Jul 11Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I agree with you and many commenters. I have to have air conditioning to sleep. From Alabama.

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All hail my great household god Carrier, god of air-conditioning! Long may he help the undead think!

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You could always get a trailer, and move into one to fight down costs? I've a friend who did that for 3 years then bought himself a pretty good house for him and his friends. Just a thought. Don't mean to be nosy, only reason I'm not doing that is 'cause my brother will soon have his own house and I've an invite to move in with him.

Seriously though that apartment doesn't sound all that pleasant (no offence intended).

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Jul 11Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Fuck that. Burn the whole thing down 😂😂

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Appreciate nature. Also, it's trying its level best to kill you.

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Jul 11Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

You should have been born an Englishman, Morgthorak. We are having just about the shittiest summer I can ever recall with temperatures barely hitting 70 degrees (and that's in the middle of the afternoon in the south of the country) and rain on 2 days out of 3. Needless to say we do not need AC in this country.

Hornets? In 62 years I've never seen a hornets' nest and only 3 or 4 of them out on their own.

Heck, maybe I live in paradise!

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Sounds to me like you are in a good place. Cool enough, and with less bugs. Count your blessings, my friend!

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Jul 11Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Yes, for all its faults (and leaving aside politics) the south of England is one of the most comfortable places in the world to live. No extremes of weather, no poisonous snakes (well, adders but their bite is no worse than a bee sting), no bears/wolves/pumas etc...boring but very easy.

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Jul 11Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Urrgh, both heat and hornets are not my friends either. Hope you’ll soon be able to resume writing, Morg. Take care 💙🙏

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Thanks, Joyce. Always delighted to hear from you. 👍🏻

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Jul 11Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Living in humid East Texas I totally understand! Life is only possible here due to AC. I am outside a lot in my garden and come in completely soaked—usually requiring 2 showers/day. All is well so long as the AC and the fans are running. Right now it is 70 degrees with 80% humidity (@ almost 11 pm) and that makes it feel like 84 degrees according to my weather station. However, I know for a fact that 5 minutes outside watering would produce a good sweat! We had another 5” of rain this week due to Beryl. We went for two whole weeks without any rain. We are way beyond our yearly average rainfall. My flowerbeds are saturated and the mosquitoes are thriving. The happy news is that the lower temps mean that my tomatoes may be able to set more fruit and not fry to a crisp just yet! Hooray!

Glad you killed those nasty Hornets! We always keep a can or two of spray around as we seem to get a lot of wasps! Rest well Morg! I look forward to your next post.

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Good luck with your tomatoes, glad you are looking on the bright side of all the moisture. The mosquitos are terrible though, I hate them. I deliver to rural areas sometimes and as soon as I set foot outside of my vehicle I have a cloud of the damn things around me. I hate them as much as the damned hornets!

I hope the rain slows down for you and you get some drier times. Rain is good in small batches, but too much of it and everything gets water-logged.

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Jul 11Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Morgthorak, we are alike in the heat. Back in 1981 we (Wifey and I) travelled to Far North Queensland from Melbourne (ie/ from a cold climate to a tropical one) No aircon at all. It was blistering hot but it was not until the first rain of the wet season came that I understood what 100° and 100% humidity felt like - we immediately drove for 24 hours south to cool off !

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Ouch, the humidity does make it much worse. A dry heat is more bearable, but once the humidity hits a certain point, you are turned into a sloth! I don't blame you for bugging out of there and going somewhere cooler. A very sensible thing to do!

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Nah, dry heat is just a different kind of suck. The humidity takes the edge off the direct heat of the sun. Without it, it's like standing in front of an oven. Your own shadow is 10 degrees cooler than your hot side.

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Jul 11Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Yes, I admit we struggled with both types of heat - also up in FNQ you can't cool off in rivers or the sea due to crocodiles and box jellyfish

Funny thing though - i love both sauna and steam room (but especially the cold shower afterwards !)

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Crocodiles? Wow, yes I can imagine why you would stay out of the water. Those things are amazing, but also very dangerous. Sneaky bastards hide. under the water and wait for people to come to the edge then grab them! I cannot imagine being in the water where they are and then being grabbed by one.

Jellyfish suck too. You can't see the damn things and you can swim right into them.

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Jul 11Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

All true Morgthorak. The snakes up there were all over the place too. They have called the Taipan - seriously scary !

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Oh man, I hate poisonous snakes. I can deal with constrictors and other non-venomous ones, but the ones with venom are scary.

Then again, some of the constrictors get huge and are capable of killing an adult human. I’d rather avoid those too, come to think of it. 😂

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Best way to get rid of hornets: wait til midday when they’re all gone and knock down the nest. Remove all trace of it. They’ll rebuild that night when they get back but you knock it down again next day. Only a few days of this and they will leave for good.

Tried and true, have done this method for years - in various provinces/states.

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My friend, are you insane? They didn't leave the nest. There was a bunch of them on it all day. Only the RAID could have taken them out and it did. After they were all dead, I knocked the nest out of the window. So it's gone now.

But you trifle with them at your peril during the day, without RAID. They are most active in the heat and can fly faster than you can run. 😂

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You hve weird stay-at-home hornets! Lol.

I have used this method for years. They always left during the day.

But yeah, I am insane. You knew that. 🤪

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This is why, though I love the south, I no longer live there. We've had a long heatwave in the northwest as well this past week but the rest of the spring and summer has been unseasonably cool and rainy, just the way I like it.

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