Aug 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

We're going down like the Titanic no matter who wins. Financially and culturally we are beyond anything but a conflagration needed to clean out the system. Trump will hopefully slow down the decline and allow more people to wake up and prepare.

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Aug 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Meh, or put them to asleep as the decline continues anyway. I am stating to think the accelerationists aren't wrong...

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I do get the internal struggle you are going through, the cackling witch is an empty vessel for straight uncut woke/WEF tyranny domestically, no doubt this is true. The problem with Trump is he an ass cheeks spread wide whore for Israel. And if he allows Israel to lure the U.S. into war with Iran, which could easily bring in the BRICS countries, we will be just as badly off as under the cackling lush witch. I get she is more viscerally repulsive, but at the end of the day, I don't think I can bring myself to do anything but vote for conservative sheriffs in my county and leave the rest of the ballot blank. Sorry to be black pilled, but I think prepping is a better strategy than voting at this point.

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Thanks, Raven. I appreciate that, and yes it is a struggle. You know that I had resolved not to vote, but the assassination attempt changed that and then, of course, the boozer replaced the pedophile. So I am going to drag myself out to vote for the carnival barker.

Regarding Israel, I know that is an important issue for you but I have written it off. Both of them are terrible, as is the congress. It shows the power of AIPAC in this country as all of them will do as they are told. I do not know how to fix that unless some competitive thing is created that can nullify AIPAC's power in the US. Maybe a Palestinian version of AIPAC? Or Iranian or whatever? I don't know why somebody else hasn't sought to compete at the same level financially and politically with AIPAC.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

There actually is a simple and legal solution and that's make AIPAC register as agents of a foreign government which would put restrictions on the kind of fund raising and political "donations" (bribes) they can make here. Ironically the regime is trying to use this FARA law against Scott Ritter who is an innocent anti-war speaker, but it's real use should be against AIPAC and other organizations that put Israel first and not the American people.

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Aug 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

You might want to write an essay on the FARA law and how it relates to America First. I would do it, but I tend to like writing theorycel stuff more, and it seems in your wheelhouse of practical on the ground politics.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Dude your article is in essence about WWIII and the draft for young white men, Israel is central to that. Even if you give literally no fucks about the Palestinians, if Net Tan Yahoo lures us into fighting the war he wants against Iran, then this isn’t just some woke bullshit “think of the brown people,” issue, it becomes an issue that impacts all Americans directly. War with Iran which would likely bring in the BRICS nations which would be WWIII and would involve a draft and likely marital law and speech restrictions, it’s serious business even if your focus is strictly the well being of poor American white men who have been fucked by the system.

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True, but you have two choices and which one do you think might be able to avoid it, even slightly? My guess is Trump, not Kamala. She will go along with whatever the neocons want, and would not even put up a token fight against them. So on the issue of WW3, I vote for Trump. If he cucks and WW3 begins, you can come back and tell me off in this thread before the nukes rain down on us and we're all dead. 😂

Well, all of you will be dead. I am undead so I will just roll on, but I'll remember all of you. 💀

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Aug 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I do think Trump is better on domestic issues, maybe even much better on stuff like resisting woke, resisting gun grabbing, and reviving the economy, but he is a giant Shabbos Goy and has always had Jared Kushner as a key player in his administration. Jared Kushner is related to radical Jewish "settlers" in Israel who are even more cray, cray than Net Tan Yahoo. I am not going to say he is automatically worse than the cackling witch on Israel, but I think it's unlikely he is better.

I totally get wanting to vote for the orange bloviator, and I may do it, and likely would if they throw him in jail as a protest vote against overt tyranny, but to say I am not optimistic would be putting it mildly.

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I hear you, we are back to the shit sandwich thing and it will taste bad no matter which part of it you decide to bite into.

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Aug 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Honestly, you should never trust any politician. There isn't a single swamp animal that cares about anything outside his or her own wallet.

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Very true, my friend. Very true indeed.

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I respect you for writing this piece. It's never easy to criticize a candidate whom one has chosen to vote for in order to vote against the greater evil, but it's far more dangerous NOT to criticize, for if one does that then one gets in the habit of being a Red or Blue Team cheerleader, which is the first step down the path to cultish insanity that the establishment wants one to take.

