May 8Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Truly, we are ruled by morons.

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Well said, short, sweet and VERY accurate.

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Which is what makes all my novels pure fantasy, as the kings and queens of my world are all geniuses and great figures... if they were real, they'd probably all be morons too given the current crop of bloody leaders we've got.

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The first thought that entered my head lol.

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May 8·edited May 8Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

One thing I find amusing is there are now grumblings in the American foreign policy world. Apparently some are not happy with the neocon experiment of sticking our dick into things unrelated to any of our strategic interests and they are definitely not happy with the degradation of our industrial base and military overextension. Right now they are looking at Europe and seeing a bunch of incompetent posturing freeloaders ruling over countries that are shadows of their former selves and reevaluating their usefulness. If the realists ever do get truly back in power, Western Europe is going to be left to fend for itself. Hope they practiced their Churchill speeches.

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I am glad to hear that and I hope you are 100 percent right, Matt. We are long past the time the realists should have kicked the neocons out on their asses. If they had done so many years ago, the world would be a far better place now.

I don't know what the europeans are afraid of, they have NOTHING the Russians need or want. Why would the Russians waste their time trying to "take over" Europe when it's nothing more than a museum at this point? I think it goes to the heart of the arrogance of the europeans to think that they matter far more than they actual do.

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May 10Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

The neocons believe the entire freaking world is our “strategic interest.” As in, we get to boss everyone, everywhere, forever.

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Also glad to hear. The U.S. is high on the useless scale and has no world class museums. Lots of outlet malls though.

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There are some nations that given a year or two, could be no less powerful than they were in the pasts and become super-powers in their own right; France, Hungary and Sweden come to mind. Even Ireland's got some serious potential.

Only thing holding them back are the bloody neocon puppets, once the US retreats at last from Europe, hopefully these nations will get back up and stop being kept down as shadows as you so eloquently put it.

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Is that speeches by Churchill or by his voice double Norman Shelley (who was actually the radio voice of "Churchill" when the old soak was too drunk to perform)

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May 8Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Writing as a European living in Italy, I commented with many similar points as your essay, on Mark Wauck "meaning in history" substack. The Duran podcast is another good place to tune into (for a European perspective; I first heard the title "little Napoleon" there).

That being said, I invite you (and anyone reading) to consider how many European countries suffer from "uniparty" syndrome just as in the USA, how lobbyists in Europe aren't much different from lobbyists in the USA, and perhaps most importantly, a lot more people are waking up to the clown show led by morons, but...

But do consider, because we are vassals, that at the atomized individual level, no European country has a "Bill of Rights" and the European Union (which has turned out to be another disaster) is ploughing ahead on restricting content (because malinformation, duh!?!).


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May 8Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Maybe WW3 got delayed at least. The insanity of all this.

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I certainly hope so, and yes it is crazy. None of this should be happening, but it shows you how out to lunch Western leaders are now. They are utterly clueless, with their heads firmly shoved up their asses.

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I suspect it only looks insane on the outside. Insiders worry about control of land, money, collateral, resources and energy. Wars make sense in this context. The rest of us, I suspect, seem like bystanders to those who have a lot to lose and much to gain.

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Well said. I was born in the great state of Georgia and consider myself a Patriot of my country. But the sheer lunacy of our leaders when it comes to foreign policy right now is astounding. I consider it my duty as a Patriot to refuse to support this madness. I have no love for war or for one country invading another (even when we do it-actually, especially when we do it), but that doesn’t mean we should court devastation over said principle. Especially when we haven’t exactly lived by said principle. That our leaders are either too blind, arrogant, stupid, greedy, or suicidal (or maybe all of those at the same time) to see what is abundantly clear to anyone really looking is exasperating. We have squandered our post WWII position and post Cold War position. We have to be realistic about what we can and cannot do. Our current crop of leaders wants to wield the power of their forebears, who were far more mighty and of far greater virtue (which is why they possessed the might to begin with). To hell with all of them, unless they stand up and say no to wars and fights we cannot possibly win! This isn’t hard, and doesn’t make me anti-American to say. In fact, it makes me a true Patriot, and those who would seek to shed the blood of other peoples children in foreign lands in fights we can’t win should be considered traitors, and treated as such, not those of us pointing out the painfully obvious! Thank you for writing this article and making your point with such clarity.

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You are welcome, fren, I'm glad you enjoyed the post. And good point about our "leaders." They are the worst I've ever seen.

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It’s hard to argue with that.

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May 8Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I keep fruitlessly waiting for the ruling class to realize they'll get a lot richer a lot faster if they take the US back to "isolationist" policies.

you know, the kind where the fiat money printers are used to fund the citizenry, internal development, and infrastructure improvements, instead of sending the money overseas to be laundered as "foreign aid" and giving most of it to the comparatively few corporations comprising the military industrial complex. an economic/industrial repeat of the 1950s would do wonders for the US economy even with the standard wealth-flows-upwards motif.

not to mention how much more they could make with fair trade by allowing other countries to rule themselves and build their economies and infrastructure back up instead of using the Security State spook unintelligence agencies to destabilize everybody and their brother.

too many people, both those in power and fully propagandized citizens, think it's OK to screw around with other countries outside our own borders and call it defense.

