no male partners around. I would bet Mark Hamill knows this, but panders to his base of woke fans telling them what they want to hear. He was even quoted as being dissatisfied at the direction the studio took Luke in the second movie “last Jedi.” OTOH, his deranged TDS rants make me wonder if he didn’t in fact drink the Disney Kennedy koolaide, and actually believes this bullshit.
Once again, this is Mark’s/the left’s/the delusion’s constant search and need for validation.
Slightly off topic, I will never forget the canceled Dr. Phil episode where Matt Walsh went back and forth with a guy claiming to be a trans woman, whom Matt extracted a statement, “I am a woman because people say that I am.”
This is Mark Hamil doing the same thing. He’s placating the woke left’s insecurities that, from the very beginning, they have never been able to hide.
I’ll get off my soapbox. Thank you, Morgthorak, and everyone.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Patrick. Yes, he's definitely pandering to virtue signal. But that shows you how he is trapped in the past. The country is moving on from the last ten year's of woke tyranny, but Hamill still thinks he's doing the right thing. 🙄
Star Wars was probably the first Western movie I watched released in the theaters when the Iron Curtain fell. Fuck these woke commies and their degenerate delusions.
I hope you enjoyed it, and the other two movies. I loved them before Disney destroyed the franchise completely. I cannot watch any of them now because I know what happened to the characters later. The whole thing was just ruined beyond repair. Same for Star Trek.
Me watching the crappy Disney first new so called SW movie was the major catalyst which made me write and publish my Starshatter space opera series. It was so bad, I still remember the confused kids as their parents why they lied to them.
It was the most depressing thing ever when I stumbled upon Hamill's Twitter feed. He's a lunatic and his crazy only added to my sadness that my favourite franchise has been utterly ruined by K.K and Disney.
I'm a little older; I was in college when the first Star Wars came out and already a dedicated Trekkie, but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the first three films, even though I thought Return of the Jedi was mainly one long toy commercial.
Luke Skywalker gay? Forgive the Bidenism, but come on, man. I took my girlfriend at the time to see the Empire Strikes Back and afterwards we pretended to be Luke and Leia getting it on.
It wasn't like we knew they were siblings yet, because neither one of us were familiar with the books. I bet we weren't the only around 21 year-olds doing the same thing, either.
It is a damned shame that the two pinnacles of American sci-fi franchises, Star Trek and Star Wars, have BOTH been rendered completely unrecognizable by woke ideology, and is as sad as seeing Harrison Ford participate in the destruction of his own character in that last Raiders of the Lost Ark fiasco.
Your opening paragraph mirrors my Star Wars movie experience almost exactly. Especially that part about watching RotJ so many times that summer, i definitely did that. I remember when SW first came out, i went to the movies to see something, i don't know, Bambi or something, i was very young, but i DO remember when Chewie started howling in the SW trailer before the show i dove under the seats fearing for my very life!
However, i never liked Luke. I knew i was supposed to like him, but he seemed whiny and weak to me. Han Solo was definitely my favorite. Didn't like Leia either, never got why she was so popular. Didn't care for Threepio too much either (did anyone?).
Makes you wonder how deep the mind virus goes with Hamill. Personally, i would fully expect that he got the role because of his willingness to go along with the satanic Pedowood demands that it has always placed upon its actors and actresses. I bet they have stuff on him at a minimum, but he does seem to enjoy being a deviant. Mark has been damaged goods going ALL the way back in his career, that's how i see it.
I'm afraid it would be a little more intense than a "kiss." No true gay would stop there with Harrison Ford right in front of him, big as life (I said big).
Hamill is nuts, but he didn't actually say that "of course Luke is gay." What he said was that the audience is ultimately the final interpreter of the meaning of any given character or story.
I happen to strongly disagree with that theory of storytelling, but in the interest of accuracy, *that* was what he was saying.
Mark Hamill is certifiable! And I mean literally, the dude is batshit insane. He's a poster child for "liberalism is a mental disorder". Fame, when bestowed on the wrong people, can make them lose their grip on reality.
Very true, plus he has been in LA/Hollywood his entire life and that place has never been worse than it is right now. Even with a lot of the city being burned down, most of them will cling to their woke delusions. I have very little hope they will ever change. Maybe when the entire city is burnt to the ground in a future fire.
See- This crazy hapless dipshit can't even keep his pants on while on stage! he's got multiple screws loose!
Tipped you for this article and as thanks for the pay in crypto idea.
Thanks so much Centaur! I saw the tip. I haven't gotten a crypto tip in ages, I really appreciate it. 👍🏻
I'm surprised more people don't use crypto on Substack, but Buy Me A Coffee seems to be the preferred way to tip.
Gotta get these wordcels on the “hash”
I think they need to make crypto easier to use. Perhaps if Substack added a built-in tip option that included crypto? Something to make it very simple for those who might not know much about it.
The answer for this question is simple: Was Luke Skywalker abused sexually when he was a child? No? Then he is probably not gay.
Well, that fact of the matter is that there is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER to suggest that he is gay. If there had been, I would have included it in my article. But this always the way with the woke crazies, they simply want things to be the way they want them, even if all of the facts suggest the exact opposite.
In other words, they are nuts.
He does have some very very serious Daddy issues though. Maybe the blue milk he drank on Tatooine had hormone disruptors too.
Now I need a Rebel Alliance AJ screaming about how they're turning the space frogs gay with Atrazine Alien Milk!
Mark Hamill may have played Luke Skywalker, but he became the Joker. Batshit insane.
A fair assessment. Heh.
Meanwhile, in the extended universe (which is the real canon, gfy Disney), Luke eventually gets married to a hot redhead named Mara Jade.
