Sep 23, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Do you think it's possible that the internet will become so shit-ridden that most people will just abandon it, with a few exceptions, and go back to real life? Kind of like Detroit?

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No, I don't think it will ever be abandoned. But I think some readers will begin demanding to know if content is AI generated or if it's done by a human or undead. Those readers crave authenticity and the connection to other humans. They do not want machine generated content, thus they will likely avoid such trash content in favor of content and art created by other humans.

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Sep 23, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Always look forward to your heart and soul in all your posts.

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Thank you so much, I always do my best.

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Damn. It's happening fast, isn't it?

I' m a copy editor for a stable of news writers who produce short pieces on current events and politics. Using AI is a firing offense.

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Yes, it is happening fast. The entire internet is going to be swamped with AI crap.

That is interesting, I've seen other indications that some publications insist that writers write their own articles and don't use AI.

For me, part of this is ego. When I write something, it must be WRITTEN BY ME OR IT'S NOT MINE. Do you see what I mean? I do NOT want my byline on an article written by AI trash. That would be a lie to myself and my readers. My ego would not allow AI copy to be put up with my name on it.

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Sep 24, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Agreed, what’s the use of saying you wrote something, if you didn’t write it?

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Regarding that very human element that is and will always be missing from AI-generated writing, there's something that no AI writing program can provide in the written form that I can see thus far, and I've spent a sad amount of time looking for examples and coming up with nothing: intentional absurdity. I delve into it in many of my Storyteller's Perspective pieces, brief passages wherein I dip into the obtuse, seeming to talk to myself, writing out one-sided little skits or interludes to break up the body of what I'm driving at. AI doesn't appear to be capable of doing this.

I don't know if this is a temporary hiccup on the part of these LLMs, or if it's a permanent hole in the armor, but I recommend using it now and then to everyone who enjoys the art of narrative.

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I expect AI will keep getting more and more advanced, but it will always be AI. The content it creates is not human or undead, it is simply machine-made. Thus it will have no legitimacy in the eyes of some readers.

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I asked an AI to reply to a part of your post and this is what it said: “AI-generated content may lack personality and passion, but it can improve with advancements in AI over time. Most of it is currently as exciting as an IRS tax form”. A perfect illustration of your point.

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Ha! The damn thing probably spied on me and copied my copy!!! Another reason to keep it all behind a paywall, locked up tight! 😂

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