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I remember in 2002 all the neocon shills like Bill Kristol, Charles Krauthammer, John Podhoretz, Ralph Peters, etc telling us we had to do something about Iraq and Saddam or he would use crop dusters to drop WMD on our heads. After 9/11 every country within spitting distance of Israel was a dire threat to America, the "allied" country who never lifted a finger to help us in any war.

I hope people aren't dumb enough to fall for the same shit, insert different country by latter day shills and Israel cheerleaders like Weiss and Shapiro.

To be frank I'd prefer Trump's cabinet picks were patriotic Americans without the Israel fixation. Those used to exist. But I guess who pays the piper calls the tune.

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Israel will always get what they want under all US presidents , Congress .

It s best to focus on stopping , lessening J and other Neo Con war mongering against Russia also the J Neo cons and other Js work to replace Us on Europe , UK , Canada , here .

“ the plan “ as openly published in the Wall Street Journal by two Israeli MPs is to dump the remaining Palestinian Arabs on the West .

That s the plan .

Jews have a long long history working with Arabs , Muslims in Spain , Turkey to replace us , sell our girls in to White slavery to Muslim buyers .

The Spanish expelled the Jews from Spain or forced those Js who could stay to convert to Catholic Christianity under the Inquisition .

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I was all for the Free Press initially, then I began to notice Bari’s true colors shine through. First was her indignation over Musk censoring ( temporarily ) the idiots that doxxed his jet, then she pulled out of the Twitter files investigation. Seemed like a childish tantrum, rejecting one of the biggest opportunities for investigative journalism in years. Next, post Oct 7, Bari was all over social media shouting for basically all in military action in Gaza. It struck me as odd for someone who claims to be a journalist to take such a partisan stance with out investigating first. Lastly was calling Tulsi a tool of Assad on Joe Rogan without any proof whatsoever. Shameful. Hard to take her seriously anymore.

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that Weiss character doesn't seem to realize... rather than weakening America, Iran knocking off any of those stooges would /strengthen/ the country by getting rid of blatant corruption.

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The state of Israel has been on a mission to destroy every possible country that they see as a threat, Iraq Syria and Lebanon are a mess. Iran is the only one left relatively unscathed. And yes those countries have been at war with Israel at several points. However is “my holy book says it’s ours” a right to take over a nation and people that lived there before? And add to that most Jews living there are of European ancestry and are not Semitic. Putin and Netanyahu could be cousins for example.

Though if we are to be honest, most nations are created by force. Religion is just better PR. Also the psyop by Israel of allying the right wing Christians to the state of Israel is odd historically. Props to the likes of Ben Shapiro and Mossad for a job well done 🙄

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Bari Weiss is getting worse by the day. She has really unraveled and lost all sense of principle since the Oct. 7 attack. Too bad. She used to be a force for good. Now she’s just a shill for Israel.

I get incredibly annoyed by Zionists like her trying to co-opt the America First movement into an “Israel First” movement. Sorry Bari, we don’t care about Israel, or Iran, or Syria, or any other foreign nation. That’s why it’s called AMERICA first.

The contortions she uses to suggest that Trump’s actions are somehow endangering America are incredible. Yes, Bari, tell me more about how dangerous Iran is, that backwater nation that is thousands of miles away and can’t even hit Israel with a single rocket. SO SCARY.

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Damn Morgthorak. Salty for one so undead. I get being suspicious about the neocon contingent. After all how many Kansas farm boys died in the Bushie neocon nation building in Iraq? Or Afghanistan? Or Somalia? But Iran is bad to the bone and with nukes destabilizes the entire ME. And they will launch on Israel. I also get the Israelis don’t have angel wings. I should know. I married one. Nonetheless, Israel has no friends almost anywhere. Jew hate is celebrated today on every Ivy League campus. And their geographic enemies would genocide Israel in a heartbeat without US support. So no matter how distasteful the Iran Israel situation is a horse of a different color. We will pay directly even if no US boots hit the ground in this conflict.

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Regarding Iran, they know full well that Israel has nukes, so they are unlikely to launch their own at Israel in a first strike. Not to mention that if they did so, the reaction from the rest of the world - including Russia and China - would be catastrophic for Iran. And Iran would kill all of the Palestinians as well as the Israelis. The radiation unleashed would not recognize the differences between people, it would circulate throughout the Middle East.

Iran, BTW, already likely has nukes or has the capability to create them quickly if they need to do so. They are not the backward country they once were.

No, the US will not pay at all. Israel is like Ukraine: A foreign country. It is not nor should it have ever been the responsibility of the United States. If Israel is to remain in existence, it must stand on its own or it must fall. The US has no business supporting it just as it had no business supporting Ukraine.

In case you hadn't noticed, the empire has been circling the bowl for a while now. It is getting weaker and weaker, and Israel had better wake up to the fact and make alternative arrangements. A day is going to come when it will expect US support, but it won't be there because the empire itself will have hit bottom and collapsed. Trump will try to prop it up for a while longer, but it remains to be seen if his efforts will pay off or fail altogether.

