Aug 8Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

From now on, anyone who believes anything the federal government and its three-letter agencies say should have their heads examined. The government can not be trusted at all. Every word out of their mouth should be taken with a mountain of salt and then promptly ignored.

Any call for war that is not on our soil should likewise be ignored.

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George Carlin called it right when he said that he NEVER believed a word anybody from the government said about anything.

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If they were there to protect Trump, Crooks or all the other shooters wouldn’t have got a shot off in the first place. Supposedly the ‘counter snipers’ already knew who was where and ‘waited for the go’.

It’s all LIHOP and MIHOP from this angle

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All my Telegram channels are shut down the concerned, the Russia Ukraine war actually Russia, NATO war Ukraine’s the tip of the spear.

I just heard from somebody that Gmail is out from some worldwide bug. I’m sure Substack not long to follow. I’m gonna light a smoke signal fire outside.

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