Sep 27, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

There are different ways of being a super power, and most of them don't involve having the two most powerful air forces in the world. We could have been seen as diplomats par excellence. Sort of like Trump was doing when he brokered 4 peace deals for Israel. We could spend the money at home and rebuild our infrastructure and lead he world by example.

We could assist other countries with peace time infrastructure and educational programs that aren't based on the rainbow brigade bullshit.

We could show other countries how to be self-sufficient and feed their people.

But we don't do any of that..we just kill and kill and kill.

We aren't the shining city on the hill anymore. We are the Catacomb of death, where the other liche kings rule the decaying world.

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Maybe it would be better if the US stopped meddling in other people’s business

Think of all those Americans who deserve support instead of flag waving about being a ‘Superpower ‘

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I agree. The founding fathers didn't want us to have foreign entanglements.

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"the US (Globalist American Empire) will brook no challenge to its power from any other country on the planet. EVER"

Including America, which the GAE empire is in the process of tearing apart, turning us into a reflection of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Ukraine and Syria.

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The Wolfowitz Doctrine is just the updated Dulles Doctrine for the post-Cold War era. And of course the Dulles Doctrine is the updated Monroe Doctrine spread beyond the Americas. Same as it ever was. Too bad, so sad it's all falling apart now.

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Another great one. 👍👍

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

This article is up there with Fat Orange Retard. Hard hitting. It looks like we're back to a multi polar world, or will be there in short order. What do you think that kind of world will mean for Europe?

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I learned a lot from your article. I didn’t know about Paul Wolfowitz. Wolfowitz is a villain. According to Wikipedia he is the guy that got us (GAE) to go to war with Iraq after 9/11 and later he was President of the World Bank, but resigned after two years over a scandal he was involved with. He’s a reptilian.

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He's a shit, and so are his followers. They've led the GAE to disaster and will do so again if allowed to have power.

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RemovedSep 27, 2023·edited Sep 28, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead
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Zelensky is, naturally, Jewish.

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No one should be allowed to wield the GAE's power in pursuit of their private ethnic hatred. Yet that is what has happened in this situation, and it runs the risk of WW3 and the destruction of billions of lives.

Fuck the neocons. Let them take their ethnic hatred bullshit somewhere else.

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