Screw Elon Musk and X
The richest man on the planet should have kept his mouth shut, but didn't, and now Trump's election coalition is already at cross-purposes. Elon wants to flood the country with cheap Indian labor.
Note to readers: If you are a fan of Elon Musk or Vivek Ramaswamy, leave this page now. Do not continue reading. Go and find something else to read because you won’t like how this article ends. You’ve been warned. 🧐
For a long time now, I have given Elon Musk the benefit of the doubt. I appreciated his purchasing of Old Twitter and removing it from control of the woke communists that had controlled it for years. I also valued his support of Trump in the 2024 election, as it helped bring others off the sidelines and over to Trump’s side. Elon’s support did not hurt Trump, and it likely helped him to a certain degree.
However, I have had enough of Elon’s bullshit for two reasons:
He has turned X into a different kind of shitshow than Old Twitter.
He has recently been denigrating White males while demanding that more Indian workers be brought in for tech jobs.
X isn’t worth your time or money
Regarding X, it has slowly but surely turned into a mess under Elon’s rule. He has devalued posts with links in them, so if you want to post a link, you have to do it in a reply. Moreover, he hates Substack now, and Substack links get devalued into oblivion. Yet Musk charges money from subscribers who mistakenly think they will be able to build a large social media following by paying him.
See the Bone Writer’s excellent article about how X has gone down the shitter:
To sum it all up: X isn’t worth the time or money if you are a Substack writer. I don’t bother posting on X much, as you cannot build a following even if you pay for a subscription, and I’ll be damned if I give Elon a freaking dime (see below).
Elon Musk and the Indian colonization of America
Let me move on to the second item because it has me in a royal rage this morning. I have dealt with Indians, and I always make a point of warning people about them. Indians are clannish on a level that most White Americans cannot comprehend. When an Indian infiltrates a company, others follow until they take over the company and begin a purge of native workers, particularly White males.
Think I’m kidding or exaggerating? Read this article about how Indians discriminate against native IT workers:
Indian discrimination against non-Indians and other out-group Indians is pervasive in the IT sector in locations where Indians have emigrated. This type of discrimination is considered normal in India. This discrimination is invisible and uncovered by the major IT media entities that receive advertising money from major corporations that are part of the H1-B lobby, whose goal is to push down the wages of domestic workers. For this reason, the article you are about to read will appear dramatically different than any article published by any significant IT media entity.
The article is comprehensive, well-researched, and accurate. You will never view Indians the same way again after reading it. Please make sure you share the article too. As many White Americans as possible need to read it to understand the dangers of Indian immigration and colonization of American companies and jobs.
But there’s much more for you to read if you aren’t familiar with Indian culture. ZeroHedge recently published an article that will make you want to fight hard to avoid having America turn into the third-world shithole that is India:
When I was a child growing up in India, I learned that “might makes right.” Power was often abused, with those in control acting as if they had a God-given right to exploit and dominate others. The display of authority could be so extreme that questioning it or expecting those in power to do their duty might lead to retribution. Those in authority seemed to believe that their positions were not for serving others but for personal gain.
People who showed respect appeared to have meekly accepted a lower, subservient position. Kind people had to hide their compassion, for being nice was seen as a weakness.
In India, I have rarely seen someone in authority take the initiative to solve a problem he was responsible for. When I was at university, an underaged boy who worked in the kitchen was raped and sodomized by the janitors. I reported the matter, but not only did no one in authority do what was right — something well within their power — the authorities and fellow students threatened me with severe consequences if I pursued the matter further. Devoid of empathy, they also made fun of the boy and me.
Yes, there is an element of sadism here. There is some degree of pleasure that Indians take in the pain suffered by others. The attitude of the authorities was like that of the high-placed Delhi bureaucrat who told me that his Black Label whiskey tastes so much better because he knows that most Indians can’t afford to drink it.
This confuses Westerners. If they had power, even if they were corrupt, in a situation where there was nothing to gain or lose — no bribes to receive since both parties were poor, and no risk of offending someone well-connected — they would do the right thing and book the alleged rapist. These Indians would do nothing, not even lift a finger, unless there was a reward: money or sex. Their apathy was bottomless.
Doing your job may be seen as effeminate by those above you. If you can shirk your responsibilities, you’re considered macho. In that culture, there is rarely any pride or honor in doing what is right. If you call a plumber for repairs, he will see it as beneath him to leave without creating a mess. He may deliberately do a shoddy job, even if doing it well wouldn’t take more time. A complex web of arrogance, egotism, servility, casteism, tribalism, and magical thinking drives this behavior. He shows his contempt for you and gets the better of you by leaving a mess. His customer, as the other side of the same coin, might well look down on and exploit someone who did his job well.
If you do a bad job, does that mean you do not get called back? That doesn’t matter to people who have no standards to begin with and who do not think ahead. There is little positive feedback to those who want to do better, be fair, or make better products.
Fairness, justice, trust, empathy, and impartiality are alien to many Indians. They have a hard time telling the difference between right and wrong. They are indifferent even when no cost is associated with being fair. Moreover, if they could do good without any personal cost, they would still prefer not to, because that can be seen as a sign of weakness.