Hopefully, Trump learned his lesson about appointees from catastrophic choices on his part like John Bolton, but that hope is a slender reed. As you said, Trump's still a carnival barker and always has been. Better a carnival barker than the incredible programmable female biracial model of android the Democrat kleptocrats rolled off their assembly line, but that's about it.

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Thanks, OB. I appreciate the kind words. Agree on the cult bullshit. I'm tired of it too, and I don't see any of these politicians as "gods" that have to be worshipped as if their shit doesn't stink, including Trump.

I hpoe you are right about Trump's choices. I think Don Jr. will be around more if he gets a second term and maybe that will help him as that guy seems to have a better head for personnel than his father. We will see.

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Aug 22·edited Aug 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

At this juncture, we know who we need to vote for, but sadly, Plato’s warnings that

all democracies (and Constitutional Republics that devolve into democracies) will end in tyranny is coming to fruition. We must change the system!

The “Anti-federalists” warned us that big government would emerge from the Constitution. They were right. What was supposed to restrain the government made up of corrupt politicians has failed us because human nature is always self-serving.

What is the answer? Real Federalism? At least true sovereign state governments would be closer to the people if we had no federal government. No government? Well, that’s extreme when most people are in the center and want a functioning, civilized society but the market anarchists are starting to sound sensible.

What if we could revise America’s original Constitution – the Articles of the Confederation? With 50 sovereign states not tied to a federal government but to a few important national issues (like defending our own border!), maybe we could even avoid a civil war!

With threats of another forever war – that has nothing to do with protecting our own border - at what point do We the People say Enough? Here’s my Modest Proposal to change the system:


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Aug 23Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Excellent analysis, as always. 💯

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The demographic that you’re talking about was always gonna join the army, but they had reservations under the rainbow bullshit

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Let's hope they still have enough reservations to stay out if Trump wins. No White males should be anywhere near the empire's military.

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Thank you for shedding the light on this serious subject. Donald Trump is a super big piece of shot under the control of Chabad Lubavitch.

Donald Trump is worse than Kamala, because he is controlled by the Jewish sect and is a slave to them.

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If we're going to do down that road, Kamala is equally bad. She will continue funneling weapons and money to Israel, same as Trump. But the Israel/Palestinian issue cannot define the entire election, there is more at stake than that. At this point, I write off the issue of Israel and Palestine as there is no candidate who will change the course of the US government. But there are other things to consider that make a vote for Trump worthwhile, not the least of which is not having a boozing drunk in the White House.

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TBH I think is does define the election because once we are at war with Iran the BRICS countries are almost certain to become involved and then it's WWIII. I also think Camal Toe will bring us WWIII, it's what the establishment wants. The only thing that will stop it is either mass protests in the streets, or people simply withdrawing from urban areas completely and making a full counter economy that is not dependent on them in any way, and country folks hiding draft dodgers.

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We shall soon need all experienced white male veterans HERE, in the States, for our self-defense against the Wokcommies, the imperial storm troopers, and the (literal!) army of military-age males, invaders, from every corner of the globe, as they seek to exterminate ALL whites (The Great "Deplorables"!), or subjugate us- we already have Weimar Germany 2.0...next is the "Russian" Red October 1917 Communist Revolution, and the accompanying bloodbath and Gulags that killed tens of millions (!). Also, these people are more "Maoist" in their methods, not "Marxist". It's like the "Long March" strategy. We need our Military HERE- NOT fighting for israel or Ukraine or Taiwan!

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Miles Mathis makes a good argument that the J6 prisoners are fake, one of his latest post essays about it that the j6 so-called prisoners are running podcast from the jail. They’re in the orange uniforms they got Mike’s equipment Internet obviously. I’m pretty sure you can tune into their podcast running from the jail cells. Miles provides pictures of them . I don’t know how you can just throw out the constitution there’s something silly going on with the J6 kerfuckle.

And also, you would think there would be lawyers lining up to represent them to make a name for themselves.

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