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I know, I laugh at the words "Department of Defense" when we all know it's really the "Department of Empire" or "Department of War." 🙄

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May 15Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

it was the War Department until They renamed it the DoD after world war 2.

likely to facilitate the ridiculous claim the government has not been in any wars since

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Well the unraveling of this makes a long string… back to WWI for sure, when it first swallowed policy, on steroids after WWII, but it first showed up around the turn of the 20th century and our excursion into the Philippines.

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May 8Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Good news! Incidentally, Russia outperforms us because Russia never outsourced its factories and skills and confidence. The Soviet system was all about self-reliance, and though Putin abandoned some parts of the system he kept self-reliance.

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Very true, Putin was smart to keep manufacturing in Russia. The idiots running the GAE sent all those jobs to China and other countries. HA HA HA!!! Didn't work out too well for the GAE did it? 😂

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"Ah never had sex with that woman..." 'member? sorry, I couldn't resist. I was thinking about suiciding myself then I decided to have a laugh instead.

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May 8Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Macron, as you might have heard, had been barking loudly about sending French and other NATO troops into Ukraine to avert the coming collapse of Ukraine

The French are a joke and have been since Napoleon died. There's a joke that goes something like this: For sale: One French army rifle, only used once, then dropped on the ground when surrendered.

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May 8Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

For sale: French pattern rifle. Like new! Never fired. Dropped once.

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May 8Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Morgthorak. Remember when Macron actually did get slapped upside the head a couple of years ago by a fellow in the crowd? Hilarious

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I sure do, I loved it!


For those who missed it, enjoy!

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May 8Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Good to see The Duran making an appearance/referenced on Substack 🙏

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May 8Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Glory to Holy Russia!

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I’m English born and bred, and I despair of the spineless jellies in our Uniparty. I live in hope of mass spiking of ballots in our general election later this year.

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We keep hearing the minions insist that Joe is really together and decisive and coherent behind the scenes when he is masterminding the new world order. It’s just an unfortunate coincidence that the times we hear or see him are the times when he is late for nappies or whatever.

We’ve strained the plausibility of this claim to the breaking point. Just show us, Joe. Give a sit down interview with someone who will challenge you, don’t just sit there and stammer through those note cards.

We all see that he is in steep decline. That he has lost all respect. But we continue the charade. Because “my opponent is an existential threat to democracy!”

It sure seems to me that the existential threat to democracy isn’t the fat orange guy, it’s the senile warmonger who is fighting 2 1/2 wars at one and clearly has NO PLAN TO WIN THEM. Fighting a war with no vision of how your side will win it is evil. You are sending hundreds of thousands to their death just because you don’t like Donald Trump, and aren’t ready to let them check you into the nursing home yet.

He will be remembered, by any still surviving, as the worst, most incompetent and addled and selfish and failed President ever. And likely marked as the turning point where America fell and couldn’t get up.

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The U.S. doesn’t fight to win. Against world class opponents (Germany) it lets others do the heavy lifting (Russia) while it sells them things, then declares war once exhaustion approaches to pick up assets on the cheap (which is how the U.S. intentionally bankrupted Britain in WW2). Against third rate opponents, it’s “shock and awe” and endless war for profit and the placement of mercenary forces to issue threats.

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It all sounds so Just-In-Time management style. When more is needed it will be there.

And that's largely because Managerialism has been in the West for decades now but some time ago we had "leaders" to rein this nonsense in. Now it's political buzzword bingo, committing to some new stupid Shiny Big Thing program and making no real decisions while everything rots. But it doesn't matter that much as even if you are fired you still get your bonus.

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What leaders would they be ? Do you mean the ones who sent your men to die in 2 World Wars ?

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Hence the "leaders". We may have always had stupidity but these days it's mediocre, midwit stupidity posing as something great.

Dunning-Kruger: the most lethal weapon in the world

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👍🏻 You are so right !

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We read Rurik..who has feet on the ground deep involvement as a Slavic person viewing intense skewererd corruption first hand..up close and personal .. saying more precisely what a lot of Americans and highly aware brits. intuited all along..top Jew controligarch s openly or behind the scenes expropriating..ripping off monies funneling to Lithuanian banks.. and euro trash banks in league with..no surprise again..Jewish money laundered banksters....what's this about shoigu-rivlin s wife?...***sigh....a whole lot of extreme degenerate corrupt Jews in Ukraine and Russia..at it again.. Jeff Sachs didn't finish the job..not at all..not even a little bit" as Nikola Tesla said.."Never Trust The Jew**All best to Djokovic**don't let anyone with a metal water container near your head...**

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As it should be. Had pdt still been in power, as was his legal right, Russia right now would be our greatest, whitest,chistianest, ally. And Ukraine would be the reason Obama, nuland, powers, Jarrett, would have already been executed.and that, my friends us what brought you Covid, the fake pandemic.

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