Jan 11Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

When someone says hard rock, Led Zeppelin 2 comes to mind and soul.

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No denying that that is a great album too. Just between you and me, I like Led Zeppelin 3 more than 2. I think it's the acoustic stuff on 3 that gives it a unique flavor, very different than 2.

Here's one of my favorite songs from 3:


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Jan 11Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

The backstory you share about Bon Scott’s death and its “effect of unleashing a massive torrent of creative energy in AC/DC, particularly after they found Bryan Johnson” adds tons of ‘ammo’ to support your reasons for lifting up “Back in Black” and “For Those About to Rock” above “Appetite for Destruction.” The creative learning curve was super steep when Guns N’ Roses produced “Back in Black.” It was a rebirth for the band. Thanks for this article. I will listen to the “Back in Black” album tomorrow, remembering all you’ve said. I will appreciate their music all the more. I always learn from you.

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Jan 11Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I got my wires crossed in my comment naming the bands. I meant AC/DC, not Guns N’ Roses, regarding “Back in Black” and “For Those About to Rock.” I like both bands.

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No worries, I knew what you meant. I like both of them too. It was always a shame that G&R broke up, it would be nice if they did a new album, even if it was a one-off type thing.

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Thanks, Richard. Do stop back and share your thoughts after you hear it.

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Jan 13Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I listened to AC/DC’s “Back in Black” album and watched some of the older live performances of songs from the album on YouTube. Then I watched Howard Stern’s interview of Brian on SXM. It’s unbelievable that Brian wrote “You Shook Me All Night Long” in just one month’s time after he was “hired.” The other band members intuitively knew Brian was their new lead. I like the song I just mentioned, “Hells Bells,” “Givin the Dog a Bone,” “Let Me Put My Love into You,” “Back in Black” (the album’s title song), “Have a Drink on Me” and especially “Rock and Roll Ain’t Noise Pollution.” I’ve never seen the band live in concert. Every musician in AC/DC has a blast lovin-on their audiences and entertaining them. They pour out their heart and soul each performance. They keep it simple and their music relates to us, the people, as we try to live-out our everyday lives. Angus Young is an awesome performer, too, as he plays guitar and moves across the stage in synch with his riffs. It blows my mind that the “Back in Black” album is the all-time number two record album ever sold in the rock ‘n roll world. Our Knoxville classic rock radio station still plays most of the songs on this album. I am energized by AC/DC and other classic rock music. It energizes me more than Red Bull or any energy drink ever could. It’s rejuvenating to listen to and keeps me young at heart. You take care, Morgthorak the Undead. Your posts are the best.

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I am so glad you liked it, Richard. Yes, it IS energizing music. Perfect if you are lifting weights, driving or doing something else physical.

Did you catch the 2009 concert on youtube? Here's the link:


Great concert if you want to kick back and see them. Almost like being there.

Angus does something funny during that concert, but I won't give it away here. You will have to watch to see it. 😂

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Wow. Yes, we’re all communist leftists obviously.

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What did you mean? Your comment is out of place in this thread. 🤔

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The guy deleted the comment I responded to. He said rock and roll is for communists or some shit.

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People who consider themselves politically conservative are still living within the Leftist worldview. Rock 'n roll, especially the noise of these awful pseudo-musicians, is anti-music. Meaningless hype that's ear-splittingly loud and distorted and dark and never joyful isn't music. Maybe it titillates you when you're a teenager but none of It rises to the level of Music, just like Cheetos isn't food, although you can swallow it and say you love it. This stuff is the soundtrack to Leftism.

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Yours is an unexpected but interesting take on it.

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I'm delighted to know you might be open to considering the idea. I will be writing this year extensively on the arts and this facet will be treated in a wider scope of review.

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Jan 11Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

On further contemplation. Van Halen and Metallica deserve some kind of Honorable mention here. I’m more of a Pantera guy but it’s hard to argue Van Halen’s unique hard rock or the Brilliant metal of Ride the Lightning or Master of Puppets. Funny because I’ve often debated where to put AC/DC. Metal? Hard? Classic (prolly not). AC/DC is certainly in the top 5.

But still the granddaddy’s! 1973!!! This must have been crazy to hear back then!


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Van Halen I liked (both versions), but I could never warm up to Metallica. I tried but just didn't like most of their stuff, though they have a few good songs.

Yes, Sabbath is venerable, but a very different sound than ACDC.

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Jan 11Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Didn’t like Van Hagar at all. And I’m not a huge Metallica fan either, just thought about trend setting. More of a Pantera guy when it comes to Metal. Dimebag is one of the greats!

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I'll still pick the Dave version of Van Halen as my favorite, but Hagar version had some good songs too. Not as good as the stuff with Dave, but still enjoyable.

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Jan 11Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Sabbath preceded them all. Granddaddy’s of hard rock.

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Jan 11Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

While all three are great albums, I don’t think any of these take the title of greatest hard rock album of all time. I’ll submit Black Sabbath: Paranoid and Van Halen’s self titled album as contenders.

Honorable Mention/ Personal Favorites:

Jane’s Addiction: Nothing’s Shocking

Nine Inch Nails: Pretty Hate Machine

Ween: The Pod

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Jan 11·edited Jan 11



That is all.

Not quite! Morg surprised me posting those vids, so just that we aren't clones (Morg, I'm not undead, am I? am I??), I'll throw in a little acid rock.


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Hilarious! I just added a video for each of those songs to the article! I picked the video of Welcome to the Jungle where Axyl has the hairspray overdose. 😂

Great minds think alike, though you might not agree with my conclusion about the videos.

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Jan 11Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

And, of course, you didn't miss Axl/DC did you?

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No, but I felt it was better not to bring it up lest it cloud the issue of the two albums. I respect him though for stepping in and saving that tour when Johnson was out of commission. He did a very good job.

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Jan 11Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

The Doors are a whole other level of art. Just like Floyd!

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They were a great band and had some fantastic songs for sure.

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