What is the real definition of Fascism?
Fascism is the union of corporate and government power
Since I've finally decided to do my own substack, I wanted to start with a pet peeve of mine: the definition of fascism. These days, people fling the word "fascist" around with alarming recklessness. Every time they disagree with someone, they label them a "fascist."
But what is the actual meaning of the word "fascism?" The definition of fascism has always been primarily economic, not political.
The definition of fascism
Here is an easy-to-remember definition:
"Fascism is the union of corporate and governmental power, with the corporations doing the dirty work of the government, and the government protecting and controlling them. The corporations themselves might also have undue influence or power over the government, depending on the balance of power in the society where fascism manifests itself."
Do not confuse fascism with Nazism. Nazism is a racial ideology that Hitler glommed onto fascism. So, yes, the Nazis were fascists, and Hitler ran Germany in a fascist way, but fascism itself had nothing to do with Hitler's actions as dictator toward Jews and other groups.
Mussolini was a fascist before Hitler, and he did not have a racial ideology like Hitler's, nor did he persecute groups of citizens based on race. However, like Hitler, Mussolini's government controlled and protected corporations both directly and indirectly.
Also, while fascism often involves a charismatic leader like Hitler or Mussolini, it does not necessarily require one. The leader can also be weak or can simply be a figurehead controlled by the corporations that hold power within the country.
Fascism and communism are not opposites
Remember also that fascism and communism are not opposites; they are close cousins. Under communism, independent corporations do not exist. All of the means of production are owned directly by the government, unlike under fascism, where private ownership is retained despite the owners obeying government dictates.
This is one of the reasons why fascists and communists hated each other so vehemently in the 1930s and 40s. Both groups believed their ideology was correct and superior, and neither was willing to live peacefully with the other.
Twitter: Fascism in action in the modern era
A more recent example of fascism in action is the recent revelations found in the Twitter Files. Those files disclosed that the FBI and other federal, state, and local agencies were directing Twitter to unconstitutionally censor users who posted unapproved information or opinions.
Since Twitter was engaged in fascist censorship at the behest of state, local, and federal governments, you can bet that Facebook, Instagram, and other social media services are doing the same thing. Such fascist censorship is a direct violation of the First Amendment of the US Constitution.
Don’t forget also the situation with the not-vaccines and the CDC, FDA and other government entities. Pfizer and other corporations worked hand in glove with Fauci to try to force the ineffective and poisonous mRNA shots on the population of western countries. The pharma companies, through Fauci and other criminal officials, have effectively captured the very government agencies set up to regulate them.
This is not surprising to anyone who has watched the decline of the United States over many years into what it has become today. The best description I've heard of the United States today is this:
"The United States is a fascist oligarchy, masquerading as a republic, pretending to be a democracy."
Given what has gone on over the last 30 years in the US, I believe it is a fair and accurate description.
So that's my take on the definition of fascism.
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Howdy, just signed up. Hope you are well. I wanted to ask you if you've ever read Life and Fate by Vasily Grossman. He was a journalist in the Soviet army who witnessed Stalingrad and wrote the first description anywhere of a Nazi concentration camp. In his novel, he compares fascism and communism and shows them to be mirror images of each other. I absolutely love this book. I feel closer to some of the characters than people I know in real life. Anyway, you mentioned the phenomenon in the US currently which you named WOKE COMMUNISM. If their philosophy was called ANTI-HUMAN or SELF-HATING HUMAN, do you think it would adequately describe the phenomenon? Instead of using the political terms of LEFT or RIGHT, could issues be more accurately described by dividing them as PRO-HUMAN or ANTI-HUMAN? The thing is, everything you describe seems accurate to me, and resonates to me as being familiar, but the word WOKE to me is like pornography, I know it when I see it, but it takes so much effort to defend one's position in pointing it out that it seems unwieldy as a descriptor. And COMMUNISM, well I've met a good number of deactivated members of the Communist party, and they just seem no worse and sometimes better than other people I've met who've been involved directly in politics. I'm trying to figure out how the US got to where it is.
Just went back and read this from your link in today’s post about the woke commies leaving. Great first post and spot on.