Taylor and Travis: A fake romance of bought-and-paid-for regime stooges?
There's more than meets the eye in the media prominence of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. The duo are useful tools for the regime's propaganda machine.
I don’t know if you noticed, but Taylor Swift and her football player boyfriend are all over Western media. If either of them farts, the fart gets put on the front page of the Daily Mail and other Western rags. It’s just a constant barrage of media coverage of this pair, and it’s nauseating in the extreme.
But why? Why is the media coverage so heavy and unrelenting?
Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce: Tools for the regime
There is a theory floating around that Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce serve the purpose of trying to get White people to reengage with regime media in the West. This is not as far-fetched as it might sound, as many Whites have walked away from regime media, given its inherent anti-White propaganda.
This abandonment of regime media makes it much harder for the people who control the Globalist American Empire to feed the White population certain narratives. If the Whites they want to target aren’t watching, and aren’t reading their media, then it’s tough to fill their brains with the appropriate narratives, isn’t it?
Taylor Swift: Vivacious, White pop tart
Enter Taylor Swift, a vivacious, relatively young, White pop tart who produces - in my humble opinion - trashy, computer-generated music designed to appeal to the lowest common denominator among the young. While I might think her music stinks, there are millions and millions who enjoy it, and who hang on every ridiculous, vapid article published about her by the regime propagandists.
Unlike others, I do not think Swift is some sort of psyop for the Democrats. I think her purpose is much less overtly partisan, and thus much sneakier by the people who own and control the GAE. She’s there to gin up White viewership and readership, particularly among young Whites, especially young females.
Travis Kelce also helps, as young, White females love the gossip and giddiness of watching Taylor and her beau interact in regime media. What did Taylor say to Travis? Where are they going? Did he buy her a gift? Are they fighting? Did he kiss her? Young females eat such nonsense up and love to chatter about it among themselves on social media.
This, of course, presumes that their romance is real. The GAE is an empire of lies, and it’s more than possible that the Taylor/Travis romance is nothing more than a cooked-up dish to shovel down the gullets of the gullible masses. We cannot get into the heads of Swift and Kelce, so we do not know if they actually do care for each other or not. But it would not surprise me to find out that the whole thing is just another batch of celebrity bullshit and lies designed to fulfill regime propaganda needs while lining the pockets of Swift and Kelce.
Travis Kelce: Corral White males into the sports culture
But Travis Kelce also serves a different but similar purpose among young White males. His role is to get them to reengage with football, which has, shall we say, gotten a little too Black, too woke, and blatantly anti-White for the tastes of some White males. So how do we rope these young White males back into the NFL corral?
Give them a White male football hero they can identify with, and give him a “hot” pop-tart girlfriend that many White males would like to bang. Young White males are vulnerable to such manipulation, and getting them back into the sports culture is critical to keeping them pacified and easily controlled.
Remember that the powers-that-be who control the GAE want to keep White males anesthetized and lobotomized by keeping them hooked into the sports culture. They don’t want physically, intellectually, and morally strong White males who exhibit real masculine traits. Such masculinity has a way of becoming a threat to the regime, and thus White males must be kept neutered.
So the idea is to keep White males hooked on the sports culture and so to keep them swilling beer, eating Doritos, and talking about whatever stupid sports rivalry or players are in the sports news at that moment. Above all else, keep White males (especially young White males) distracted from what is happening in the country as millions of illegal aliens pour into the GAE from all over the world.
Taylor and Travis rake in the cash
Do you see now how Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce function as tools of the regime in this theory? Each has his or her own specific purpose, and both are compensated wildly for allowing themselves to be used for regime propaganda purposes. The cash flows into their bank accounts in an unending torrent from the powers-that-be, and neither of them will ever have to work for a living again.
For now, the Swift and Kelce media overload seems to be working. The two are everywhere, and every utterance or appearance is covered lavishly by the GAE’s media apparatchiks. But I wonder how long the bombardment will be able to continue. At what point do White males and females grow tired of the two of them?
We will have to wait and see, but if you aren’t already utterly sick of Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce, you soon will be, and your only hope will be to try to tune them out as much as possible until their time as useful fools comes to an end.
What happens when the regime is done with them?
When the powers that be in the GAE are done with them, Swift and Kelce might suddenly be ushered off the public stage in a sudden scandal, or some other way that discards them permanently when they are no longer useful. I would not be surprised if there were a tragic plane crash or some other disaster that resulted in the end of the tedious duo, once they had served their allotted purposes.
Never forget that the GAE has a nasty habit of disposing of tools that it no longer finds useful. It doesn't matter if it's foreign leaders like Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, or a pop tart and her boy toy. When the GAE is done with Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce, they'll know it in no uncertain terms.
What do you think of this theory? Does it hit the mark, or is it baloney? Tell me in the comments.
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Bread and circuses for the 21st century
This 'ship is as fake as Tom Cruise's series of 5-year contract wives, except Taylor is the Tom Cruise and it's the NFL who are paying for the desperately needed exposure. And I don't think you're theory about the regime is wrong either.