At least RFK Jr. could get a level of revenge this way, and Democult heads exploding is always great entertainment.

I won't vote for Trump. If I have to choose between evils I'll write in Cthulhu, but at least Trump won primaries. No one who believes in representative government should vote for $kamala.

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Yes, it will be entertaining as it will piss the Democrats off royally. They have likely been counting on him pulling more votes from Trump than Kamala.

I urge you to reconsider, I know Trump sucks in some ways but it's him or Kamala. If you are in a battleground state, a vote for Trump will help. If you are not in such a state then it won't matter much anyway.

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P.S. OB can you kindly explain to my undead friend how woke and actual communism are antithetical? I tried man, I really did...

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That's about where I am at too OB.

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Also, a return of the cheeto king would be funny.

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I can't vote, but I'm thinking I'll vote I suppose when the time comes for Maxime Bernier.

I must confess though, I'm of the view that the US is probably going through its roughest era right now, I hope people don't judge me too harshly but I hope the 'interesting' times soon smooths out and becomes 'boring' again but in the style of the 19th century or 70s-90s era.

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You are 100% correct living here in the belly of the beast, this is the worst it's ever been and I am 58, so I have seen a turn or two.

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Which is why I hope it smooths out for your sake good sir.

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Interesting turn of events.

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I doubt AT, but he would make a swell FDA head as both pharma corruption and environmental and health damage from (((big agribusiness))) are his wheelhouse. And sorry, sometimes I am just gonna triple P and you are just gonna have to deal. :-)

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I haven’t seen anything about this outside of substack. Is there any kind of confirmation?

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