Kamala's bling might cost her the election
The booze-addled airhead has been flaunting her wealth in the faces of working class people who are hurting and desperately trying to survive
Do you remember when the Democratic Party was the party of the working man? In those days, many of the party’s powerful people were undoubtedly rich. Some of them possessed wealth far beyond the dreams of your average working-class guy. Yet they were also mostly careful not to flaunt it in public, particularly during hard times when millions of people were desperately trying to survive.
Those days are far behind us now, and they are not coming back. Today’s Democratic Party has long since tuned out the concerns of the poor and working class. Instead, they have become whores for the big corporations and slaves to the military-industrial complex. Few of them even bother to pretend to care about those who are struggling to survive, and many deliberately flaunt the wealth they acquire while in office “serving the people.” 🙄
Enter Kamala Harris.
The woman who slept her way to the top of the political pyramid in the imperial capital has been “campaigning” for the votes of working-class people while flaunting her wealth in a way that would have shocked even Marie Antoinette. We all know what happened to Marie in the end, so you’d think Kamala would at least try to give the appearance of caring about working-class people.
Nope, not at all. Not in any way whatsoever. Get a load of what Kamala has been up to as the presidential candidate of the “working man’s party.” 🙄
She has long described herself as a woman with a modest middle-class background with one eye on the bottom line - but that hasn't stopped Kamala Harris from amassing a wardrobe of jewels that even Melania Trump would covet.
From her trademark pearls to the $18,500 gold Tiffany necklace she wore for her recent trip to the border, DailyMail.com can reveal her collection of jewelry and watches tops out at a whopping $187,906 – and would cost an eye-watering $207,750 if purchased at 2024 prices.
Last week Harris, 59, was seen campaigning in Wisconsin - where her trademark pearls were on display once again as she expounded on her plans to create an 'opportunity economy' where everyone will be able to 'to own a home, build wealth, start a business.'
One of the standouts in Harris' collection is a now sold-out pearl and turquoise piece that she wore to debate Mike Pence in Utah during the 2020 presidential race. Style website Kamala's Closet says the stunning necklace cost an eye-watering $26,440.
Neuwirth is also behind Harris' favorite necklace – an $18,680 gumball pearl link necklace in 18-carat gold that she has worn repeatedly since first showing it off in 2019.Then there is a $15,380 rose gold and labradorite necklace that appeared on the Vice President for her 2021 Vogue cover along with a matching pair of $2,660 studs.
Take a look at her with her $18,500 necklace on:
First, that necklace is downright ugly and shows her lack of class. Second, it’s trashy for her to run around with it on while campaigning for the votes of working class people. Imagine the guy making $15 an hour voting for someone like her who deliberately flaunts such wealth in his face?
And here are her watches:
It must be nice to own all that bling and still consider yourself “middle class,” right, Kamala? 🙄
But what about Trump and Melania?
I know some of you will accuse me of a double standard because I haven’t called Trump out on his bling, or Melania for hers. First, Melania isn’t a candidate for president, so she isn’t relevant. Second, Trump has always been trashy in his displays of wealth because he is a narcissist who has to have bigger, better, and more than the next guy. It’s ingrained in his psyche.
However, to the best of my knowledge, he does not campaign while wearing breathtakingly expensive jewelry. If I’m wrong on this, correct me in the comments, please. I haven’t seen any photos of him that match what Kamala Harris has been wearing on the campaign trail.
While Trump has also been after the vote of the working class, he has never pretended to be part of that class or to be middle class. He’s a rich bastard, and he owns it. There’s no pretense on his part that he is one of his voters, and his voters also understand this.
I fully expect that when Trump finishes his second term, he will build a mile-high, solid gold, giant pyramid with a huge golden replica of his head on top as his presidential library. But that won’t be a surprise to anyone, nor will it be a lie. It will just be a reflection of who and what he has been throughout his life.
The deception and lies of Kamala and the Democrats
What I find so offensive about Kamala flaunting her bling is that she simultaneously attempts to maintain a pretense of being part of the middle class. In other words, like everything else associated with today’s Democratic Party, it’s all a lie.
However, she is a perfect representative of that party. FAKE, FAKE, FAKE!
The party of Roosevelt, Truman, Kennedy, and LBJ is just as dead as they are, and it’s unlikely it will come back in our lifetimes. These days, the Democrats prefer to run on “saving democracy” while doing everything they can to stick it to working-class people by flooding the country with illegal aliens that lower the wages of the poor and working class.
The hypocrisy of the Democrats about “saving democracy” is also palpable, since everything they accuse Trump of doing is what they have been doing to him and to the country. In other words, they are completely full of shit! They have been the real “threat to democracy” right from the very beginning, and Kamala has been part of their cabal since she sucked and fucked her way up the political ladder back in California.
But I expect nothing more from the Democrats whatsoever. This is who they have become over the years, and Kamala is emblematic of the depraved party that I once voted for in my younger days. She, more than anyone else, is a perfect example of what power turns people into over time. Give her her due, in another timeline, she might have been a petty, shallow queen of one country or another, and then she could have lorded it over the peasants with reckless abandon, even more than she is now running for president.
It is truly beyond my understanding as to why any working-class person would show up to vote for Kamala Harris. Are there that many stupid people out there who do not understand that today’s Democratic Party is not the party of their fathers or grandfathers? How can such people not see and understand that today’s Democrats wipe their asses with the concerns of working-class people? The truth is staring them right in the face, but still, so many cannot see it. Well, I guess there truly are none so blind as those who will not see.
Enjoy your bling, Queen Kamala. After all, Marie Antoinette certainly enjoyed hers, until one day she didn’t. 🪦
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(Democult hat on) You don't UNDERSTAND! This election isn't about class. It's about celebrating the raising of a WOMAN of COLOR to unprecedented heights! As the Great Barack said, "Americans celebrate wealth, and they should." So you must join our celebration for this inclusive elevation of Kamala or else you are just another bitter white man bemoaning his own loss of privilege. (Democult hat off)
How'd I do? It's been awhile. Seriously, great point on the bling. Even George W. Bush had the sense to take his tie off and roll up his sleeves after a hurricane hit, and he wasn't even a Democrat. He looked utterly ridiculous to me, but he still did it.
Can you even imagine $kamala in a T-shirt and blue jeans? I can't.
I remember the Democrats pretending to be supporters of the working class, years and years ago. this century their working class affiliation has been limited to campaign platforms they "forget" to honor after sElection and money ties to big organizations like national unions.