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I'd love to see Israhell fall. that illegitimate settler "state" wouldn't even exist were it not for Rockefeller/UN/UK malfeasance culminating in the 1948 onwards massacre of Palestinians by European Ashkenazi "jews" (genetically non-semetic) to steal their land and resources.

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The amount you don’t understand about the ME is outweighed only by what you misunderstand about the ME. Let’s start with your ignorant use of the ‘settler state’ cant. Jews are the indigenous people of Israel, ruling in that area 1000 years before Mohamed ever got around to fucking his 9 yr old wife. And you really should do a little research about what really went down in 1948. Only G-d prevented a real genocide of the Jews, not by the Jews, that would have rivaled the Nazis. Islamic cultures are brutal, medieval, and backward. Quick test: if they are so worthy, why haven’t you lived there yet? I did for years. Not moving back if I can help. Only suicidal morons want to import any Muslim into their country if it’s not already majority Muslim

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Lol, there was a priest, one time who said

They are always talking about how Israel is the only one who’s not our enemy in the Middle East, but before Israel came to be, we had no enemies in the Middle East at all

He’s right

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"Settler state" is appropriate since a John Hopkins genetic study says 97.5% of today's Jews of Israel have no ancient Hewbrew DNA while Palestinians carry 80% of ancient Hebrew DNA.

Muslims wouldn't even be in America and Europe if it wasn't for largely bleeding heart HIAS types bringing them here after neocons bullshitted us into fighting their wars for them and destroying their countries.

If a war with Iran comes we can be sure of at least one thing: you and your ilk will sit on the sidelines cheerleading like you always do while white men do the fighting and dying.

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talk about lack of understanding, Dav, you're so full of feces they're spewing out of your language hole.

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I disagree with your circle the drain comments. The US is unique on the world stage. A single tech company in the US, NVidia, is worth more than the entire UK stock market. If you look at cultural orientation to growth and innovation, the US is unmatched by orders of magnitude compared to the rest of the world. China would still be using oxcarts if what they can’t steal wasn’t handed to them on a plate by the scum that constitute Wall Street and the Harvard Business School. Regardless, you ascribe rationality to a government run by 6th century Muslim religious fanatics. Rationality is only a small part of their decision process. That’s one area where your situational analysis is off course. The second area where you are off course is Islam. Islamic theology would fully support destruction of 3/4 of Earth’s population if it could be guaranteed the survivors would all be Muslim. All that modernism you ascribe to Iran is veneer.

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Nvidia's value is built upon an overinflated stock market that is going to implode at a point in the future. Much of the US's stock market is overinflated. Endless money printing is holding it all up, but that will end soon as well. The yield curve inversion has gone on for something like 789 days now and is uninverting. The last time a yield curve was inverted for this long was 1929. So, there is going to be a reckoning coming.

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I agree with NVidia valuation and we can monetize our deficit. Correction will happen, but if the pie can be substantively expanded with printing dollars, a 1929 correction could become a 1987 correction.

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We’re paying directly now by supporting them. Been paying for three decades at least. Time to be done.

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I think providing security details to bureaucrats, particularly ones who are quite wealthy from insider trading and grifting their bureaucratic power, is a bad idea outside of the cabinet secretaries, undersecretaries, and personnel on foreign missions where there may be a threat.

My stance is that it’s a slippery slope, and more and more bureaucrats and elected officials will clamor for permanent, expensive security details. What we could end up with are a bunch of ghouls who will be armoring the bubbles they already live in and distancing themselves even further from accountability for their actions.

Also, given the performance of the American government, I don’t believe it’s justified to spend money on these fucking buffoons. They certainly wouldn’t spend a dime to protect me or my family.

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Nails it

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The reality of the region is this. Iran has the technical kinetic capacity to both close the Straits of Hormuz and inflict significant damage to Saudi oil infrastructure. This would immediately collapse Western economies as global energy prices would skyrocket as 10 to 15% of global supply suddenly disappears. This has been the strategic counterbalance in the region since the original Desert Storm war exposed the significant risk in these scenarios, and Iranian missile and drone technology has improved 10X since those times.

As Thomas Sowell points out, there are no solutions, only trade offs to achieve an outcome. It will be an interesting tightrope for Secretary Rubio to walk to bring US interests in the region to a close so the Trump administration can keep its focus on the America First agenda. Unfortunately over the last 30 years there has been no daylight between US foreign and domestic policy, so we shall see how quickly Trump keeps these two policies from commingling again.

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Great work Morg! I really appreciate you and your work. I find I am really susceptible the programming of my youth. It’s hard to break free of the sirens songs. You consistently help keep me grounded and alert when I start sipping on the Ra-Ra- ‘murica koolaid I was raised on.

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Hope Trump doesn't take the bait and stays on course ignoring Iran and the ME. Don't see why anyone even takes interest in the region.

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