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Jan 23Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

As you said, DeSantis wasn’t ready for prime time. He does at least deserve some amount of respect for how he governed during the pandemic. If he can ditch the consultants and figure out how to loosen up and relate to people (or at least pretend to) he could be a competent and successful candidate down the road. Haley is just a complete shill and it’s very transparent. She will go nowhere and the sooner she is done the better

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DeSantis is the best, because he believes what he believes, and is true to it like a the beating heart of a fetus. Bad strategy, but he stands by it. No one candidate checks all the boxes, most of them will do not. Trump is going to reign over a shit show. Ron and Nikki could take the Obama/Biden DIE, WOKE, CLIMATE HOAX ET AL, AND FLUSH it DOWN THE SHITTER WHERE IT BELONGS. Using a gop Congress to empower the non-Biden agenda.

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Jan 23Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

The ultimate insult: As bad as Hillary...

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Very true. Hillary was awful, and so is Nimarata.

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Waterloo...love the Napoleon reference!! (and the political commentary too)

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I've loathed Horrendous Haley ever since she represented the Apartheid Terrorist state of Israhell at the U.N. - under the guise of U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Fellow ZioNeocon (and even more deranged) John Bolton also held that post.

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Oh great a Jew hater

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You didn't get the memo, you poor thing. That crap doesn't work any more. Karma coming for deranged Zionist Genocidal maniacs. So long ZioTurd!

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I bet you vision free speech in the insane asylum they call Iran. zio-turd lol

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Isn't Boeing the one with the recent Alaskan disaster? Is Haley connected to the disasters happening in that shit set of airliners?

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So you’d rather have Biden/Harris instead of Nikki because of a fucking Boeing door-she had nothing to do with.?

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Pardon? How did you get that out of my question? Are you demented or something? I'm not American, and think the US's only shot is Trump. Dunno what has you up in a tizzy about my statements.

Haley is unipartie, alors she's in with Biden & Harris.

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Seems untrustworthy. Well, I don't trust her.

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The best candidate is Ron DeSantis, I met him in NH and he was charming. I have a question. What personalty would you like him to be? Rhett Butler? Johnny Carson.? Ah let me think..........Edward G Robison? This is why we do not get the good leaders, cuz you want to be entertained.

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RemovedJan 23Liked by Morgthorak the Undead
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You and me both, brother, you and me both!

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