What is your preferred price for an annual paid subscription?
Readers: Please take the poll and tell me how much you are willing to pay for an annual subscription. Please don't be shy, I really want your feedback. Thanks!
I just posted an article about free readers versus paid readers.
In the comments, we were talking about ideal price points, so I wanted to do a separate post with a poll to ask you how much you would be willing to pay for an annual subscription.
Just so you know, as I write this post, writers cannot go below $5 per month for a monthly price, but we can go below that for a yearly subscription. So that’s why this post includes a yearly paid subscription only.
Please take the poll and share your thoughts in the comments. I wish to know, as it will be helpful to me to know what the ideal price is to charge.
Thank you in advance!
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My gross monthly pension income is about half of average rent here, and about equal to a $60K car payment. Just can’t afford to do anything but read free, as much as it galls me to do so.
I did get an annual sub for 3 stackers, only one of which is turning out to be worth it.
One went to completely uninteresting interviews and podcasts or has been sick. One went from interesting philosophical debates to talking about his kid and life as a dad. But Substack doesn’t really give alternatives to an already paid annual subscription. I just learned a lesson.
Also, our Canadian prices mean your (in general) $50 per year is more like $85. A $5/mo is almost $9 here.
Just not doable for a lot of us, sad to say.
Commenting, interacting, restacking and noting are something I can do, and willingly and cheerfully I do it.
I wouldn’t mind paying for some substacks but Stripe cancelled all payments to and from Russia. I kinda need to go to Belarus and make a proper unsanctioned card and I think I will... sometime.