Russia will arm NATO's enemies
The Neocons pissed off the bear, and now they will feel its claws at their throats
You have to give it to the Neocons; have you ever seen a stupider and more arrogant group of people? Their latest scheme to arm Ukraine with long-range weapons that will allow the Ukrainians to hit targets inside Russia is already backfiring in their faces. Putin and Medvedev have both weighed in, indicating that Russia might arm third-party enemies of the US and NATO with Russian weapons.
In a statement to reporters, Putin said the following:
Several countries including the United States have given Ukraine the green light to strike targets inside Russia.
Such action could lead to “very serious problems", Mr Putin told foreign reporters.
"If someone thinks it is possible to supply such weapons to a war zone to attack our territory and create problems for us, why don't we have the right to supply weapons of the same class to regions of the world where there will be strikes on sensitive facilities of those countries?" the Russian president said.
"That is, the response can be asymmetric. We will think about it."
When Putin says something like this, it means they’ve likely already made the decision to do it, and you can see that by reading the following statement from Dmitry Medvedev on X:
The Neocons woke up the Russian bear
For 30 years, the bear was sleeping. Then the Neocons woke it up, and now it is royally pissed because of the decision by the empire and its slave states in Europe to give Ukraine long-range weapons. As Alexander Mercouris has said, “The Neocons have no off switch and no reverse gear.” This means that when their idiotic schemes inevitably go wrong, the Neocons just double or triple down, and you see that with this recent decision.
In Russia’s case, it is the old saying “the enemy of my enemy is my friend,” and you can bet that the Globalist American Empire is going to pay a steep price for giving Ukraine long-range weapons. Think I’m kidding? Then take heed of what the Houthis have already achieved in the Red Sea by shooting relatively short-range drones and missiles at ships. They have effectively stopped most shipping in that area, despite being fired on by US military assets. The US has been humiliated by the Houthis in front of the entire world.
The alliance between Russia and China
Now pause and consider what is going to happen to the US fleet in the Pacific if the Neocons are successful in starting their war with China. They have signaled publicly that they want war with China by 2025. Do you think the Chinese are idle? Obviously not; they are preparing for the possibility of war because they are well aware of how the Neocons think. They know that the Neocons will not back off unless someone stops them inside the US government, and that is highly unlikely to happen.
Now consider the de facto alliance between Russia and China. Both countries know they are targets of the empire. China has likely been quietly helping Russia in the background against NATO in Ukraine. Does anyone reading this think that Russia isn’t helping China with long-range missile technology? What do you think is going to happen if the Neocons start their war with China?
Has Putin shown too much restraint?
I have a great deal of respect for Vladimir Putin. He has been one of the few adults in the room during the war in Ukraine. However, I wonder if he has shown too much restraint. The Neocons bank on him not wanting things to escalate, so they feel they can cross Russia’s red lines with impunity, thinking that Putin will not do anything to retaliate, and, in that sense, they have mostly been right.
This change of policy on Russia’s part indicates that Putin is now willing to inflict a higher cost on the GAE and its vassals in Europe. Unfortunately, just saying that Russia is willing to arm third parties against the US and its vassals is not likely to carry much weight at this point. The Neocons are likely to keep escalating until some very serious damage is done to US and EU targets. Putin’s credibility in that sense is very low, and the Neocons are not likely to believe that he is serious until after the US and EU have been attacked by third parties.
You must understand that the Neocons perceive Putin to be a realist, which means that they believe he will always attempt to avoid escalation. The Neocons, on the other hand, are anything but realists. They act from a completely different perspective, and escalation is what they constantly seek. So this is why Putin’s restraint and attempts to avoid escalation might end up causing the exact opposite result. He is not dealing with fellow realists; he is dealing with ideological nut cases.
Some of you might truly think that Putin’s warning about arming third parties will sway the Neocons to stop escalating in Ukraine. No, it will not stop them. Not at all, not in any way. The Neocons always double or triple down. Always. The only way Putin’s warning would have any effect is if there was a housecleaning in Washington, DC, that resulted in the Neocons being swept out of power, and there is zero chance of that happening any time soon.
That is why I believe that Putin has already made the decision to begin arming third-party proxies to attack the US and other NATO countries. He knows the Neocons, and he knows that warning them will almost certainly be fruitless, but being Putin (and a lawyer by training), he always proceeds cautiously, step by step, without resorting to rash overreactions.
We shall see how this plays out soon enough. Don’t expect me to have any sympathy if NATO countries start getting some of what they’ve dished out to the Russians. The fools running those countries will have brought it all on themselves.
Wake up the bear, and you will feel its claws and teeth.
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Let's see who the Russians can arm against us:
China, Iran, Syria, Mexico, South America, Africa, Honduras, Cuba, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Haiti, Columbia, Afghanistan, Yemen, Oman, Pakistan, Libya.
As always an excellent piece, and yes, if you put the whole congress together, they weigh in on Putin with 1%, this lightweight sh*t.
The Russians are incredible people, and every average American must love them. Here, you can see Putin singing the national anthem. Compare to the pedophile or the orange clown:
You see Shaman singing the anthem. Look at the people - not 70% overweight like in the US. The US havn‘t won a single war in hisitory. WWIi was won by the Russians. The neocons will learn it the hard way that the US are a military laughstock. The proud Russian people love their country much more than most Americans:
My thoughts on Russia and why we must love this country - written and spoken on the 4th of July 2023. Still valid: