It is important to recognize that the LGBWHATEVERITISTHISWEEK is a puppet class of the American cultural aristocracy (ACA) (People have given this group many names among them are "Cathedral", "Moloch", "The Professional Managerial Class", etc. but I like ACA).

What we're seeing is that the bioleninst dogma to which they all subscribe or at least pretend to is, unfortunately for them, starting to eat its own. No longer can the white woman have political opinions, this is "White Feminism" (a pejoritive term). No longer can the black man have an undogmatic opinion. He is straight, male, and neurotypical!

As Bioleninism grows, fewer and fewer members will have a sufficient intersection of "oppressed" identities to qualify for ingroup status and support. Stacy, Soccer Karen, and Tyrone have all noticed that the movement is starting to turn against them in favor of the trans, disabled,

pediphilic, degenerate, inner party. Of course, this self-cannibalization continues until there is some moment of social upheaval.

Where I think you're wrong is that you think Stacy, Karen, and Tyrone, now recognizing the party is against them, will turn away from it. I think this is wholly incorrect. Bioleninism is a natural response to slave morality and will be served even when it goes against the interest of those serving it.

Nice work, keep it up.

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Good points, thanks for commenting. You might be right, but my hope is that they will turn away if enough pain is inflicted on them or someone they care about, up to and including the ending of their lives or one of their loved ones. We all know where communism goes in the end, and it won't be any different this time.

One group that has had some members abandon woke communism is feminists. Some of them woke up (no pun intended) and realized that the insane transsexual cult was never going to let go of the delusion that men can become women, and that any feminist that spoke the truth was a "TERF." So some have drifted away from the woke communism, simply because they had nowhere else to go but over to the right.

Will there be enough of them to matter? I do not know, but at least part of the woke communist coalition has cracked, and many more might follow if forced to do so by the mental cases running the commie show.

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You make a good point with the TERFs. It is a reactionary movement but a “we accept the other 99% of the orthodoxy” reaction. I really think there can be no real schism because the cathedral is so tied together. We can’t conceive of a world where, for instance, Yale randomly decides to go libertarian while Harvard remains progressive. It wouldn’t work because the Cathedral has to be unified. We can say there is a schism when the NYT pedagogically is at odds with the WSJ.

I’ll concede that you may be right too lol, who knows.

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