White males: Beware of a Trump victory in 2024!
White males should not serve in the US military if Trump wins again
Donald Trump won big in Iowa on Monday. He is likely to sweep the primaries and lock down the Republican nomination for 2024. After that, he might even be able to defeat the pedophile-zombie who stole the 2020 election, if his vote margins can overcome the usual fraud perpetrated by the Democrats.
Thus, the 45th president might become the 47th president, and that presents a great danger to younger White males. If Trump wins, young White males should still not sign up for the US military and should seek conscientious objector status even before a draft occurs.
Misguided patriotism is dangerous for White males
I make this recommendation because I fear that a Trump victory could reignite a misguided sense of patriotism in young White males that might result in them thinking it is okay to go into the US military. Nothing could be further from the truth, and it has to be pointed out before a Trump victory in 2024.
Why do I say this? Well, remember that over the course of his first term in office, Trump had very little control over his government. The bureaucracies, including the Pentagon, ignored him whenever it suited them and also attacked him whenever they wished. He had the title of president but had very little power in Washington, DC, itself in terms of controlling his government.
That means that we can expect a similar dynamic in 2024 if he wins again. This time around he might try to take greater control of his government, but that means lots of vicious fights and there’s no way to know if his administration will be smart and savvy enough to triumph over his enemies.
Bad personnel choices and a lack of loyalty to his people
In order to succeed, Trump would have to put the right people in his cabinet to go into the Pentagon and other government agencies. In the past, Trump has mostly failed to pick the right people. He has a long track record of making bad personnel choices, and nothing I’ve seen from him between 2020 and now indicates that he has improved.
This means that the chances are good that he will not have effective control over the Pentagon if he wins in 2024. Thus, White males who go into the US military would still be subject to the same hatred and discrimination that they face now under Biden with his uber-woke military. Young White males would undoubtedly be sent to fight and die on the most dangerous missions if the neocons start another war while Trump is president.
And speaking of the neocons, they were there before Trump arrived in 2016, and they are still there after he was cheated out of a second term in 2020. Is he ready to take them down? To do what is necessary to utterly drive them out of government altogether? I doubt it, and you should too, because the neocons are expert fighters of bureaucratic battles in the imperial capital, and Trump is not.
Trump also has a history of not protecting his supporters (remember the J6 political prisoners he could have pardoned before leaving office but didn’t), and that would include White males who serve in the military. He is not going to go out of his way to make sure White males get a fair shake in the military, particularly if a war happens while he is president. He will likely not lift a finger to save White males or to protect or help them in any way.
Some of you might think that I am being too critical here, but that is not the case. Like any other politician, we must evaluate Trump according to his previous behavior while in office. The stakes here - the lives of young White males - are far too high to proceed with blind loyalty to Trump. Caution is in order, and we must not be afraid to point out that what has happened in the past is likely to be a guide for the future.
When should White males return to the US military?
So if White males should not serve in the US military if Trump is elected again, when will it be time for them to return? Unfortunately, I see nothing in the foreseeable future that makes me think White males should resume serving in the military.
In order for that to happen, the entire culture of the US military would have to change. That means woke communism would have to be completely removed, and more traditional military policies would have to be put in place that focus on competency instead of identity-Marxism. There is no indication whatsoever that this is going to happen in a second Trump administration.
So beware, White males, do not be fooled into serving a government that hates you, just because the figurehead sitting on the throne in the White House is someone you like better than Biden.
Don’t be a sucker; stay out of the US military if you value your life.
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Agreeed, entirely. Stay out of the military, white boys. Get your martial training elsewhere.
There cannot be a draft. A draft would be WOKE, mostly drafting conservative white boys to grind up, like the boys of Ukraine - while they flood the country with military age migrants.
If Trump is [s]elected again, it will be to justify what Trevor calls "Team A" ramping up actual physical destruction by rioting. We've seen it before and if this happens, we'll see it again. Furthermore, it will cement the division between Team A and those who dissent from the marxist agenda. I would expect such a plan is intended to cause violent eruptions between the two manufacturing consent for more martial law and increasing gun controls. Just the lefty riots on their own could do that as well.