Sarah Palin: The Mother of MAGA
Sarah Palin was the first to take the fight to Obama and woke communism. Donald Trump followed in her footsteps and benefited from everything she did in 2008. Without Sara, there would be no MAGA.
The conflict that we have been witnessing since Donald Trump first announced for president back in 2015 can be summed up as a battle between Trump and Obama. Obama was the one who spent eight years turning the federal government woke and weaponizing it against ordinary Americans as well as his political enemies. And it was also Obama who spurred Trump to run in the first place by mocking him at that dinner all those years ago.
But it was not Donald Trump who first took the fight to Obama. That honor belongs to Sarah Palin. When John McCain was running against Obama, his campaign was going nowhere, and he needed something to try to rejuvenate it. He reached out to Sarah Palin, then the governor of Alaska, and she answered the call. It was only her presence on the ticket that gave McCain any chance, and he still managed to bungle it with his stupidity and arrogance.
I know that some of you dislike or outright despise Sarah Palin, but I do not. I admire her and I always will. She had a good thing going as governor of Alaska, and she set it aside to join McCain to try to stop Obama from becoming president. If it were not for Sarah Palin, McCain would have lost by a much bigger margin than he did. It was her presence on the ticket that got me and people I know to hold our noses and vote for McCain.
But when she took her place on the ticket, she put a bullseye on her back. She was driven out of the governor’s office in Alaska by lawfare arranged by Obama and the rest of the Democrats after the election. She did not have the money to fight off the bullshit lawsuits filed against her, and she did the only thing she could do: she resigned and left politics and government. It was the only way she and her family could survive.
She was also mocked, belittled, and relentlessly attacked by the regime media. She became the butt of jokes by the shows and TV personalities pushed by all the usual networks. They pulled out all the stops to utterly destroy her, and there were precious few who even tried to defend her. Nothing was off limits for the Deep State scum, including going after her children.
Remember that Sarah and her family were hated and persecuted by the woke communists while Donald Trump was still politically neutral, enjoying his billions and his jet-setting life. It was she who laid the groundwork for MAGA with the Tea Party and with her vehement opposition to Obama’s elevation to the presidency in the 2008 campaign. She was the symbol for Americans who opposed Obama and everything he wanted to do to destroy America.
It was also Sarah Palin that gave this fantastic speech at the Republican convention in 2008:
It was also the establishment Republican filth and scum who threw her to the regime media wolves without giving her time to prepare properly, when she first became the VP candidate. These were the same kinds of people as Mitch McConnell, John Thune, and the rest of the rotten curs who still infest the Republican Party and who are already plotting to destroy Trump’s second term.
Sarah Palin stepped forward and did the best she could to try to rescue John McCain in the 2008 presidential election. And it was she who suffered the regime’s fury because she actually believed that McCain could and should win instead of just being the designated loser to Obama. She worked her ass off in the 2008 campaign, and she was the only reason that McCain stood any chance at all. But not even Sarah Palin could save a rotten, shit candidate like McCain.
It grieves me that she has never been given the respect or appreciation that she deserves for what she did in 2008. She stepped up to take on the Deep State long before Donald Trump did, and she did it without having his billions to fall back on. She was not a rich woman, and she did not come from a wealthy family. She risked everything and paid an incredibly high price for trying to rescue McCain’s failing campaign.
Sarah Palin has also been a strong supporter of Trump from the beginning, but she has never gotten any appreciation from him or his people. Frankly, as far as I know, they have treated her like crap and never sought to bring her into the first administration.
Now, according to the Daily Mail, it seems like she will be shut out of the second administration as well:
'Mother of MAGA' Sarah Palin shared a cryptic photo of herself in Washington DC after suggesting she wasn't happy to not be included in Donald Trump's Cabinet picks.
The former Alaska governor and GOP vice-presidential candidate, an early and vocal supporter of Trump since at least 2011, made a series of cryptic posts to social media with screengrabs of other users who were questioning why she had not been drafted into his Cabinet.
