May 31Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

The Uni-Party marches on.

I agree, at this point it doesn't really matter who is "elected" because the Deep State/Permanent Government/Administrative State will not be removed.

The office of president has already been diminished. Trump's own cabinet was actively working against him. And his legal counsel was working against him.

Congress has abdicated their duty by creating the Administrative State. They have no "real" oversight, but more importantly -- they don't want real oversight.

It's all down to local politics now. If things are to change its going to have to start at the local level. And states are going to have to push back against the federal government.

It will be hard for states to push back, even more conservative states, because they have all taken federal dollars at some point, and that will be used as a club to try and enforce federal control over state-run programs.

We're in for a lot of bad road, no matter what happens.

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May 31Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

When I turned 18 and was able to cast my first vote, I was so proud. Finally, I could have a say in how the country was run.

Now, 36 years later, I am, for the first time, considering not wasting my time in November. The jackasses are hell-bent on turning us into the next Communist state, and the Elephants and Rhinos aren't putting a stop to it. There isn't a single candidate or officeholder who represents what I want my country to be. The asses have gone from hippies to chippies and just love their survideo state, while the other side does nothing to stop the forever wars, the perversion of sex, and the slavery of women to the sex trafficking trade.

The donkeys are worshipping Moloch, and the opposing party is worshipping Ares.

None of them are worshipping the prince of peace or the hearthmistress.

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I understand, believe me. It is difficult to summon the energy to go vote with the choices the elites allow the population. Right now there is no way to know if Trump will even be the nominee. Both heads of the Uniparty want him gone, and they might just get their wish.

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May 31·edited May 31Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

The (((neo-cons))) (I am sorry this demands the triple Ps) will do everything to force him of the ticket and put in a Haley Stefanek ticket, which they will disingenuously try to sell to the never Trump neoc-ns and libs as "moderate," "pro Israel," and the first female President. BARF.

Like you I have no sympathy after the war mongering, the clot shot, the caving on gun control to the shitlibs and of course selling out the J6 protestors, piss on him.

Another not voting year, like so many before.

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I believe you are right about the neocons and Haley. Even if she loses, they still have Biden as a fallback for their policies.

But if it is another Biden term, then watch for US troops to begin being sent into Ukraine after the election. The only thing that has stopped Biden is needing to be reelected.

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May 31Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I know Biden term 2.0 will be a HORRORSHOW! I am glad I made it out to the wilderness, I just hope the radiation from Detroit doesn’t reach us. :-(

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What about iodine pills? Don't those help with it? I am undead so it won't affect me. I could eat a big glob of plutonium and it wouldn't do a thing to me.

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May 31·edited May 31Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

"Miss Lindsey!" Hahaha! Didn't even need to wait for the image to load. You, sir, have a way with sobriquets.

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May 31Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I wasn’t going to vote this election out of disgust for the process but now I’m really not going to vote, even harder!

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Good one, I am going to not vote harder too, hi 5!

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May 31Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Well said Morgthorak. As per the old saying Mr Trump - "What goes around comes around"

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Indeed, he never understood the people who hated him. They have been playing to win since the beginning, and they will do whatever is necessary to get rid of him.

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He should have studied history. “By any means necessary “ - means what it says

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Perhaps the psyop is to get us to rally for the victim of injustice, something most decent folk can get behind. Trump is the fat orange, bumbling piece of cheese laying in the trap they have set for all of us.

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So, 4 more years of Biden for you and, as a Brit, in just over a month, a huge majority for our equivalent of the Dems, the Labour party, guaranteeing them 10 years in power.

Shit now gets real, people...

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Ironically I had the likely next Labour MP for where I live canvassing around my area.

Typically purple haired , social justice warrior and ironically a potential sadistic gulag guard.

Very depressing.

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I'm still contemplating exactly what I'm going to say if one of these c***s (of either main party) turns up on my doorstep to canvass me. It's very tempting to say I'd tell him he has 5 seconds to get off my property or he'll regret it...but on reflection I think it's important not to draw attention to oneself at the moment.

Remember, total societal collapse is in the horizon - stay prepped and keep your powder dry is my advice.

