The decline and fall of the Alphabet Tribe
The LGBWHATEVERITISTHISWEEK's decline has begun, and the fall is coming
The country called the United States, that I now refer to as the GAE (Globalist American Empire), has long been split into many tribes: the Black Tribe, the White Tribe (which itself is split into two factions that cannot stand each other), the Hispanic Tribe, the Asian Tribe, the Jewish Tribe, the Latino Tribe, etc.
But one of the most powerful and notable tribes is the Alphabet Tribe. This tribe consists of those who identify as LGBTQIA+. Most of the people I know who consider themselves members of this tribe cannot tell me what the letters mean past the Q.
There are also additional letters used sometimes, so for the sake of ease, I generally just use this acronym: LGBWHATEVERITISTHISWEEK. After all, it’s critical to be inclusive and since the official acronym is a constantly changing target, my version covers everything.
The power of the Alphabet Tribe
The Alphabet Tribe has attained nearly unparalleled power in American society. The various pride flags, rainbow paraphernalia, etc. are everywhere in the month of June (pride month), and the Alphabet Tribe has become dominant inside of many large corporations.
So you’d think that all is well and that the Alphabet Tribe’s power will continue indefinitely, right? Well, if you believe that then you are likely very wrong. I believe that we’ve hit and passed the zenith of the tribe’s power in the GAE and in other western countries.
There are two things eating away at the Alphabet Tribe’s power, slowly but surely:
The transsexual gender cult (I don’t use the tribe’s preferred term “transgender” as that deflects away from the reality of biological sex) .
Pedophilia and the grooming of children in schools and other institutions.
As soon as the same-sex marriage question was settled by the Supreme Court, the Alphabet Tribe slipstreamed the transsexual ideology into the LGB political template. Suddenly we were awash in “trans kids” and the rest of it, after many years of never hearing about such things.
The pride flag also went from this:
To this:
The madness of the Troon Gender Cult
Soon the tribe went into overdrive, pushing the transsexual (troon) ideology non-stop everywhere. You couldn’t escape it on social media, in movies, books, TV shows, etc. On and on it went, and if you accepted the propaganda at face value, you’d think that transsexuals were the majority in western populations.
That, of course, is nonsense and everybody knows it but few are willing to stand up and say it. Telling the truth in an empire of lies is dangerous and will get you cancelled. You could lose your job, business, and many other things including any presence you have on social media services.
Unfortunately for the Alphabet Tribe, the transsexual ideology smashed headlong into feminism and women’s rights. Having large, beefy men in female clothing suddenly appearing in women’s locker rooms, bathrooms, sports and other female spaces set off a chain reaction that has begun to cut the support legs out from under the Alphabet Tribe.
Women were a big part of the success of the Ls, Gs, and Bs in attaining same-sex marriage and other things they regarded as their rights. But now those same women have been forced to reexamine their support for the alphabet tribe. Suzy Soccer Mom types in the suburbs were confronted with the possibility of their daughters having to compete against male bodies in sports, or having a man’s schlong dangling in front of their daughter in the locker room.
Many women are still afraid to speak against the transsexual ideology. There is big money and power behind transsexualism, and the medical-industrial complex is profiting from puberty blockers and other hormone related drugs, as well as from “sex change” operations that involve mutilating perfectly healthy male and female bodies.
Prominent feminists such as JK Rowling have been viciously attacked for standing up for what they believe to be women’s rights. Rowling, in particular, has been subjected to a non-stop smear and hate campaign by transsexual activists. Fortunately for her, she has more “fuck you” money than she’ll ever need and all transsexual efforts to destroy her have utterly failed.
Other figures such as Andrew Sullivan have tried to cut up the middle in dealing with the transsexual issue. Sullivan has bent the knee numerous times to the transsexual activists on Twitter while attempting to oppose their ideology from a “centrist” perspective. So far he hasn’t even slowed them down.
Here’s an example of Sullivan desperately trying to pry the Ls, Gs, and Bs out of the clutches of the Ts:
However, the conflict around transsexual issues has made some people who previously supported the Alphabet Tribe quietly distance themselves from all of it. These people are mostly still afraid to speak out openly in public, but the day is coming when they will stop being afraid to do so.
Nobody is born in the wrong body
Personally, I wish those who are confused about their biological sex well. I urge them to get real mental health treatment and learn to accept their bodies, and to live their lives naturally as the men and women they were born to be, and not to mutilate themselves trying to become something they can never attain.
I also urge parents to refrain from giving their children puberty blockers and to absolutely refrain from mutilating their child’s body. All children have a natural human right to a whole and intact body (and that also applies to those who would cut a boy’s penis or a girl’s vagina for religious or misguided “hygiene” reasons).
However, I recognize that in this era of ideological madness my perspective on this might seem old-fashioned to some. Fair enough, I regard their perspective as a futile rebellion against nature and, in the end, nature always wins. Fight against it all you want, nature doesn’t care and the fundamental biological reality of men and women will never change. Acceptance of our natural bodies is a form of sanity in an insane society.
Too many letters will cost the Ls, Gs and Bs everything
I have said for a long time that, if the people running the Alphabet Tribe were smart, the letters would have stopped with the “B.” The “T” and everything after it have nothing to do with the first three letters of the alphabet tribe acronym, and everything after the “B” should have been contained in a separate political movement.
