Fuck these two, been following this story all day long. Damn but I despise these two, there's betrayal and then there's treason. These two never would have made it in the High Medieval periods.

Hope Trump turns his back on them and dismisses them. Yet given how he's already got another indian on staff and Vance married one, I'm starting to think Americans may have voted for another Rino.

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There was always going to be some kind of betrayal as no politician can ever make everybody happy, but I did not expect Musk to start this bullshit even before Trump was sworn in.

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Agreed, though Ramaswamy is right about one thing; a culture that favours mediocrity is a problem. The solution is not to go abroad searching for serfs, but to pull the culture up, to reward effort and to favour the native people of a nation. In the case of France, to push forward the Francais, reward their best efforts and push them to innovate. Same goes for Germany, Japan, Quebec, Canada, US, Korea and so on. In a word the solution is to uplift a nation, not demean it. Not that he probably understands this methinks.

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Both Musk and Ramaswamy are what I call…PAPER AMERICANS.

They are NOT genuine Americans. They are NOT our fellow countrymen.

They merely have been (mistakenly) awarded papers which purport to declare their (undeserved) American citizenship.

They don’t have any genuine love for the United States…despite what they PRETEND to feel.

They have no real understanding of the American spirit or the make up of the American mind. They have no concept of, never mind appreciation for, the blood, sweat and tears that were required to create our way of life.

They may flatter themselves that they have an intellectual understanding of the American character based on observations from a distance, but, at the end of the day, they FEEL nothing. Both men ooze FAKERY from every pore.

They are IMPOSTERS. And probably will be revealed to be psychopaths, when scrutinized more closely. Birds of a feather, etc…

The truth is that they are both vile, insidious opportunists who regard us Americans as no better than stupid beasts for allowing PREDATORS such as themselves to have free access to our nation, its resources and abundant American opportunities.

They view the United States, its rich history and American citizens of long heritage with utmost contempt. They aspire to ELIMINATE US from the nation our ancestors founded and developed!

Given this exploitative attitude, they regard flooding our nation with YET MORE parasitical millions of unqualified, fraudulently-credentialed H-1B Indian peasants on slightly-above poverty level wages as perfectly acceptable. That this inundation of our tech sector comes at the crushing expense of their (alleged) fellow Americans matters not at all to these vile arrivistes.

In point of fact, they do not care about displacing and impoverishing hundreds of thousands of well-educated, highly-qualified American workers with demonstrated technical expertise. That is precisely their PUBLICLY-STATED goal.

Given that these TRAITORS have shown their true colors on the world stage, I am in favor of re-examining their (or their parents’) submitted applications for naturalized U.S. citizenship. Clearly, grievous errors in discernment and judgment were committed by government bureaucrats over many decades. These subversive apparatchiks were obviously acting AGAINST the best interests of the United States. These mistakes must be rectified by corrective actions, regardless of the individual’s race, ethnicity, religion or political affiliation.

I support beginning proceedings to de-naturalize these two men for their malevolent, subversive actions to intentionally sabotage the United States with weaponized 3rd world immigration in order to destabilize our social fabric while simultaneously (even further) enriching themselves.

Any recently-arrived individual who enjoys the blessings of American citizenship to enrich and empower himself…and then turns around and uses that very same influence and power he acquired BY OUR GOOD GRACES to intentionally degrade the United States and to cause harm to befall its citizens is NOT WORTHY of being an American.

Permanent banishment back to the shit-hole nations they crawled out of is the fate they have EARNED (But honestly, they and their ill-gotten booty will probably end up in Switzerland along with their fellow reptiles).

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Indian competition can be brutal.


(Could not resist.)

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It is those who voted for Trump who must hold his feet to the fire and raise hell when he does the exact opposite of what he said he would. Since Trump is a narcissist, if enough of you do you, may even be able to get him to change course.

That is why I am glad to see posts like this on Substack. It's not the first one critical of Trump and his coterie I've seen by someone who voted for Trump, and I hope this is a good sign.

In any case, if you DID support Trump, it's really more up to you than anyone else on the planet to hold him accountable. If you don't, then you're no better than the Democrats who worshipped Obama while he broke damned near every promise he ever made to them.

Oh yeah, Xtwitter. You have a witness. The only reason I ever went on there was to promote my Substack, but Elon does hate this place and has an algorithm in place to make that impossible. I have discovered I can live without Musky X even easier than I can live without Amazon or Starbuck's, which is pretty damned easy, really.

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It’s about “doing the needful”. If you don’t understand that concept you can’t understand the Indian Asian mind. Both swamy and Elon would do better to take their engineering needs to India. Let us know how that works out for them. As a history student I love India, lived there, love the food and Karma is real. I would ask Elon why can’t India solve some of their own serious problems and make India a powerhouse not the chemically contaminated place it is today?