A pity she wasn't in the movies. Would have been like Rosie in the Lord of the Rings.
I forget the details, but if I remember right she was the emperor's hand, his force sensitive personal assassin, and tried to kill Luke at least once.
It would have been a great plotline in the sequel trilogy.
Oh nice, an assassin! What's not to like about her? Good for Luke, she kept him on his toes for sure. Ha.
Mark Hamil is disgusting
He lost his mind a long time ago, check out his X page if you want to see the receipts. He doesn't seem to be posting there any more, I think he left for BlueSky. Once Trump won, Hamill seemed to retreat away from X.
Yep, these people cannot handle someone else’s opinion at all. They made themselves so vulnerable by being offended by everything. I used to say this when the Z kids were in elementary. They were always whining because the teachers taught them to say. “ I don’t like that.” if anybody looked at them wrong So the teacher used to reward the kids who were the biggest whiners. We are not surprised now.
In the post StarWars novels, which would have been ok’d by George Lucas, Luke marries Mara Jade and they have children. Further evidence Luke was never meant to be a gay character.
Of course Disney walked away from all of this history, turning Luke into a frightened hermit instead of a Jedi Master, but even still, he was a loner, no male partners around. I would bet Mark Hamill knows this, but panders to his base of woke fans telling them what they want to hear. He was even quoted as being dissatisfied at the direction the studio took Luke in the second movie “last Jedi.” OTOH, his deranged TDS rants make me wonder if he didn’t in fact drink the Disney Kennedy koolaide, and actually believes this bullshit.
Once again, this is Mark’s/the left’s/the delusion’s constant search and need for validation.
Slightly off topic, I will never forget the canceled Dr. Phil episode where Matt Walsh went back and forth with a guy claiming to be a trans woman, whom Matt extracted a statement, “I am a woman because people say that I am.”
This is Mark Hamil doing the same thing. He’s placating the woke left’s insecurities that, from the very beginning, they have never been able to hide.
I’ll get off my soapbox. Thank you, Morgthorak, and everyone.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Patrick. Yes, he's definitely pandering to virtue signal. But that shows you how he is trapped in the past. The country is moving on from the last ten year's of woke tyranny, but Hamill still thinks he's doing the right thing. 🙄
Star Wars was probably the first Western movie I watched released in the theaters when the Iron Curtain fell. Fuck these woke commies and their degenerate delusions.
I hope you enjoyed it, and the other two movies. I loved them before Disney destroyed the franchise completely. I cannot watch any of them now because I know what happened to the characters later. The whole thing was just ruined beyond repair. Same for Star Trek.
Both franchises are pure crap now.
Me watching the crappy Disney first new so called SW movie was the major catalyst which made me write and publish my Starshatter space opera series. It was so bad, I still remember the confused kids as their parents why they lied to them.
There’s a PRO segment that specifically BTFO Soy Wars and Soy Trek while sneaking in a Starshatter reference.
It was the most depressing thing ever when I stumbled upon Hamill's Twitter feed. He's a lunatic and his crazy only added to my sadness that my favourite franchise has been utterly ruined by K.K and Disney.
Yes, once you see his X page, you can't unsee it.
I'm a little older; I was in college when the first Star Wars came out and already a dedicated Trekkie, but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the first three films, even though I thought Return of the Jedi was mainly one long toy commercial.
Luke Skywalker gay? Forgive the Bidenism, but come on, man. I took my girlfriend at the time to see the Empire Strikes Back and afterwards we pretended to be Luke and Leia getting it on.
It wasn't like we knew they were siblings yet, because neither one of us were familiar with the books. I bet we weren't the only around 21 year-olds doing the same thing, either.
It is a damned shame that the two pinnacles of American sci-fi franchises, Star Trek and Star Wars, have BOTH been rendered completely unrecognizable by woke ideology, and is as sad as seeing Harrison Ford participate in the destruction of his own character in that last Raiders of the Lost Ark fiasco.
Very true, I cannot watch either franchise. Pure trash now. Just awful.
A shame, honestly though Hamill was not the best Luke actor ironically, as that role belongs to the guy who voiced him in the Jedi Knight series.
Whew! BK coming in with the hottest of hot takes on this one! :D I love it haha
lol thx
Your opening paragraph mirrors my Star Wars movie experience almost exactly. Especially that part about watching RotJ so many times that summer, i definitely did that. I remember when SW first came out, i went to the movies to see something, i don't know, Bambi or something, i was very young, but i DO remember when Chewie started howling in the SW trailer before the show i dove under the seats fearing for my very life!
However, i never liked Luke. I knew i was supposed to like him, but he seemed whiny and weak to me. Han Solo was definitely my favorite. Didn't like Leia either, never got why she was so popular. Didn't care for Threepio too much either (did anyone?).
Makes you wonder how deep the mind virus goes with Hamill. Personally, i would fully expect that he got the role because of his willingness to go along with the satanic Pedowood demands that it has always placed upon its actors and actresses. I bet they have stuff on him at a minimum, but he does seem to enjoy being a deviant. Mark has been damaged goods going ALL the way back in his career, that's how i see it.
I think Mark Hammil got hold of some moldy milk, and he lives on X.
Did you ever wonder why so many Hollywooders support the gay lifestyle?
I already know. The movie and music business is run by satanists. Sexual deviancy is how you join the club and get famous.
" it is likely he would have tried to kiss Han"
I'm afraid it would be a little more intense than a "kiss." No true gay would stop there with Harrison Ford right in front of him, big as life (I said big).
Hamill is nuts, but he didn't actually say that "of course Luke is gay." What he said was that the audience is ultimately the final interpreter of the meaning of any given character or story.
I happen to strongly disagree with that theory of storytelling, but in the interest of accuracy, *that* was what he was saying.