Jul 17Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I don't know about any of that but RFK in Trump's staff would be yuge.

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Indeed! Attorney General would make the Deep State scum shit their pants!

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Jul 18Liked by Morgthorak the Undead


I would watch tomorrow nights convention. RFK is in Milwaukee, I would not be surprised if he shows up on stage with Trump and Trump announces he will be AG. It would just be so Trump.

The surprises so far have been just that, Teamsters President and other non normal for Republicans speaking and the old guard is AWOL Bushes, cheneys, Romney etal.

It will be a bunker buster if this happens. The shockwaves will be overwhelming for the old codgers in the Democrat Party.

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That would be very interesting, indeed. We shall see tonight if anything juicy like that happens. It will certainly freak the Democrats out if RFK Junior sides with Trump.

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Jul 18Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Covid my ass. Biden has dementia.

I hope nothing happened to Kennedy. He's a decent person who can't decide whether the gene therapies are good or not.

It doesn't surprise me that Biden will hide in the basement again. He never could face-to-face with Trump. Trump makes him look like a fool.

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Biden will be out by the end of this weekend, at the latest. But who will be the nominee? Kamala is an airhead and cannot win.

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Jul 18Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Would Kamala for certain step in? If she was smart, which she is not, she would defer until 2028. The Democrat ticket this cycle is a human sacrifice. Whoever runs will lose and thus be thought of as a loser when they try again in four years.

Where is Walter Mondale when you need him? He could take one for the team.

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Jul 18Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Since having to be helped into a car due to "mild COVID" there seems to be an almost total media blackout about Biden personally today. Either it's worse than COVID and they are keeping it quiet, or there is a palace coup in progress, or they are going to use a medical/fitness excuse to remove him. Quite possibly all 3.

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Jul 19Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I don’t think he knew because you can’t trust him not to say anything since his brain is so addled.

Imagine him talking about Medicare and then then he just says it 😂

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Jul 18Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Reports have been coming out of the RNC all week about "unexpected coalitions". I don't think they just meant the boss of the Teamsters showing up.

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RFK Jr. instituting a full review of vaccine safety would also work. Ditto for sex changing chemicals in the environment.

I voted "Deal with Trump" given that Trump has already promised a cabinet position to a Libertarian. Doing a similar deal with RFK Jr. makes perfect sense.

As a populist, Trump is closer to many old school Democrats than Reagan or his imitators. (Under my real name) I have long said that Trump has more parallels with JFK than any other post JFK president: playboy, reckless, daddy's money, celebrity connections, trouble with the Deep State, American Greatness rhetoric, glamour...

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At this point, just making stuff up -- will likely be less interesting that what might actually happen! 😂🤣

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What do you mean? Biden is clearly getting out, see the front page of the Daily Mail. Bathhouse Barry, Pelosi, Schumer, etc. have all told him to do so. He will likely be out by the end of the weekend, if not before.

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Oh no, I don't mean that I don't think that Biden will be removed/step down.

I'm just saying that everything is so far up in the air, literally anything can happen. Logic is no longer at play. We're in uncharted territory. We're living in a B-rated movie.

It will be "real" space aliens that tell Biden it's time to step down. It wouldn't surprise me at this point.

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Bet news lol, COVID lol

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I wish Trump picked RFK for vice president …😞

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Not possible politically, but I get what you mean. Attorney General might be much better.

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