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Well put, Jeffrey. If India is so great, why do so many of them wish to leave and come here? The same can be said for other countries too. Let the Indians have India, I wish them well in their own homeland.

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I see it all now. Muskrat and Rumpswabby intend to purge the Federal workforce of Americans and replace them with street shitters. I never gave dot heads much thought until I worked at a hospital.The devil worshipping Hindu doctors were the most arrogant swine I ever encountered.

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It happened so fast. I would take the train to the city once in a while. I would always see a whole diverse group. Then once I didn’t go for about four years, I couldn’t believe it when I went back to that same train station.

It looked like Calcutta.

100 Indians waiting on the platform.

It happens very quickly. When are people gonna start paying attention?

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While Elon has a point about the American work ethic failing apart in the last few decades, his solution is just as stupid as every other ivory tower socialite and entirely misses the problem. Indian workers don't work hard because they have some magical work ethic, they do so because if they don't they'll be sent back to India. The real way to fix the American work ethic is to fix the country and make it a place worth living in, and give Young White Men a future worth working towards. But that's hard and would mean offending Jewish people so they'll just continue to shove Indians into the gaping hole that is the American middle class and hope that that kicks the can down the road just a little longer. There's no long term thinking in the ruling class anymore, its why this country is headed for the trashbin of history. There is no grand plan to keep this country going, just a way to defibrillate it so they can extract as much wealth as possible, and Elon is no different in this regard. Whether he publically renegs on this point or not is irrelevant, he's just like all the other ones.

As for X, its basically run by Indians wholesale now, Barry Stanton proved that, and after this blow up I doubt he's ever making it profitable.

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You don’t really think Musk and Vivek actually took the shots, do you? No way they got anything but saline, like the rest of our august “leaders”.

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I think there is something to be said about American attitudes towards work being very poor, but there are a million steps you can take before importing a foreign class to replace everyone. But Elon seems to want to take the easy way out, maybe if enough people humiliate him on Twitter he'll see things from our side but I'm not counting on it. I think pro subscriptions will begin falling off and we might even see banwaves again. I'm so glad I use the Fediverse as my main platform.

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There are a lot of workers desperate to get jobs who are citizens, but they are not being hired. They cannot get through the blue-haired hags who control HR. If Elon gave a damn, he would focus on destroying HR as it exists today so guys could get jobs. The DEI bullshit is one of the reasons why Indians are getting the jobs instead of White males who are citizens.

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In some industries the attitudes are poor but truthfully I'm not well versed as far as tech culture goes. I know the "no white males need apply" mindset bled over into the private sector decades ago and gave us gender goblins in HR and mandatory pronouns today. Someone I know said "All the competent white guys who could be successful in tech are either working blue collar jobs or mainlining HRT while modding New Vegas." There is a massive pool of untapped talent in America and anyone saying otherwise is gaslighting you.

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American workers need to carry their side of the bargain by learning to work. Americans have become lazy in every aspect of life, and it shows. Entitled and ignorant is a bad combination.

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Which workers are you talking about? All American workers are lazy? WTF??? You better have something to back up your bullshit here, Jason. 🙄

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Referring to the ones who are, and that is too many. Woke, lazy, entitled. 40 years in the work place.

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Try finding any American 18 to 30 years old who is willing to work hard in construction, they are few and far between. If you’re not paying $25/hr to someone with zero knowledge and experience, they don’t want to work. I’m certain this attitude isn’t limited to construction either.

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As an outsider, it occurs to me that just maybe this furore will (not necessarily by design) create such rage in the supporter base that it will focus minds on the urgency of completely deconstructing the whole UN-sponsored diversity-hire / white-male-excluding culture that was designed to undermine Western identity and history, to the benefit of the self-proclaimed elites. That is a big, long-term project but it needs to happen. As has been stated already, the only saps who bought the DEI nonsense were the gullible liberals amongst the indigenous Europeans and the Anglosphere generally.

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They're liars. They never took the mRNA. That's just advertising.

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He threw that poor dad out of twitter, who is just trying to support his family! He was the proof that a lot of white men are not getting the engineering jobs that they should be after graduating with a masters degree in engineering.

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I think you make many great points that I can agree with from real world experience. Both my 28 year professional IT career and my experience on X lately. That said, I think the conclusion on Elon and Vivek is hyperbolic, but I respect it and can empathize with your point of view. Now the question becomes what can we do about it? Will this be something that we need to address in the so-called “parallel economy “? Any thoughts on solutions to this issue?

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