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Yes I don’t think we are that far away from total societal collapse.

Great Britain is dying everyone can sense it.

There is one silver lining to all this….

it will be Labour that pushes over the abyss.

Then the multigenerational rebirth can begin.

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Trump has been convicted on 34 counts of being ahead in the polls. The lawfare will not work, he will be 47th unless... he "dies". I've run out of tinfoil but I would bet 30 silver shekels a 4-man FBI/CIA unit right now is grooming a paranoid schizophrenic who will be twisted tight and released next to Trump with a loaded unmarked gun. He will be a "Republican" obviously and a treasure trove of evidence will be found later of his ultra-MAGA stance and that Trump was betraying "the cause" etc etc.

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Heck there's a more recent example of a man who faced lawfare and a messy, disorganized collapsing government; 1958 France, the 4ieme Republique was collapsing, and DeGaulle led a coup against it, dissolved it became dictator for 6 months, rescued France (for the millionth time by then) and got elected President after that and founded the 5ieme Republique. He was bold, brave and tore apart the opposition, then in 1968 when he was asked to step down after losing he did so with honour, and was celebrated as all but the pater patriae (father of the fatherland).

DeGaulle was a courageous soldier, who fought in the frontlines of WWI and who as a general sometimes led from the front in WWII all for France. He loved his nation, and fought to liberate her colonies in Africa, and went on to fight to liberate Italy and France from the Nazis. But got removed from power after a Triumph Parade in 1945, because NATO wanted him out, but as I said he faced them and the French deep state in 1958 and came out on top without shedding blood.

If Trump had emulated him, and his ferocious desire to protect his own (DeGaulle fought bloody hard to for his people at every turn, even the Quebecois and so is a hero the world over in the eyes of the French), and had done as DeGaulle had he might have triumphed. But he didn't because he lacked the nerve that the life-long soldier, general and patriot DeGaulle had.

Sorry for turning this towards DeGaulle, it's just the situation seems similar to me also, and the difference could not be greater. Then again DeGaulle hero-worshipped Napoleon & Ceasar, and those two men faced the same challenges and triumphed also. Maybe Trump should have read more history like DeGaulle did, and used this knowledge to outfox or out-nerve so to speak his enemies.

I will keep you Americans in my prayers, though I know that for the Empire we vassals will be in for it also, but I think a special prayer should be reserved for you guys. God watch over you lot, I'll redouble my efforts with my books to try to offer some small amount of escapism for you all. Let us hope that if the Empire is to fall, that some fragment of the old USA will survive (that of the Founding Fathers). God bless mes amis.

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Miss Lindsay lol.

You wait. It will be Nominee Nimrata Halley!!

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And the first twelve First Gentlemen.

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Even if “they” don’t steal the election (like they already successfully did 4 years ago and had 4 years to fine-tune the plans for the next stolen election) and he were to be elected president, they would assassinate him. Plan A is IMPRISON him on sham charges and attempt to steal the election from him by stealing the nomination (as you said), this effectively shows to all the American people that the military industrial intelligence agency complex wants everybody to know they’re in charge, not a simple assassination attempt blamed on a lone gunman like they did to JFK. Plan B is just steal the election again like they did in 2020. Plan C is outright assassinate him.

There are simply too many failsafes against Trump.

Once this plan is complete, the final nail will be hammered into the coffin of the USA. Some could argue this happened already with the assassination of JFK or with the false flag in 01, but this will take it to the next level.

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I watched the report coming from Breaking Points. Their take was that it was ironic that, of all the things Trump is known to have done, these were the most frivolous. That the judge was unlikely to sentence him to jail time or even probation. That just being convicted was enough for them. The reporterette speaking from in front of the courthouse was wearing a star of rephan. Always good to know who’s who.

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Yeah but could we do just a little bit of fedposting? Just for fun? The glowies are gonna be so disappointed if we're all chill.

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The Dems win-win if SloJo gets term 2. Their shitty party leads the nation for its next 4 years of domination. AND, their President is a physical mockery, a snail on a razor's edge. Their chance to install a replacement makes them wet.

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