I was wondering when some body cam video would come out. I figured it would sooner or later, especially since the Pennsylvania cops don't want the assassination attempt blamed on THEM.

Occam's Razor indicates someone in the Secret Service arranged this assassination attempt. Maybe they thought Biden could somehow win if they just took out Trump. When they failed, Biden exited stage left within a couple of weeks. Or maybe they would have given Biden the boot anyway, I don't know.

Whatever. One faction of the oligarchy wanted Trump dead and used the Secret Service to set him up. And this time, most Americans will not believe the lone gunman theory. The wheels are falling off the imperial propaganda machine.

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True, I don't blame the cops for releasing it at all. The SS already tried to fob it off on the cops, so the cops are going to defend themselves. It serves our interest for as much information as possible to come out.

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I agree that the responsibility lies with the USSS, whether the cause was rank incompetence, wilful neglect, or outright conspiracy. I'm shifting from saying incompetence to saying wilful, malicious, prejudicial neglect. I'm not quite at conspiracy yet, but I'm not ruling it out either.

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Like the Undead One, I have no proof beyond a reasonable doubt, but the simplest explanation is that the assassination attempt was set up from the inside of the Secret Service.

If they had followed their own standard procedure it could not have happened at all. That’s pretty damning right there.

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Aug 9Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Yeah I am ALMOST with you guys but I have Henry Occam sitting on one shoulder and Oliver Stone on the other. I guess when we say they broke their own SOP we need to be sure we are not using current-President SOP or even nominee-SOP to judge ex-President SOP. We know (now) that those are three very different security and resource levels, in descending order. Add to that - how many ex Presidents appear at multiple rural open air mass gatherings? I'm guessing the answer to that is about zero, at least since the invention of television. Not saying you're wrong, just the Henry on my shoulder isn't convinced yet.

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Aug 9·edited Aug 10Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Another way to look at this. Consider how little information has been "officially" released so far.

Does anyone think that the FBI "investigation" into the assassination attempt would have gone any different if Trump were to have been done in?

Is the FBI investigation even legit? The "lone shooter" is dead, so why would they not release information? It's not like there's going to be a court case to determine the innocence or guilt of the shooter. There's no reason to withhold information at all--unless it implicates people involved in the assassination attempt--who are still alive. It's like the JFK files, they are never going to be released--because they implicate people who are still alive, or still have living direct relatives. The official government term for the non-release of the JFK files is called, "Continued temporary postponement."

Everything to do with the assassination attempt was intentional--not negligence. Think Afghanistan exit.

The most important thing to consider in that the media is trying to "memory-hole" the Trump assassination attempt, why? It's sensational and would be great for ratings if that were their goal, but they are trying to make it go away. Understanding that the media operates at the behest of the Deep State, explains why they want the news to disappear.

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Agree on everything you said. They are trying to pretend it never happened.

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I agree they are definitely trying to get past it.

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Aug 9Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

To me it seems odd, because they are trying to keep people from knowing that it even happened. Normally they are just trying to hide details, this goes a level further.

And I don’t think it’s because they believe the assassination attempt will help Trump, polling wise, it’s too far out from November to make any meaningful long-lasting sway in voter polls.

If they were to off Trump before the election, since the failed attempt, it would 100% guarantee that the Democrat candidate would lose. I believe that’s the only reason that they won’t try again.

It all comes down to narrative, and their narrative was designed with Trump’s death in mind. That didn’t happen, so now were on to plan B, which likely has Trump winning—in a landslide, and the Deep State/Permanent Government focused on securing the senate, so that Trump will be largely powerless.

If they could have gotten a Democrat puppet in office, it would have allowed them to further their globalist goals much faster. With Trump in, nothing really moves, and they just have to wait another 4-years, but little will change until then.

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Great points, and no, I don’t think their alleged investigation would have gone any differently, and neither would their conclusion.

You know damned well they’re going to say it was just a lone gunman with no assistance from anybody whatsoever. We’ve seen this movie before.

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Aug 9Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Oh yeah. If I were Trump, I'd get rid of the Secret Service and hire a professional personal protective detail. It looks like he can't trust the government supplied Didn't earn it crew.

Once he becomes president, I'd eliminate the DHS and put all the departments back where they were.

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He needs to have his own security people carefully exam each venue he goes to for security vulnerabilities. Whatever plans the SS has must be disclosed and discussed with Trump's security BEFORE the event happens. Any potential threat possibilities must be neutralized in advance to protect Trump.

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The INS sure handled the border better than what we have now, the Secret Service was better off under Treasury, the Coast Guard needs to go back to the Department of Transportation where it belongs, and the TSA can just disappear as far as I'm concerned.

That might actually get me to fly again.

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Agree, DHS needs to go, it is an abomination that should never have been created in the first place.

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To a degree the cops testimony is irrelevant. The USSS decided not to have the rooftops occupied (by anyone). That's the crux of this issue, that decision. Having made that decision they were never going to reverse it just because some local cop said so. Nor are they saying they weren't aware of the rooftops being a risk. They made a knowing decision not to have them covered. That's all that matters on that issue.

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Disagree as the cop's statement indicates that somebody did try to alert them to the potential danger of the warehouse roof. They disregarded that warning. That damns them more than if they had just made the decision themselves, with no one from outside the SS bubble warning them.

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But they didn't need to be alerted. That's just another defense of incompetence. "Oh gee we didn't know a roof could be used by a shooter." Nobody needed to warn them that. It does not add to their negligence or culpability. That's already at maximum, because getting the roofs secured was the absolute responsibility of the USSS.

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