Well, there is definitely a movement away from Biden with black voters, especially among black men. I know some of them, and they really will vote for Trump. Not so much because they like him or believe him, but because they are sick of the Democrats and want to poke a finger in their eye.

Even if enough black voters simply stay home, that swings states like Michigan and Pennsylvania into Trump's column.

If Trump wins, that won't be the main reason, though. Inflation, inflation, inflation. That's the reason. I saw it kill first Gerald Ford and then Jimmy Carter. Just because the media doesn't talk about how angry inflation makes people doesn't mean it doesn't.

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Excellent point about inflation. The poor and working-class die from inflation, while the rich hardly notice it.

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May 18Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

"Not so much because they like him or believe him, but because they are sick of the Democrats and want to poke a finger in their eye."

I think that's the basis of a lot of Trump's support with white voters too.

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White, black, Latino, it doesn’t matter. It’s a working class thing. The price of eggs and housing screws all of them over, and celebrating a reduction in the rate of inflation when there is still inflation is working as well for Biden as it did for Jimmy Carter.

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Objective fact: Red State = Black State.

The Whitest states in the USA are also the wokest. This became apparent to me over 40 years ago when I went to a university that had a lot of yankees.

The Left is playing the race card as hard as it can because that is their vulnerability. If conservative Blacks vote their interest, then Team D needs to reel it in and behave like an patriotic sane political party again.

There are some inherently bad policies which have a disparate impact on the Black population. The Right should get its act together and fix them.

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May 18·edited May 18

I don't think it much matters for the election, but the breakup of reliable democratic minority voting blocs is a good sign that the progs are losing credibility.

I sincerely hope Biden or his substitute wins. And that Democrats maintain parity in the house and senate. I want all the blame for the depression, and potential breakup of the empire, laid at their feet and pinned on the Agenda, and the Agenda is a Democrat brand.

While it's much more complicated than that and crosses party lines, the less time we have to spend arguing about what got us here the better. If Trump wins they'll be able to credibly claim that the economy was turning around before he Ruined Everything (!!). This won't do.

Like a dog who shit on the rug, the progs need their noses rubbed in this disaster ruthlessly. Nothing less than their total humiliation gives us a fresh start and the ability to finally move on from retarded 19th century utopianism.

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He could get Blacks without trying - just stick to the immigration guns, jobs, and replacement but be silent about race otherwise.

Blacks aren't dumb. But they vote for gimmiedats. They need to at this point to live with their current wages. It is what it is. You deport enough people, and crack down on drug crime, and that'd change quick.

Until then, gimmiedats are the black vote for the majority.

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"He’d do better if he attempted to mobilize the white, working-class vote."

What's more, I think he'd do better with black men if he didn't make any visible effort to court them. I get the impression that a lot of black men are as sick of the woke bullshit as anyone. They'd respond better to a show of authentic strength than to overt pandering to their demographic, which reeks of weakness and insincerity.

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Its clear that Trump wont actually flip an enormous percentage of the black vote and thats bc the black vote is comprised of men and women. Trump can get 36% of Black men and still get less than 20% of the total black vote. I hold no false hopes that “this time everything is really gonna flip our way”.

However, what is also very important to understand is that the state of Georgia most importantly, but also Louisiana and Mississippi, are becoming less white and more black every year. In Georgia, 40% of kids being born are white, 40% black, 20% other. Georgia is a huge state and vitally important for Republicans to win decade after decade after decade. Therefore the Republicans do need to actually do better amongst black voters in a big way sometime between now and 2050, otherwise that pivotal state is probably doomed.

I do actually fear demographics could be destiny as they say. We (real Americans, especially white ones) could lose our homeland forever, be relegated to oppression forever. But I also dont doubt the incompetence and evilness of Democrats to destroy their coalition and drive people away. I pray God heals division among Americans by turning us all to Christ and raises up for us a mighty leader to vanquish our satanic enemies and make us truly one nation, under God.

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I agree its important that Republicans escape the existential fear- the need to prove their not racist. “Democrats are the real racists!” No, Democrats give black people welfare money. What was the number one Trump policy black Americans have fond memories of? Covid payments. I agree that you cant meet them where theyre at to pander for their vote. Bc that would mean you cease to be a conservative party. You gotta stick to your guns: Immigration, Manufacturing Jobs, Secure Elections, Less Pedophilia, Cheap Gas, No New Wars. Stick to your guns and pray that black voters will be interested and move over to you. Many will! Most will not.

But its also important to grapple with the demographic realities of the USA. If you want to have a secure Red Armada that delivers electoral victories every 4 years (at least every four years, Lord we need it now), you cant rely of the states stretching from Idaho to Iowa. You have to win in the Southwest thats heavily hispanic, and you have to win in the Southeast thats heavily black. You need to win Texas and Georgia and North Carolina, in 24 and 28 and 32 and beyond. Just to save this country and give it a chance to get back on track/buy it time. Also the black vote moving just 5% will greatly help Michigan and Pennsylvania too.

Its not a silver bullet, its not a panacea whatsoever. But its one vital artery of the Democrats that can be struck and damaged. Furthermore, its not a wild goose chase since most Black men I talk to (at construction job sites and at the gym primarily) like Trump. Id say 40-60% are Trump-positive. I dont know what amount of those will vote however.

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Don’t care. He and the GOP declared their allegiance. Count me out.

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The best they can hope for is for blacks to not vote at all. The black vote is simply closed off to them

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deletedMay 18
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Skin tone is often a proxy for socio-economic status. The corporate media insists that police have it out for black people. No, the police have it out for poor people, many of whom are black. Regardless of skin tone, the more one builds with one's own efforts that they want to keep, the less likely they are to support the leftist agenda. NOTE, that doesn't mean, "The more money someone makes the more likely they are to vote Republican."

There are lots of people in high paid positions who create nothing of value. They know it, and they know that to secure and maintain that privileged status they have to signal their virtue with ever-increasing purity and intensity. The college administrator who makes half a million a year is a world away from the small business owner who brings in that much. Their incomes are the same, but their mentalities are light years apart, regardless of skin color.

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