Neocon trash Bari Weiss attacks Trump
Israel-first fraud Bari Weiss is angry that Trump pulled Secret Service protection for John Bolton and other Neocons. Oh well, too bad, so sad! 🙄
A while back, I warned White males to beware of Bari Weiss. Bari Weiss is the editor of “The Free Press,” a Neocon propaganda rag. Weiss has tried to wrap herself in the US flag while blabbering about “protecting the West.” She and her fellow Israel-first frauds want a war with Iran on behalf of Israel, and they want White males to fight that war:
Ever since the October 7 attack on Israel by Hamas, we’ve been awash in propaganda of one kind or another. Both sides in that war have flooded social media with horrific images of dead bodies and stories of brutality, rape, and other atrocities. Sometimes such images appear on social media with no warning and can take the viewer by surprise.
Yet, there is another kind of propaganda that has also become rife in the West, and it is aimed squarely at White males. Barry Weiss, the editor of the Free Press, is one of the chief propagandists in this genre. She has made it her mission to push the Islamic Bogeyman narrative and to convince White males that the fate of Israel is the same as the fate of America.
Why would she do this? She is a Zionist Jew, so her real motive is the protection and well-being of Israel, not America. Toward that end, she will say anything she thinks can win people over to the cause of Israel. Zionists like her would like nothing better than to drag America into a war in the Middle East for the sake of Israel, and they do not care how many White American men would die in such a conflict.
Now, Weiss has once again shown her Neocon colors by attacking Trump for removing Secret Service protection for Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, and other Neocons:
Weiss wasn’t content with just blabbering on her X account; she used her Neocon propaganda rag “The Free Press” to publish an editorial attacking Trump:
Hanging these men out to dry is a petty, small-minded decision. But it isn't just that. It also does real harm to American interests. A country that sees its adversaries plotting violence against top officials and effectively says, “Go right ahead,” is a country encouraging more violence on our own soil.
The decision also disincentivizes good people from public service. The U.S. government offers talented people working on national security a simple guarantee. The hours will be long; the pay won’t be great. But in exchange for your hard work to keep Americans safe, we will make sure you are, too. Now Trump has reneged on that deal.
National security officials in the new administration will surely have noticed this news and must be asking themselves: If they won’t even protect a former secretary of state, what will happen to me?
The upshot is that questions of personal safety may now be weighing on national security decisions. In other words, the move gives effect to Iran’s assassin’s veto over American foreign policy. That is an intolerable state of affairs.
Let me be very blunt here: Weiss, Bolton, Pompeo, etc. wipe their asses with “America’s interests.” They are Neocons whose first loyalty is to Israel, and they obey the Israeli lobby in Washington, DC. None of them gives a damn about America or the people who live here, and all of them have tried very hard to push America into a war with Iran on behalf of Israel. Such a war would be a disaster for America and for Iran and the rest of the Middle East.
And who would be expected to fight such a war? It certainly wouldn’t be “diversity,” it would be White males. That is why I have warned over and over again that White males should stay out of the US military, even with Trump as president. Trump is a boomer, and that should tell you all you need to know about any kind of in-group preference on his part. That means that if he is drawn into a war with Iran on behalf of Israel, he won’t hesitate to use the White males in the US military as cannon fodder.
I say this to you as someone who voted for Trump each time he was on the ballot for president. Having him in office is a good thing, but that does not mean that you should trust him with your life if you were to enter the US military. The political pressures on Trump by the Israeli lobby and everyone associated with it are not to be underestimated. If Trump is somehow maneuvered into a war with Iran, you can bet that any White males in the military would be stuck fighting that war. They would have to fight, kill, and die (or be horribly wounded) for the benefit of a foreign country that has NOTHING to do with the West: Israel.
Bari Weiss is a Zionist propagandist of the first order, and everything she says should be carefully examined through the prism of her Israel-first loyalty. Israel, and Israel alone, is what she cares about, and she would be quite happy to expend the lives of White males if it meant securing the interests of Israel. Do not be one of those White males. Stay far away from the US military, and do not fall for Weiss’ manipulative propaganda and outright lies.
Personally, I have no beef with Iran. That country has never harmed me, nor is it a threat to the United States. It is far away, in an entirely different region. The Iranians are not plotting to invade the United States. Indeed, it is US meddling in the Middle East on behalf of Israel that has caused conflict. If the US did not support Israel, there would be little friction with Iran. I bear the people of Iran no ill will whatsoever, and it is up to them to change their government if they don’t like it. It is not the business of the US to try to do so on behalf of Israel.
I also remind all of you that the Iran of today is not the Iran of 1980. It is not a weak or backward country. It has hypersonic missiles and likely has sophisticated Russian air defense systems and other weapons. A war with Iran is not something to be taken lightly, and in such a war the US is likely to lose because Iran does not stand alone. Does anyone think that if the US attacks Iran on behalf of Israel, Russia or China will simply stand by and let Iran be destroyed? That assumes, of course, that the current US military is even capable of defeating Iran. Trump is president, but the US military is still the train wreck that it was under Joe Biden. It will take years for Trump’s changes to have a noticeable effect on the quality of the US military.
As far as Trump goes, he was right to remove Secret Service protection for Pompeo, Bolton and the rest of them. For many years, they all shot their mouths off about Iran while simultaneously doing everything they could to start a war with that country. They didn’t give a damn about how many White males and other human beings would be killed in such a war. They didn’t give a damn about anything except the twisted Zionist ideology that they believe in, and the US itself was never anything more than a weapon to use against Israel’s enemies. Not a single Neocon has ever cared about the White males who have already died fighting Israel’s wars in the Middle East, nor would they care if you were killed in a war against Iran.
Let the Neocons live with the consequences of their actions and ideology. Whatever happens between them and Iran is not my concern, nor should it be yours.
REMEMBER: When Bari Weiss says “America First,” what she really means is “Israel First.” Never trust a Neocon like Weiss, EVER.
I will close this article by repeating my warning again: White males, stay out of the US military. Do not be drawn into signing up by Pete Hegseth, Donald Trump, or anyone else. There are cloaked reasons why woke communism is now being rolled back by the real powers-that-be, and one of those reasons is to pave the way to get you back into fighting the empire’s wars. You are needed as cannon fodder for the next big war, and your refusal to sign up because of the woke crap has been noticed by those with power behind the scenes, and they are changing the conditions in the country to draw you back in.
Don’t believe me that you are being set up? Ask the White males who were horribly wounded or who came back suffering shell-shock from fighting in Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan if it was worth it to fight for the people who control this empire.
You cannot ask the White males who were killed in those wars because the dead are silent. 🪦
Stay out of the US military, White males!
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I remember in 2002 all the neocon shills like Bill Kristol, Charles Krauthammer, John Podhoretz, Ralph Peters, etc telling us we had to do something about Iraq and Saddam or he would use crop dusters to drop WMD on our heads. After 9/11 every country within spitting distance of Israel was a dire threat to America, the "allied" country who never lifted a finger to help us in any war.
I hope people aren't dumb enough to fall for the same shit, insert different country by latter day shills and Israel cheerleaders like Weiss and Shapiro.
To be frank I'd prefer Trump's cabinet picks were patriotic Americans without the Israel fixation. Those used to exist. But I guess who pays the piper calls the tune.