Jul 19Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

“Is it me, or have some of you noticed that some writers on Substack use 5,000 or 10,000 words to write something that could be covered with 500 or 1000?”

Preach!!!!!!!! Lots of authors here write like they want to be the next Tocqueville.

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Damn, I feel targeted I'll try to use less words hahaha

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You were not one of the writers I was referring to, so no worries.

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Jul 20Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

It's like they are being paid by the word but they aren't, 99% of concepts can be expressed in 1200 words, which is itself several typewritten pages.

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Jul 20Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I know who you are thinking of lol.

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I was joshing, hahaha I know you weren’t sorry I saw that bit and just could not help giggling about it. Sorry Morg for not taking it more seriously. We’re buddies, so I never doubted you. I just could not help but tease and joke, as my damsel essay got some pissed off at me which was annoying but then seeing that bit about stretching essays had me snorting my drink and laughing. As I've been caught thinking the same thing about some writers' I've found elsewhere.

I'd argue I'd give quite a bit for you to write longer stuff though Morg, you're DAMN GOOD at writing.

Speaking personally, I love your stuff as it equal parts gets laughs out of me, sighs of exasperation (at the Deep State) and also quite a bit of pondering. You've a real gift mon ami.

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Hahaha! Comment of the Day.

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Jul 19Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I agree, it was NOT incompetence!


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A) somebody dissed the Hulkster? Lemme at ‘im!

B) agree with overblown verbosity. If I need a thesaurus to read it, it ain’t worth it. Do they talk like that in real life? I don’t think so.

C) cranky. And I’m right there with ya.

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Oh yeah, and D) liking the journal idea

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The 80s, normal? The age of Reagan? Shee-it. That damned fool nearly got us nuked a couple of times. Tried to bring back 50s-style anti-communism too, but at least Reagan had some idea of what communism was, which many Americans now, including you, don't anymore.

Woke communism is a contradiction in terms, dude. These woke people, these Democrats, aren't communists. They're authoritarians who use some Stalinist tactics, but they are CAPITALIST. And private capitalists at that. They don't even believe in state ownership of capital, ie Soviet-style Communism, which means they cannot be communist by any accurate historical definition.

They just serve to clothe our current, predatory capitalist system in a cloak of many colors.

They're cultural authoritarians, trying to impose values designed to destroy both extended and nuclear families, because families, clans and such are potential threats to the power of global capitalism just like nationalism is. All loyalty must go to the global elites who only care about expanding their own wealth and power.

What these woke authoritarians have in common with the Soviets is that they like a tiny group of people making all the decisions, not only in the workplace but in government and culture as well. Of course you find that revolting, as do I. I think it makes you a normal human being.

It's the cultural bit that's so reminiscent of Stalinism. New Soviet Man, DEI, same propaganda techniques. Even their architecture reminds me of Soviet brutalism. I really can't blame you or anyone else for comparing them to that kind of authoritarian Communism.

Nice point on a lot of wordiness. As on Substack, so on political speeches. I didn't watch Trump's speech because this year the RNC speech didn't matter much, but 90 minutes is WAY too long. From what I've heard if he'd cut it off at the 15 minute mark he would have been fine.

Hell, Trump outdid Bill Clinton, and he was one longwinded SOB indeed.

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Jul 20·edited Jul 20Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

The first 15 or 20 minutes is worth watching, he talks about the shooting there. After that it gets a bit rambly...

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💯, and bullseye on the monstrous architecture.

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Jul 19Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

The woman worked at Home Depot, not Walmart.

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Jul 19Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Aside from that, I agree with you wholeheartedly.

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Jul 20Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

You're absolutely right about the Tsunami of words some authors increasingly apply on Substack. It's not to their best nor to the best of Substack. Because it consumes too much of the readers precious time. Goethe once ended a ten page letter to a friend with the phrase: "please excuse that I wrote such a long letter to you, I didn't have the time to write you a short one."

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Jul 20Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

You picked a bad time to go on a long holiday, my friend.

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Jul 20Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

It takes a long time to write a short poast.

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Jul 20Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

You are right on with this one today.

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Re: incompetence, it can be both. Put the worst people you've got on the job when you want to give your stooge the best chance of success. My best guess as to what went down is that some glowie groomed Ree Tardy, probably on Discord. Someone up the chain of command let select individuals know about the plot and told glowie to let it play out. Said individuals arranged pieces on the board: swapped Trump's regulars out for the dumbest people they had in the SS, made sure the media would be at the rally, created confusion about who would be responsible for covering that roof, placed some bets on the stock market, made sure Tard knew to use an AR for maximum narrative synchronicity. Maximum possible space made for Ree to be successful, with maximum upside if he was. The only hitch was that Reee was an idiot and a terrible shot. My guess is he didn't miss Trump's head by inches, he missed center mass by feet. He shot up and to the left of where he was aiming, as he was prone to do in the rifle club he got kicked out of in high school.

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He may have been instructed specifically to aim for the head, for maximum television effect. Center mass is not as dramatic, and may not have killed him. Someone mentioned CNN never livestreams Trump rallies, but they were livestreaming this one. 🤔. It’s the same usual suspects. They needed him out before he nominated his successor, and they failed. So delicious.

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Possibly. But he's a bad shot, at least by reputation. Though if they only groomed him on Discord/whatever, he might have talked up his ability. Either way, he missed and blew the whole thing. Imagine how mad they all were.

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I feel like that bit about using too many words is something people can say about me, so gonna have to work on my essays hahaha gotta work harder to keep 'em shorter.

I'm joking here, honestly this was a strangely light-hearted and fun article to read (except for the bit about cancel-culture, high-ground stuff and the whole Iran part). I personally don't understand how anyone could even consider believing Iran had their hand in this. It's obvious it was a set up by the Deep-State, and even my news and cnn watching relatives are convinced it was Biden's handlers (the fact even they're saying that at this point says something).

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