Jun 7Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Let's see who the Russians can arm against us:

China, Iran, Syria, Mexico, South America, Africa, Honduras, Cuba, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Haiti, Columbia, Afghanistan, Yemen, Oman, Pakistan, Libya.

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You forgot a very important one: North Korea.

Imagine the North Koreans with hypersonic missiles. 🤔

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Jun 7Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

You're right, I forgot Korea. But then, we are still legally at war with North Korea.

We are only in a ceasefire.

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Imagine the rest of your list with Russian weapons. A big headache for the US.

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• Moranbong Band - Tansume (“Without a break”) (단숨에)

(I love the guitar work!)


Take that!!

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Jun 7·edited Jun 7Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

As always an excellent piece, and yes, if you put the whole congress together, they weigh in on Putin with 1%, this lightweight sh*t.

The Russians are incredible people, and every average American must love them. Here, you can see Putin singing the national anthem. Compare to the pedophile or the orange clown:


You see Shaman singing the anthem. Look at the people - not 70% overweight like in the US. The US havn‘t won a single war in hisitory. WWIi was won by the Russians. The neocons will learn it the hard way that the US are a military laughstock. The proud Russian people love their country much more than most Americans:


My thoughts on Russia and why we must love this country - written and spoken on the 4th of July 2023. Still valid:


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Excellent post, Klaus. You are right, there is no need for enmity between Americans and Russians. All of that comes from the Neocons and their insane ideology.

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My personal favourite of Putin and the Russian national anthem - God if only our national leaders had an ounce of this man's courage...


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I love it.

Let's invite Russia to replace the corrupt laugh stock called Washington, DC.

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Look at the Russian youth and start cleaning America - from top to bottom.


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Jun 7Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

WWIII is getting very close to going hot! I hope all our people are ready; Shits going to get spicy!!

I’m so juiced!

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I hope it doesn't come to that, but yes we appear headed that way.

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It borders on the delusional to believe Putin is anything more than a religio-nationalist and a Fascist. It is quite possible to object to many things done by the West, such as the unwavering support for the Zionist Genocide of Palestinians, and also to support the West’s backing of Ukraine as it attempts to move away from a corrupt ex-Soviet past dominated by Russia.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is also a Genocide, and must be defeated. Parroting Russian misapplication of History is a grave mistake.

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Spot on stack. The Neo Nuts want war and war they shall have. Things are serious, the US citizens are just simply to fat and happy. Fat - happy people always pay a huge price as they think ignorance is bliss. Ignorance is ignorance and ignorant people are walking dead people. The US citizens are walking dead. Most have no clue that we are at war, most just want to parrot like a caged pet bird slogans and meme not knowing or thinking past he end of their nose. The NeoNuts have determined a 30% survival rate for the USA population is a win. So a family of 3 has 1 survivor. 2 out of 3 people you know will disappear and these idiots count that as a win.

Quit buying these war mongers bs. Their are no winners here, its just a matter of who looses less. The USA will absolutely be the Biggest Looser.

I am covering the lead up to the waking up of the US Citizen periodically.


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Venezuela and various African states would be my bet. France has a lot to lose in Africa.

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Putin’s Russia 🇷🇺 is mainly a facade of the Holy Rus. His Tzarist strangle hold ⛓️ on the press and the courts is not anything to admire if you value personal liberty.

The 'split with the west' cannot be completely thrown onto the NeoCons, since it was the Clinton's and NATO that bombed Orthodox Belgrade 🇷🇸 ☦️ on behalf of ☪️ islamic radicals. This singular critical event has been the springboard for anti-western sentiment among the slavs 💔 ever since. June being PRIDE 🏳️‍🌈 🎱 ⚧️ 🙃🃏 Month in the west 🤮🙋🏻‍♂️🤦🏼‍♀️ is just icing on Vlad's 👹🚀⚡🤕🩻🩼🪖 propaganda cake. Our cultural 'elites'🎓🦤 are a more clear and present danger ☠️🪦 to the WEST than Putin’s third rate weapons and conscripts.

Here in 🌎Estados Unidos, we get to choose 🥺 among 🧦/🔶 (❓) People get the government ♠️💣💥⚰️ they deserve......

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