Jul 7, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Howdy, just signed up. Hope you are well. I wanted to ask you if you've ever read Life and Fate by Vasily Grossman. He was a journalist in the Soviet army who witnessed Stalingrad and wrote the first description anywhere of a Nazi concentration camp. In his novel, he compares fascism and communism and shows them to be mirror images of each other. I absolutely love this book. I feel closer to some of the characters than people I know in real life. Anyway, you mentioned the phenomenon in the US currently which you named WOKE COMMUNISM. If their philosophy was called ANTI-HUMAN or SELF-HATING HUMAN, do you think it would adequately describe the phenomenon? Instead of using the political terms of LEFT or RIGHT, could issues be more accurately described by dividing them as PRO-HUMAN or ANTI-HUMAN? The thing is, everything you describe seems accurate to me, and resonates to me as being familiar, but the word WOKE to me is like pornography, I know it when I see it, but it takes so much effort to defend one's position in pointing it out that it seems unwieldy as a descriptor. And COMMUNISM, well I've met a good number of deactivated members of the Communist party, and they just seem no worse and sometimes better than other people I've met who've been involved directly in politics. I'm trying to figure out how the US got to where it is.

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No, I haven't read it, but I'll check it out. I liked solzenitzy's books (I spelled his name wrong, I know but I can never remember how to spell it 😂). Yes, I agree, they sort of are mirror images in the sense that both dehumanize individuals though the economic structure is different with fascists working in union with corporations, and the communists owning the corporations outright and leaving no room for private control.

I combined the two words "woke" and " communism" to differentiate the combined term from earlier, class-based communism. Identity-based communism is more of a modern phenomenon than the old class type. Equally dangerous though, but much more recent.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Would you agree that all three of them use the dehumanization of individuals as a tool in the acquisition of power and as a means to maintain that power?

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Individuals do tend to get run right over by people who want power, they just don't care because they want the power and money that goes along with it.

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Jul 7, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_m-gO0HSCYk the other one was the wrong one. appropriate part starts at 13:00

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Much better, thanks! You have to give him credit, very talented guy!

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Just went back and read this from your link in today’s post about the woke commies leaving. Great first post and spot on.

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