On Thursday, Palin posted a photo of herself in workout gear and sneakers in front of the Capitol building.
The Instagram caption had nothing written except for Sunday's date, '11/24,' suggesting she might be making an announcement or holding an event in Washington over the weekend.
Palin appeared to be venting her frustration over not receiving a Trump Cabinet post last week.
In one Sunday post announcing breaking news of a Trump nominee, Palin posted a screengrab of a text message with someone asking her: 'What about you?' to which she replied 'Thank you.'
In another frame, she posted a selfie looking calm while writing the pointed yet exasperated words: 'Funny how politics work.'
Palin also posted a rant by one of her supporters to her X and Instagram stories that labelled her as 'Trump before Trump', wondering aloud why she hadn't been given any kind of role.
I don’t blame Sarah for being pissed off, since she was one of his earliest and most vocal supporters. My guess is that Trump’s ego makes it almost impossible for him to show her the respect she is owed because he likely feels it would overshadow his own accomplishments. His ego has always been Trump’s Achilles heel, but in this case it makes him look like a complete asshole for turning his back on Sarah Palin. I find it utterly disgraceful on his part, and shame on him for it. 🧐 🤨
Let me share my own story about Sarah Palin. I went to see her at a campaign stop in 2008. The venue where she was speaking was overwhelmed with people, so we could not get in to hear her speak. So you know what she did? She gave her speech inside the building to the people who had made it in, and then she came outside to where the rest of us had gathered, and she spoke to us! It was a kind and gracious gesture, and I have never forgotten it.
Sarah, if you are out there, and you read this, please know that some of us have not forgotten you. We will always be grateful that you tried to stop Obama in 2008, and if you had succeeded, America would not be the hellhole that it became after eight years of him in the White House. You did the best you could to save the country, and we all owe you a debt of gratitude. Thank you, and may Christ always bless you and your family. 🙏🏻
Sarah Palin is the Mother of MAGA, and Trump would never have succeeded in 2016 without her first blazing the trail in the 2008 campaign. It was she, not Donald Trump, who ignited what would eventually become MAGA. Donald Trump followed in her footsteps, and he was the beneficiary of everything she did first in 2008. Without her efforts, MAGA would never have happened.
I don’t expect Donald Trump to ever acknowledge any of this. It hits too close to home for him and many of his supporters. But history will eventually draw a direct line between Sarah Palin’s efforts in the 2008 campaign and what MAGA later became when Trump ran for president.
REMEMBER: Sarah Palin was the one that stepped up and got thrown into the meat grinder against Obama and the Deep State in 2008. Donald Trump could have run that year if he had wanted to do so, but he did not. Trump stayed safely on the sidelines and did not try to challenge Obama directly. It was Sarah who tried to hold the line and stop America from being destroyed by Obama’s woke communism, not Donald Trump.
Sarah Palin is the Mother of MAGA, and Donald Trump owes her big time.
Pay your debt, Donald.
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She’s not going to be forgotten. Sometimes that’s the only reward a hero gets, but she gave so very much and did it so energetically, it’s tragic that she’s being ignored.
You’re right on point about McCain being a worthless tool; he was a despicable human being.
Strangely she was always regarded with admiration and love and respect in Canada, even the left up here would tend to in the 2000-2020 era sigh and complain; 'why don't we have a Sarah Palin?' In Quebec there's the complaint she'd make a great Quebecois PM.
I've even heard the complaint that Canada should have long ago in the 70s taken Alaska so that we could have Sarah Palin.
I always assumed that she was populaire in the US, but to hear she's not is shocking. I just had a conversation with someone who claimed 'Trump is as smart as Augustus Caesar' then I told him non, then he eventually conceded, and then I threw him a bone and said 'he's the smartest candidate you've had for 100 years.' What I did not say is that it isn't a high bar, as I'm very much unimpressed by most of the candidates America has fielded in the 20th century outside maybe first term Reagan.
I really think if Palin had been nominated President not VP America would be on better footing.