Jul 24Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Berating staff to such a degree that they quit is a sign that she's deeply insecure and has little confidence or ability to perform her job. Almost as if she's a DEI lightweight or something. Fortunately (for her, not for us) she also has the luxury of running through staff like water without having to worry about keeping a business afloat or pesky matters like that. If only Heels-Up Harris could go back to doing what she did/does best...

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Indeed, it says a lot about her personality. I wish I were a psychologist and could pinpoint exactly what is going on with her. But no matter, we can all rest easy with her finger on the nuke button. What could go wrong, right? 😉

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Yeah, and with her history of abusing her staff, and having just finished being a totally ineffectual and mocked VP, what kind of high caliber DC insiders are gonna want to join her staff now, to ride this titanic into the ocean, as she most likely loses?

"Worst job in the DC swamp!"

Plus, you gotta try to cover for all the stupid?

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Jul 24Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I'm wondering something. Scott Adams, whatever you may think of him, said she'll show a different face when confronted in a debate. Even if what she says does not directly answer the questions, the media will declare her qualities on repeat until it solidifies into the public consciousness. The same will apply if, or when, she resorts to ad hominem attacks against Trump. The rhetoric will be cranked to 11.

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They can certainly do that, and they can drill her to try to make it looks like she knows what she is talking about, but she is an air-head and she will make gaffe after gaffe that will fly around the Internet, undercutting their efforts.

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One pattern I've noticed over the past decade reveals people's stubborness with the narrative, carrying it around like a cudgel for the sake of narcissistc self-adulation and power. Every one of these SJWs feed off the blood of others. They're psychic vampires, plain amd simple.

Also, the handlers will prevent Kamela from too many debates and public appearamces to mask her stupidity, no matter how much we tease her retardation. The general electorate are no different, a lot more than we'd like to think, so they'll parrot whatever they're programmed to think. Fucking androids!!

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I am not too sure about your last paragraph. This is a presidential campaign, and they can only shield her so much. This is why I thought the Dems would go with Hillary who has already been through such a campaign, and knows what to watch out for, the same cannot be said for Kamala.

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She's just like Biden in that regard- If she will stay on script, she might do okay, but as soon as she starts speaking off the cuff.... whoa Nelly!, she is going to say some of the dumbest shit ever!!

And then "her people", the MSM, and democrats everywhere, are going to be stuck, trying to Kamala-splain it, which might be even more hilarious.

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They'll shueld Kamela from too many appearances like the way they limited Joe Biden's debates with Trump in 2020. Maybe they'll have one debate, gaslight the population that Kamela won, and regain whatever popularity she MAY have lost with her gaffes.

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Well, if her speaking history is any indication, she'll probably recycle her line to Biden about "being a little black girl, being kept out of the good white schools, because Trump didn't support bussing".

Or there is her "fweeedom" line, from when she marched with Dr. King as a toddler.

If I'm being 100% honest, I'm actually looking forward to seeing what kind of stupid shit comes out of her mouth!

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Jul 24Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

She gaffed at her very first opportunity when she said it was great to have Joe "on the rec-" er "phone call". This is why her every word was scripted after her first abysmal interviews as VP.

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Jul 25·edited Jul 25Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

That Tulsi clip is one of the best political debate takedowns of all time.

As I said in my post today, the one good thing about Kamala Harris is that she's so easy to ridicule. From the Trump campaign perspective, all they have to do to win is to let the voters get to know her.

For to know her is to loathe her. She's a truly despicable person with no sense of humor. If Trump plays his cards right, he can carry New York.

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Indeed it is! I had forgotten how good Tulsi’s takedown was; absolutely brilliant!

You are dead on about Kamala. She is that bad and that unlikable. That is why I think we might not be at the end of the road yet in terms of who the final candidate might be; we shall see between now and the convention.

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It is possible that they are going to see how $kamala does for the next couple of weeks, but they really don’t have much more time than that.

I think it’s unlikely now that Blue MAGA has jumped on the Harris bandwagon, but then again, these are Democrats we are talking about. Their capacity for doublethink is vast.

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Barry is the one to watch, this is a huge stick up his ass, and he will try to change it if he can. He might not have enough time, or she might have enough support to stick it out until the end. Who knows? But at least it will be entertaining, and you know he will have to endorse her at the convention if she makes it that far. That too will be a huge stick up his ass! 😂

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I'm not so sure. Barry was the one pushing for $kamala in 2020, but had to back off when polls showed her finishing fifth in the California primary. I think it more likely he wanted this outcome but is just playing coy.

It doesn't really matter much to me. Oligarchs gonna oligarch.

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Jul 24Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I wonder how it would play if Trump just calls out "husband" Doug Emhof as childless Kamala's beard (or the other way round, or both). As just one more example of her expedient dishonesty.

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Kamala is DEI-shielded so nobody (except maybe Michelle) can challenge her openly. Instead "her turn" must be expended by walking her out into the public glare. If her Dem rivals are lucky she will implode before the convention. If they are unlucky they might have to wait for 2028.

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In a way, it's rather funny-

They started with a candidate that was so demented, slow, weak and confused, that their best bet was to keep him hidden, and have the MSM run cover by reporting about him, rather than show him.

Now, replaced with a candidate that is so unserious, vapid, of questionable sanity, and frankly unlikeable, that their only option is to keep her from becoming over-exposed, and instead, hide her from view, and "report" about her, rather than actually show her.

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I suspect we all know or work with Kamala.

She is a garden variety narcissist, an underqualified bully who disguises her fragility with a hyena laugh and HR-approved word salad.

None of this matters to those who want to see DJT get beaten at any cost, though.

A debate between the 2 will be a clown show. Donald and his inarticulate buffoonery and Kamala with her soulless words and shrill giggle sparring on national TV. I've got a lot of popcorn stored away for this potential event.

I think Trump needs to focus on Douglas Emhoff for vulnerabilities in the Kamala soft-serve machine.

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By now, all of my politologist friends are scratching their heads. What are the so called democrats even thinking?! They have not only shot themselves in both feet by their unwise, relentless persecution of Trump, further elevating him in the eyes of his supporters and gaining him a few million undecided voters, but pinning all of their hopes up on a sure-to-fail duo. Whatever it is Alzheimer's or something else (sniffing related) Biden was a president only on paper, his every word dictated to him on a teleprompter or in a headphone, and he himself propped up like a manikin by his handlers. He was "in command" only on borrowed time or until the handlers found something better to replace him. Come the crashing ruin which was that presidential debate, and not even the rumored brain implant or the myriad of drugs his bloodstream was swimming with could prevent the inevitable. Then, the kneepad queen cometh... Unlikable and barely able to cobble up coherent sentences, which, to say the truth, carry little to no real political sense, Kamala is bound to fail from the get go. Some of my peers made the assumption that this entire presidency was a shrewd political plot by none other than Hilary Clinton and her circle. She does crave that sweet White House office after all.

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Hillary will be too old after this to run again. So if she wants it, she needs to get it right now.

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Jul 24Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

She has a circle, that hildebeast.

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She is a black woman. She is therefore beyond criticism. She has already ensured her election, it’s just a matter of counting the votes.

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None of this matters. She is a black woman. The Party has made it clear they want her to be President. So, she will be President. There are no other possibilities. Bend over, grab ankles.

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She is not black, she’s a combination of Jamaican and Indian. They just make her black for political purposes.

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It makes no practical difference. She checks the box, she gets the White House.

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