Aug 2Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Our government is corrupt. I know I am naive. Until I started reading Substack I did not realize how it is completely bad in every way. And we pay taxes for this bs.

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I know, it's so frustrating. There's so much money in DC and also power that it breeds an unbelievable amount of corruption.

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Ockham's Razor--the simplest explanation is usually the correct one--says that the assassination attempt was an inside job, that it was deliberately allowed to happen by someone inside the Secret Service.

I didn't know the bit about no advance team sweeping the site days ahead of time. I thought that went without saying because it's been standard operating procedure since at least 1963. That's, well, pretty damned strong evidence for the inside job theory.

I noticed the timing right away, and you're right on all points there. Take out Trump on July 13, dump Biden a week or so later, and the kleptocracy selects both major party nominees. Very neat.

Notice how the media isn't even mentioning the assassination attempt, and when they do they refer to it as "the shooting" or something and never mention that a man died?

Also very neat. Too neat.

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Yes, they have tried to memory-hole it already and play it down too when forced to cover it. Very typical of them and another reason why I detest regime media.

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Aug 2Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Not saying you're wrong but these proofs are not as conclusive as you think.

The timing of the attack would equally make sense to lone gunman since Trump's security would go up massively once he became the nominee. And the disruption of the nominee process could also be a goal of a lone gunman.

An ex Secret Service sniper said in interview a couple days after the shooting that they aim for the jaw in order to take out the brain stem which is behind the jaw. That's what your picture clearly shows. It clearly shows entry at the front of the jaw, exit at the back. I don't agree the wounds are inconsistent with a sniper round.

The whistleblower sounds like someone griping about generic cuts.

I think you are collecting claims uncritically when they support your case. There is definitely a pattern of negligence and it's quite an extreme one. More relevant is the extent to which that neglect was directed at Trump specifically. (And RFK Jr for that matter). One of the strongest pieces of evidence remains the refusal to use drones. That claim was there from the beginning. The detail that local law enforcement offered drones and they were refused, does increase suspicion. I still don't think we are at the point where a jury would find there was a conspiracy. But we are getting close. Thank you for continuing to pull the new information together for us.

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You make some good points, thanks for posting them. We must agree to disagree for now on the conspiracy angle, but we shall see how things develop.

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Aug 2Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Definitely. More information coming out every day. You may make a conspiracy theorist out of me yet. 😁

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Aug 2Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

CIA shooter on the water tower had the kill shot on crooks

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The Sonar 21 article speculated that the bullet came out of Crooks' mouth. Wouldn't the shooter have to be behind him then? You could be right if the water tower was behind him and I think it was.

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Aug 3Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Entrance wounds are small. Exit wounds are large. It's clear from the photo that Crooks was shot in the front of his face/head. Consistent with expert statements from snipers that they aim for the jaw to take out the brain stem. This is done to shut down any post-impact trigger action as soon as possible. It is the same technique taught by Israel to allied counter terrorist forces.

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Aug 2Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Further to the drone issue - we are now told the USSS had a technical issue with their own drone and didn't get it operational until 5pm, 2 hours behind schedule. Also that comms interoperability was very bad, and the main shared radio net was overloaded. Most damning of all, no USSS in the tactical operations center. They didn't just miss the briefing, they were not in the TOC. We are now in the realm of, if not a conspiracy, a clusterfuck of immense proportions.

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When the bullet enters the head it is going to tumble because of the resistance created by the skull bone.-this photo angle would indicate a shot through the mouth-we need another photo from the back of the head to confirm either entry

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Did you see the info on the rounds the SS uses? Wouldn't his head have been blown apart if they had shot him through the mouth?

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Aug 2Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

one would think that a large round like that would have enough energy to destroy the skull?

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More and more looking like JFK 2.0.

LIHOP MIHOP and soo many players involved. But a lone gunman and a magic bullet, right?

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I have to wonder if the patsy was Crooks and not someone else. Perhaps the patsy could be tied to the deep state (FBI, CIA) and that's why the powers that be have misidentified him? This could explain why the press is using a picture of a 14 year old Crooks instead of a current picture. Also, that photo of the dead patsy seems to have been photoshopped. Notice the greenery that looks like grass in the background. The roof was white. So where did the green come from?

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