We are hell and gone from that being a possibility. Like it or not, in the public’s mind the Ls, Gs and Bs are lumped in with the rest of the acronym. And that is eventually going to cost the Ls, Gs, and Bs everything over time. The people that once supported them will abandon them, but it won’t just be because of the transsexual ideology.
The Alphabet Tribe and pedophilia
There’s a darker and more malevolent threat lurking just beneath the surface: pedophilia.
I remember back in the 80s hearing warnings from many older Christians that opening the door to normalizing homosexuality would also open the door for other things. Like many others, I laughed at such warnings and thought the people giving those warnings were old, prissy moralists, stuck in the past.
Well, I was wrong, and I admit it. The Christians of the 80s have been proven to be right about all of this. It’s a pity we didn’t listen to them, now look at the mess we are in as a result of not heeding their warnings.
Pedophiles have long lurked in the darkest corners of the Alphabet Tribe. They have been suppressed in the past, as any public linkage between them and the Ls, Gs and Bs would have doomed efforts to pass civil rights legislation and the possibility of same-sex marriage.
But those days are long behind us and the sexualization of children is in full swing inside the GAE. Schools and libraries in some places openly feature “drag queen story hour,” complete with lewd dances and other behavior designed to introduce sexuality to pre-pubescent children.
Usually, when writing a post like this, I will link to certain material to buttress my arguments. But I am not going to do that here because I don’t want to recirculate any of it. If you’re on Twitter and other social media then you’ve seen the videos and images for yourself, and you don’t need to see them again.
If you haven’t seen it, then you can go find it on social media. None of the behavior is acceptable, and much of it is disgusting. Yet there are parents that have been so brainwashed by Alphabet Tribe propaganda that they consider it acceptable or even desirable to expose their children to such things. Such parents are themselves part of the serious problem the GAE faces as its society careens down into the abyss of sexualizing its children.
Pedophilia has been rebranded by the tribe to a new term, which I will not include here as I do not wish to encourage its use. But it’s likely you’ve seen it floating around the Internet. It’s another attempt to control people’s minds by controlling the words used to describe something. I urge you to always use the word “pedophilia” and avoid the new term that some are pushing.
Time to fight for the kids and stop the pedophiles
Resistance to sexualizing children has already sprung up in some states, and it is only going to continue as we move into the 2024 election cycle. Candidates are going to be forced to state their position on the sexualizing of children and, in sane places, which side of the fence they come down on will help decide if they are elected.
But the issue is not going to go away after the election. The Alphabet Tribe and the corporations and politicians allied with it have not slowed their efforts to sexualize children at as early an age as possible. Quite the contrary, as some media companies have introduced transsexual characters into their films and TV shows. Hook em’ while they’re young, right Hollywood?
The combination of the transsexual ideology and the sexualization of children spells long-term doom for the Alphabet Tribe, particularly for the Ls, Gs, and Bs. The big wins they’ve had over the last 30 years are likely to be swept away in the eventual backlash.
Roe was just the first domino to fall
Think that this can’t happen? Well, many people thought Roe versus Wade could never be overturned, that it was here to stay forever. Those who thought that were wrong and the issue of abortion is now back in front of state voters, and not in the hands of the federal government.
It took 50 years to overturn Roe, and it might take as long to overturn the Supreme Court decision that forced legalization of same-sex marriage on all of the states. I expect the Supreme Court to eventually revisit the issue, and to overturn the same-sex marriage decision, and send the issue back to the states.
When that happens, you can bet some of the red states will immediately move to ban same-sex marriage, and to sweep away other wins by the alphabet tribe. It is not a matter of if but when, and I think it will shock people who have lived through the zenith of the Alphabet Tribe’s power.
I believe that zenith is now behind us, and the long-term future does not look promising for the tribe. Once same-sex marriage is overturned by the court, transsexualism and the attempts to normalize pedophilia will begin to recede in its wake as the Alphabet Tribe will be forced to fight battles on many fronts in each state. The strategy of relying on federal court decisions will have proven to be as big a mistake as it was with Roe.
There is a lesson here for all political movements: police your movement ruthlessly, or others will move in and take it over. They will then try to implement agendas that have nothing to do with yours, but those agendas might end up costing you everything.
The decline of the Alphabet Tribe has already begun, and the fall is coming. The seeds have been sown, and eventually the tribe will reap the whirlwind.
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It is important to recognize that the LGBWHATEVERITISTHISWEEK is a puppet class of the American cultural aristocracy (ACA) (People have given this group many names among them are "Cathedral", "Moloch", "The Professional Managerial Class", etc. but I like ACA).
What we're seeing is that the bioleninst dogma to which they all subscribe or at least pretend to is, unfortunately for them, starting to eat its own. No longer can the white woman have political opinions, this is "White Feminism" (a pejoritive term). No longer can the black man have an undogmatic opinion. He is straight, male, and neurotypical!
As Bioleninism grows, fewer and fewer members will have a sufficient intersection of "oppressed" identities to qualify for ingroup status and support. Stacy, Soccer Karen, and Tyrone have all noticed that the movement is starting to turn against them in favor of the trans, disabled,
pediphilic, degenerate, inner party. Of course, this self-cannibalization continues until there is some moment of social upheaval.
Where I think you're wrong is that you think Stacy, Karen, and Tyrone, now recognizing the party is against them, will turn away from it. I think this is wholly incorrect. Bioleninism is a natural response to slave morality and will be served even when it goes against the interest of those serving it.
Nice work, keep it up.