There’s much more in the ZeroHedge article. Take your time and read through it; it’s a real eye-opener to anyone who isn’t familiar with Indian culture.
Back to Elon. This arrogant, rich, stupid man wants to flood America with these people, and the end result will be a massive loss of jobs by native workers and an even greater contamination of our culture and our communities. Elon, the richest man on the planet, could not give a shit about this in any way whatsoever.
Here’s a sample of the bullshit he’s been saying on X:
No, Elon, we are not on the “same team” as Indians. They are clannish and always hire their own at the expense of native White workers. If they could, they would remove you as CEO of Tesla and your other companies. Yes, Elon, you moron, they would get rid of you as quickly as possible if they had the power to do so.
Take a look in the mirror, Elon; do you see that fair skin of yours? Because the Indians certainly do, and you would be targeted by them the same way other Whites have been so often as they colonize companies and industries. They hire and promote their own at the expense of White workers, Elon.
Also, there is no “we” or “team” at all here, Elon. You want those workers because they work cheap, and you are trying to pretend that we are “all in this together.” We certainly are not because your interests as an oligarch are NOT the same as ours as workers. White, native workers don’t win anything when Indians are brought in here en masse to replace us so you can make more money. If they come in, you get more cash, and we get nothing, so stop trying to bullshit us, you liar. 🙄
We’re dumb, eh Elon? Thanks for putting that out there. Tell it to all the White males who have desperately tried to get hired but cannot even get an interview because elites like you flood the country with illegal aliens and H-1B visa parasites. You also allow the blue-haired, woke commie HR hags to control who gets hired and who doesn’t even get an interview.
Here’s more of Elon’s bullshit, along with some of the replies that smacked him around for his stupidity:
Click the link to Elon’s comment I posted above; there are many more replies that expose his retarded comments for what they are: A blatant desire to screw over native workers by flooding the country with cheap Indian H-1B labor. Elon’s attitude is widespread in Silicon Valley. Executives there want plentiful, cheap labor that they can casually and consistently exploit. They don’t give a damn about this country or the people who were born here and are citizens.
Why should they pay higher wages to Americans when they can import cheap labor and pay them much less? It’s all about maximizing profit for themselves and their shareholders; screw the people who are citizens, who are also qualified for those jobs. Let’s just get more cheap Indian labor because there’s an endless supply of it that can be imported. 🙄
And here are a few more responses to all of this anti-White bullshit coming from Elon and the rest of the elites who look down their noses at all of us:
As you can tell, I am utterly disgusted with Musk’s position on this. He sits at the top of the corporate power structure and is either completely ignorant about how Indians discriminate against native workers, or he knows and just doesn’t give a shit. He is so far removed from the average White male’s experience in terms of trying to get a job that his head is completely up his ass.
However, it wasn’t just Musk pushing the H-1B bullshit and anti-White narratives; Vivek Ramaswamy opened his mouth about it too:
I’ve loathed Ramaswamy for a long time because I knew he was a phony when I first saw him. But here he is lashing out at what he perceives to be American culture, and you can see the resentment of jocks in his post. No doubt he got the shit beaten out of him by one of them or was otherwise humiliated, so it all comes pouring out of him now as he spews his bullshit reasons for handing American jobs to his own people in India. Notice he put the word native in scare quotes? What did I tell you about Indians being clannish? Unlike Whites, they have no shame about it whatsoever and take every opportunity to shit on this country while taking advantage of every opportunity it provides.
I’m so tired of this shit. It was always there, lurking in the background during the campaign. But now the fault lines are coming firmly into focus in terms of Trump’s coalition. Musk and Ramaswamy are intent on flooding the country with cheap Indian labor, while they belittle hard-working White males who can’t get jobs because of the HR hags who block their hiring because of DEI. Musk and Vivek both disgust me. Hey, fuck the White males, right, Elon? You got yours, so now you get to prove how “open-minded” you are by hiring Indians instead of White Americans.
I do not know how Trump is going to navigate this situation, but he better be damned careful. Many of us who voted for him are obviously pissed at Elon and Vivek. Those two retards want to open the floodgates for “legal” immigration when it is clear to everyone that we need NO IMMIGRATION WHATSOEVER for a set number of years (probably at least ten) to try to clean up the immigration mess we’re in right now. But billionaires like Musk and Ramaswamy could not give a shit. They seem to believe that every person on the planet is an American (because America is an “idea” and not a nation of human beings) that just hasn’t been brought here and hired by Big Tech. 🙄
I will repeat what I said in my other article about Trump and delivering for his working-class voter base:
Mark my words here, my friends. If Trump does not deliver the goods for his working-class base, he will live to regret it. The Democrats will make his last two years as president a living nightmare, just like they did in his first term. Does Trump know this? I certainly hope so, but we will have to wait and see.
