Jul 29Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

If I were Trump, I'd ditch the SS detail and hire some private muscle. They'd have a better reason to keep him alive, because if he dies, they don't get paid.

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Wise words, my friend. At the very least an independent security detail could double check whatever arrangements are made by the Secret Service. That might have helped on the day Trump was nearly killed.

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Jul 29Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Maybe Erik Prince and some former Blackwater operators?

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I saw a video the other day with a man who said - paraphrasing- 'Come among your brothers and ask us to protect you. We'll get the job done'. If I were Trump, I'd keep the government agencies deliberately in the dark. They're the enemy here.

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A nice detail of vets, marines, seals, and delta. Hidden, and enough in number so they could effectively fight against the SS, and FBI, if they try to unalive him again.

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"Also, it’s interesting that the counter-snipers didn’t see him on the roof before he fired, but they had no problem killing him immediately after he almost killed Trump. It was almost as if the counter-snipers were told to wait patiently until AFTER the assassin killed Trump before they took him out. 🤔"

This is the decisive fact, IMHO, and confirms that it was an alphabet agency setup. Let the kid kill DJT, then kill the kid...as you say, dead men tell no tales.

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Indeed. It's a dead giveaway, so to speak, that the SS snipers were to wait until after the shots were fired before killing the assassin. And they did their job to perfection. If Trump hadn't turned his head, it would have worked.

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Jul 29Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

The only good thing, given that Trump survived, is that it's another nail in the coffin of the deep-state as more and more normies are starting to realise just how serious the situation is.

As I've said previously, DJT will be sworn in as POTUS 47 on 20th January 2025.

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It's obviously a conspiracy by the Deep State, it is impossible to believe otherwise.

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Simply too many things that "went wrong" for it to be otherwise.

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Indeed. It is the logical, inevitable conclusion that people with working brain cells arrive at.

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Jul 29Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Nah, benefit of the doubt is out of the question entirely at this point. I knew the second I got the text from my son that someone shot at Trump that the Deep State was responsible. With every dirty trick they could think of since 2015 to take him down, how could it not be "them?" They figured they could pull of another JFK but this time it didn't quite work out.

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Agreed. It seemed like a bad re-run of the Kennedy assassination, without the car and Jackie. However, they came very close to succeeding. If Trump had not turned his head, it would have worked. The assassin was immediately silenced forever and Trump would have been dead. Then the coverup would have begun in earnest.

But now it is more difficult for them to pull off. Everybody had a camera in their pocket and people will record everything around them and upload it to social media. The Deep State cannot work in the shadows like they did in 1963. They run the risk of having their lies exposed with just one video.

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Jul 29Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I’ve always been that type that believes anything provided by the government is almost never as good as what someone can buy — in this case — personal protection.

It’s my opinion that the government is akin to an over-ripened fruit at this point, such that it is saturated with “soft spots” due to bullshit policies and DEI. The soft spots being either the last stage in ripening or the first stage in rotting — however you wish to view it.

Let’s say this was 100% incompetence and not a Deep State/GAE-orchestrated hit. Trump’s USSS detail and how they handled protecting him was worse than a bad joke. Trump could have paid for security that would have dwarfed what a federal agency “tried to” provide him.

I guess where I’m going with this is that whether it’s incompetence or a coordinated hit, things are so far beyond shitty in the government that we are having a very hard time differentiating between the two.

Don’t ever trust the government to provide you with anything of value. They won’t. This was an attempted hit almost made possible due to engineered incompetence.

Thank you for the opportunity to comment, everyone.

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Jul 29Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

This reminds of the "MIHOP" and "LIHOP" 9/11 theories.

MIHOP or a blend of MIHOP/LIHOP makes more sense given Deep State malevolence. LIHOP allows too little control and time is of the essence with November coming up.

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The official narrative and texts read like a Spy Tech commercial lol


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Agreed. Those who know where the bodies are buried are still in charge - the now “acting” SS director (akin to Lisa Monaco in the FBI) - 2nd in command and probably the mastermind of the whole affair. Like Wray, Cheatle was just the front.

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I don't know who is running the SS now, but I expect no one better than Cheatle. That organization is just as bad as the FBI with the woke communist crap.

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Jul 29Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Ron Rowe, deputy SS director is now acting director. He would be the one to have signed off on the abysmal security detail on that day. Now he’s directing the clean-up operation.

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It is very difficult to analyse these situations through the lens of hindsight. Until he pointed the rifle at the cop, Crooks was just a kid acting suspiciously who they were talking about and investigating. I still don't see evidence of a conspiracy - which is exactly what you would expect from a well planned conspiracy. There is nothing inconsistent with neglect, incompetence, confusion, and of course the drumbeat of hate against Orange Hitler. Sorry, no "smoking gun" yet. Suspicious as hell, but no evidence of conspiracy. If it's a conspiracy, it's a competent one.

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Jul 29Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Sometimes the smoking gun is the elimination of all other possibilities. Nobody is that stupid.

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“Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.” - Sherlock Homes”

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I don't think we are at the stage to invoke Holmes' dictum. The known facts are explainable by negligence, incompetence, bad communication and some wilful neglect. That doesn't disprove a conspiracy but there is no necessity for a conspiracy to explain the known facts.

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That's a fair point. I agree with that methodology. I think we are just about on the limit of what can be explained by incompetence and deliberate neglect. "I can't think of any other explanation" is an argument, but it's not a strong one

Look, I *suspect* there was a deliberate suppression of Trump's security on one hand, and possibly the deliberate vectoring of a patsy shooter on the other hand. I suspect that but to say it's proven is overstating the evidence at this point.

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