Trump versus Biden: The battle of the geriatric clowns
Will you support Geriatric A or Geriatric B in the debate?
By now, I’m sure you’ve heard that Trump and Biden are going to have a debate in June. So we will see Fat Orange Retard versus the Dementia-addled Pedophile in a matchup hosted by CNN. Yes, you read that right, CNN. 🙄
Is anybody else not excited by this at all? We will have two geriatrics on stage, one of whom is a child molester who is clearly headed toward total dementia. While the other is a con man and hustler who dangles false hope in front of his voters while never giving a shit about them. Neither of them should be running in the first place, but this is what America has been reduced to choosing in the next election.
Wow, lots to be excited about in this debate, eh?
I have to laugh and roll my eyes at the people who are taking this debate seriously. As if it will accomplish anything more than previous presidential debates have done over the last 40 years. None of them have ever amounted to much in terms of fixing the country’s problems, and they are soon forgotten after they happen.
Yet we still have people who get excited about them, thinking, “My guy is going to win!” It boggles the mind that people still fall for this fake crap. It’s the usual horse race thing with some voters and also the presstitutes in the media. They all get excited about these stupid debates, as if anything of substance ever comes out of them.
I also have to wonder what the hell Trump is thinking by doing this debate in the first place. He’s already ahead of Biden in the swing states, so he gains nothing by doing this whatsoever. In fact, he risks losing ground if he makes any mistakes or loses his cool with Biden. Remember that Trump (rightfully) believes that Biden stole the 2020 election, so you can bet he’s going to go off on Biden about that at some point.
And, since the debate is being hosted by CNN, you can bet the “moderator” will be a full-blown woke communist. Everything will be slanted against Trump, and he ought to have known this before he signed up for it. This happens to every Republican nominee every time there is an election. They always go along with having a woke commie host the debate, and then bitch later that the moderator cut them off or gave the Democrat more time or whatever.
But let’s presume that Trump pummels Biden into oblivion in this debate. What does that gain him? It’s still a long way out from the election. What if a terrible Biden performance convinces the Democrats that it’s time to pull him out of the race and replace him with somebody younger who might give Trump a real run for his money? It's not a very bright move on Trump’s part, if you ask me.
As far as Biden goes, everybody knows he’s losing his shit. He barely knows where he is or what he is supposed to do or say. He has handlers who have to carefully monitor and control him when he is in public. No doubt Biden will also be medicated for the debate so he is more alert and together. This means that for a day or two after the debate, he will be a train wreck, since the drugs that prop him up also take a toll on his increasingly feeble mind and body.
Another thing that strikes me about this debate is how Soviet-like it will be with these two old bats on stage, croaking at each other. Anybody who remembers the Soviet Union knows how ossified its leadership cadre became, with one after another croaking until Gorbachev took over and then the Soviet Union finally fell.
That, alas, is where America is today. It is a nation ruled by geriatrics in the Congress and White House. A while back, I wrote an article called “It’s time to flush the geriatric turds” and what I said then still applies to the current situation. Feinstein finally croaked, but Biden, Trump, Pelosi, Schumer, McConnell and so many more still linger on, refusing to let go of power as they addle toward their graves.
A nation controlled by geriatrics is not a healthy nation. These people’s sense of reality is rooted far in the past, and none of them understand how the country and the world have changed. It is impossible for them to properly adjust to how things actually are now versus how they imagine things are in their ancient brains. In other words, they all need to be put out to pasture permanently.
So, you’ll excuse me if I’m not excited about this stupid debate. Who wants to watch these two old men dodder around on stage, flinging their venom at each other while simultaneously lying to every voter in the country? Nothing good or productive is going to come out of it, and it will be like watching a WWE match with 80-year-old wrestlers whose best days are far behind them.
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Uh oh, Geriatric A has pulled ahead in the poll! Where are the fans of Geriatric B? You guys better get in here and vote! Do you want your guy to lose? 😂
I think you hit the nail on the head. The parallels between the US and Soviet Union are quite clear: geriatric leadership class, overstretched military, economic stagnation, failure in Afghanistan, runaway debt, etc. I think people should start to consider what they are going to do when the US Empire falls here soon. There isn't much time left before the system collapses. And then what? There are going to be massive issues, even more so than now.