However, you should prepare yourself for a third impeachment if Trump bungles things, and all those many millions of working-class votes go back to the Democrats or simply stay home in 2026. I hope it doesn’t happen, but brace yourself if it does, because things will get very ugly again.
Regardless of how Trump handles the H-1B bullshit, I take some very cold comfort from one thing about Elon and Vivek that many of you might have forgotten. They both took the not-vaccines. Yes, the richest man on the planet caved and took the covid shots, and Vivek the Colonizer did the same thing. So much for both of them being smarter than the rest of us who refused to take the shots no matter how much we were pressured to do so by the regime.
Since Elon and Vivek have made it clear they don’t give a shit about what happens to White male workers in this country, I’ll return the favor here and say that I don’t give a shit what happens to either of them because they were stupid and weak enough to put the mRNA poison into their bodies. Whatever happens, happens, right, Elon? I’m sure you and Vivek can find an Indian doctor who will help you, since there probably aren’t enough White male doctors either. 🙄
And if Elon and Vivek ultimately die from the covid shots, no problem. We’ll just replace them with two more Indians, right? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Everybody is replaceable, including rotten, selfish, corrupt elites who were dumb enough to believe Fauci’s bullshit. 🤷♂️
Fuck Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy. Have another booster, assholes!🖕🏻
UPDATE: The Bone Writer has a follow up on Elon’s antics on X:
X was outed yesterday as a non-Free Speech platform.
Honestly… Some of us have been saying this for months now. Others even longer. Getting the word out that X is not a free speech platform has been like getting the word out that the Covid vaxx was bad and people need to steer clear, while being on old Twitter.
The people who hero worshipped Musk wouldn’t hear it. Until now, when he screwed himself by basically telling everyone that he and his flunkies are in total control.
Later he revealed that large accounts can block and mute smaller accounts (those that threaten larger accounts and are coming up) and by doing so, those smaller accounts are marginalized by the algorithm and essentially knocked back down the ladder. Also revealed were the back ally conversations by big accounts to target smaller accounts. Musk says they will be charged with spamming but we now know he’s a straight up liar. He basically gave the big accounts the direction to secure their status and silence anyone that is up and coming.
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Fuck these two, been following this story all day long. Damn but I despise these two, there's betrayal and then there's treason. These two never would have made it in the High Medieval periods.
Hope Trump turns his back on them and dismisses them. Yet given how he's already got another indian on staff and Vance married one, I'm starting to think Americans may have voted for another Rino.
Both Musk and Ramaswamy are what I call…PAPER AMERICANS.
They are NOT genuine Americans. They are NOT our fellow countrymen.
They merely have been (mistakenly) awarded papers which purport to declare their (undeserved) American citizenship.
They don’t have any genuine love for the United States…despite what they PRETEND to feel.
They have no real understanding of the American spirit or the make up of the American mind. They have no concept of, never mind appreciation for, the blood, sweat and tears that were required to create our way of life.
They may flatter themselves that they have an intellectual understanding of the American character based on observations from a distance, but, at the end of the day, they FEEL nothing. Both men ooze FAKERY from every pore.
They are IMPOSTERS. And probably will be revealed to be psychopaths, when scrutinized more closely. Birds of a feather, etc…
The truth is that they are both vile, insidious opportunists who regard us Americans as no better than stupid beasts for allowing PREDATORS such as themselves to have free access to our nation, its resources and abundant American opportunities.
They view the United States, its rich history and American citizens of long heritage with utmost contempt. They aspire to ELIMINATE US from the nation our ancestors founded and developed!
Given this exploitative attitude, they regard flooding our nation with YET MORE parasitical millions of unqualified, fraudulently-credentialed H-1B Indian peasants on slightly-above poverty level wages as perfectly acceptable. That this inundation of our tech sector comes at the crushing expense of their (alleged) fellow Americans matters not at all to these vile arrivistes.
In point of fact, they do not care about displacing and impoverishing hundreds of thousands of well-educated, highly-qualified American workers with demonstrated technical expertise. That is precisely their PUBLICLY-STATED goal.
Given that these TRAITORS have shown their true colors on the world stage, I am in favor of re-examining their (or their parents’) submitted applications for naturalized U.S. citizenship. Clearly, grievous errors in discernment and judgment were committed by government bureaucrats over many decades. These subversive apparatchiks were obviously acting AGAINST the best interests of the United States. These mistakes must be rectified by corrective actions, regardless of the individual’s race, ethnicity, religion or political affiliation.
I support beginning proceedings to de-naturalize these two men for their malevolent, subversive actions to intentionally sabotage the United States with weaponized 3rd world immigration in order to destabilize our social fabric while simultaneously (even further) enriching themselves.
Any recently-arrived individual who enjoys the blessings of American citizenship to enrich and empower himself…and then turns around and uses that very same influence and power he acquired BY OUR GOOD GRACES to intentionally degrade the United States and to cause harm to befall its citizens is NOT WORTHY of being an American.
Permanent banishment back to the shit-hole nations they crawled out of is the fate they have EARNED (But honestly, they and their ill-gotten booty will probably end up in Switzerland along with their fellow reptiles).