White males: Don't die for the Globalist American Empire
Fair-skinned males should not volunteer for the Globalist American Empire's armed forces, and should obtain conscientious objector status
The Globalist American Empire has a big problem on its hands: heterosexual White males are not signing up to fight its wars. Military recruitment is way down, and it’s clear that White males have finally woken up to the fact that their government actively hates them.
The not-vaccines and woke communist subversion
I believe two factors directly explain why fair-skinned males have decided to refrain from signing up for the GAE’s military:
The not-vaccine mandate.
The infiltration and subversion of the military by woke communism.
The attempt to force GAE soldiers to take the poisonous mRNA shots forced out a certain percentage of White males who valued their own lives more than lining the pockets of Pfizer, Moderna, etc. These men were forced out because they would not give in to the tyranny of Fauci and the bureaucrats in Washington DC.
Incidentally, I call the mRNA shots the “not-vaccines” because they are not vaccines. They are experimental gene therapies that should never have been allowed to be given to the public. The criminal Fauci changed the definition of the word “vaccine” to facilitate people believing that the mRNA shots were real vaccines.
The second reason for an exodus from the GAE’s military is the infiltration and subversion of the military by woke communists. The ridiculous comment about “white supremacy” by the fat, timid, ass-kissing, bloated bureaucrat “General” Milley is a good example of what has happened to the GAE’s military. The woke communists have taken control, and what was once the world’s finest military has declined into a Marxist-caused dotage that was unthinkable thirty years ago.
White males are not signing up to die for the GAE
And it isn’t just the exodus of heterosexual White males already in the military that is crippling the Pentagon, it’s the refusal of their sons to sign up too. Unfortunately for the GAE, the word is out among military members, their families, and their friends that nobody should sign up these days because of the woke communist clowns in charge of it.
I wholeheartedly support the exodus of White males and also the refusal of any others to sign up in the first place. The woke communist propaganda coming from the government, media, and indoctrination centers (you call them schools and colleges, but my name is much more accurate as to their real purpose) is aimed directly at White males. The message is simple and clear: White males are evil, disgusting, sub-human animals that should be despised, mocked, ridiculed, and hated.
Fair enough, since the woke communists control the institutions of the country, they can put out any lies they want, they have that power right now. But White males also have their power: they can, should, and are refusing to serve.
This refusal to risk their lives and possibly die for the imperialist wars of the neocon scum and filth in Washington DC has put the empire in a difficult position. The neocons have no off switch and no reverse gear, and they have already signaled publicly that they want a war with China by 2025. So they will need cannon fodder for that war, but the cannon fodder is not showing up to die for the bloodsucking neocon parasites.
A draft is coming to the Globalist American Empire
Where does this lack of manpower leave the Globalist American Empire? One word: draft. Yes, a draft is coming because the empire will need soldiers to die for the neocons and corporations that own and control the United States. The last draft the country had was for Vietnam, since then the GAE’s military has been a totally volunteer force, but those days are coming to an end.
Make no mistake about it, the GAE wants its cannon fodder, and it will pull out all the stops to get it, whether the cannon fodder wants to sign up or not. So a draft is the only real, viable alternative the GAE can turn to to get the bodies it needs to fling at Chinese (and maybe Russian) artillery and missiles.
Beware of the GAE’s faux pro-White propaganda
White males should beware of any change in the GAE’s military propaganda that suddenly features White male soldiers and families, without the usual woke communist crap in them. Ads with White soldiers and White families, with no minorities of any kind in sight are already in the can. Such ads are a signal that the GAE is targeting you to die in its upcoming war with China. Do NOT be fooled by it. As soon as you see it, understand that it’s designed to get you to start signing up again to die for the GAE.
Protect the White males in your life with conscientious objector status
I have told friends of mine to immediately begin working toward attaining Conscientious Objector status for their draft-age sons. Make no mistake about it, now is the time to begin establishing CO status to save the life of a young White male that is at risk to be drafted and sent to die in a foreign war that has no benefit whatsoever to the American public.
I’ll list some CO resources below, but here is one idea that is worth pursuing: make sure young White males post pacifist posts on social media right now. Why? Because those posts will be time and date stamped and can be used to help prove that they are indeed against war and killing in principle, and that they held such beliefs BEFORE the war began. That will stand them in good stead if they have to go before a draft board to prove their commitment to non-violence and pacifism.
It might also be a good idea to join a local church that opposes all wars, and have your young White male embrace their theology and belief system. It is critical that he be able to prove that he is against all wars, and a pacifist church membership along with regular attendance can help achieve that in tandem with the other things I’ve listed here.
Here are some helpful resources that you should bookmark and share with the young White males in your life to help save their lives from being wasted by the rotten neocons in DC:
Globalist American Empire Official Draft Site
The Guide for COs in the Military
Conscientious Objection to Military Service
GI Rights Hot Line: Conscientious Objection
My point here is simple: start working on CO status now, do not wait for the draft to begin scrambling to protect your young White males from the evil neocons and the rest of the warmongers.
White Males will be targeted to die in the GAE’s next war
REMEMBER: The neocons and other woke communists in DC do NOT care about the lives of young White males. Nothing would please them more than to send such young men to die in an unnecessary war. White males will be deliberately picked for the most dangerous missions, and when they die there will be a smile on the faces of the woke communists in the Pentagon. They will consider it an act of “social justice” that these young White males were killed in the neocon’s war.
Take heed of everything I’ve said in this post. A war is coming sometime in the next couple of years and it is going to be a very bad one. Do not wait until a draft is announced to begin working on getting Conscientious Objector status for your young White male. Start doing it now and you will be glad you did when a draft begins.
Give the GAE’s woke communist elites the middle finger!
Finally, let me address a few words to the woke communists: you wanted control over the GAE’s military, and you’ve got it. Now it is your turn to fight and die for your empire. The White males who have been the main cohort to fight and die for this country since the beginning are now stepping aside, they will not fight for an empire that hates them and wants them dead.
Have fun with your glorious, imperialist war against China (and probably Russia too), woke communists. You are on your own now, and I can’t wait until millions of you start getting draft notices. You are in for a real treat when you get into the field and come under fire by the Chinese and Russians. The neocons will feed you into the meat grinder with reckless abandon, and they won’t give a damn about you at all, in any way.
Payback is a bitch, and it’s coming to all those who supported the virulent anti-White racism and hatred being promoted and celebrated inside the Globalist American Empire. White males have had enough, and they will not kill or die for a rotten, corrupt, depraved empire that hates them.
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I think you’re wildly optimistic. Look at how many conservatives from all over the West are fighting for human rights freedom democracy in Ukraine.
I know this is a thread from a while back, but interestingly the army recruitment ads in the UK over the last couple of months have also now started to feature non-minority males and no other racial types. It was very quickly noticed and commented on widely on alternative social media, apparently. We're always a while behind the US, but it always gets here in the end. Panic is setting in at the absolute state of the armed forces, and that is before even mentioning the laughable state of the infrastructure like aircraft carriers that don't have compatible aircraft on Day 1, and are back moored up in dock as they find the engines fail in warmer waters like the Mediterranean!