Agreeed, entirely. Stay out of the military, white boys. Get your martial training elsewhere.

There cannot be a draft. A draft would be WOKE, mostly drafting conservative white boys to grind up, like the boys of Ukraine - while they flood the country with military age migrants.


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If Trump is [s]elected again, it will be to justify what Trevor calls "Team A" ramping up actual physical destruction by rioting. We've seen it before and if this happens, we'll see it again. Furthermore, it will cement the division between Team A and those who dissent from the marxist agenda. I would expect such a plan is intended to cause violent eruptions between the two manufacturing consent for more martial law and increasing gun controls. Just the lefty riots on their own could do that as well.

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I’ll sign up for the draft!

However, I’m 70, there is that...

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Free ammo!

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I'm in a minority view but more are coming to my viewpoint. Another selection is coming. Trump's first win was also a selection. All elections are rigged frauds. In case of Biden, the rig needed was so great that the fraud was not easily hid. Hillary actually beat Trump as many voters voted for no one and Hillary got tons of votes not because she was liked but because of novelty that she was a woman. There is evidence Hillary really won. Nixon beat Kennedy but not many votes needed tweaked. Gore won after final recount but court already put bush in. Trump will be selected again as he gets 42 months to continue this time as The Antichrist.

He is not as smart as people think like very smart Obama, but his appointments were not poor judgement but his draining the swamp of alligators and replacing with new snakes. His first 2 years he had a Republican congress and did nothing. It's too long here but each evil appointment Trump picked had big purpose. Must examine each one by one to see the picture. His first secretary of state appointed on the man's return from Vatican in front row to the pope on program for pope to quickly get all holdouts to get a digital identity

Fauci was just one of many advisors and didn't need put as head of the extermination campaign. A very wicked lady put in as cia head but hey, all are wicked. Trump says it all, in Hanoi says a one world currency coming sooner than you think, in Washington said a personal biometric identity ,(the jab), will come to all. It will be more secure and yet not have ones ss number in it. (The jab).

The Maga (magician) said a horrible horrible monster has cast a spell upon the earth . He said you should not have taken the snake in. His executive orders tell even more. Like speedy organs for all. Doesn't say where the organs come from. Did e.o. called right to try just before warp speed and why law suits can't win cause of right to try.

Simple game called good cop bad cop. Biden is bad cop so Trump is good cop.

Trump's home decor in his tower is Apollo. Apollo is Satan folks.

Good news is Trump's time will be cut short. He won't get 48 months but only 42 months this time.. the church is mostly dead loving jabs and Trump. Cheers.

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It's all political theater. Our social institutions are completely captured at the federal and state levels. It matters not which puppet is selected. They'll play their role as scripted, good cop vs. bad cop or whatever fiction suits your tastes.

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So vote anyway, it won't hurt to do so and it certainly matters at the state level on a wide variety of issues. Always vote, even if you think it doesn't matter.

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There was a time when i would have agreed with you. There is some logic in what you say. However, i'm of a mind that i wish to not participate in their shit-show. I feel as if doing so lends them credibility. I've had all i can stand of globalist Luciferian fuckery. I'm so done!

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Jan 22, 2024
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I’m on the road right now, but I will give it a read when I get home. Thanks for the link.

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Jan 22, 2024
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BTW, it better have subheadings!!!! HA HA HA HA!!!! 😇

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Good, post a link in here when it's up. Should be interesting.

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