I think you’re wildly optimistic. Look at how many conservatives from all over the West are fighting for human rights freedom democracy in Ukraine.

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I'm not sure I'd call them "conservatives," Rolo. Mercenaries is a better description. But in the west the word "conservative" has little meaning these days. Most of them are just grifters and liars, looking for a way to latch onto something and get some cash or career advancement out of it.

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But there is a big difference between "conservative" politicians, who pay lip service to traditional values but know how the game is played in DC and are happy to play along by betraying their base, and the rubes who vote for them against a Marxcissist Democrat in the general election. The Lindsay Grahams are all in favor of "standing with Ukraine" (or sending someone else's sons off to do it), but South Carolina young white conservative men are probably not at all in favor of it. And the GAE will find that out real quick if they try to draft them.

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Graham is a disgusting example of the neocon filth that infest DC. He is also likely a pedophile. Everybody knows he doesn't like women, but he has never been seen with a man either, and he could have come out of the closet years ago but still hasn't done so.

My guess is that if you check his travel records, you'll likely find that he's visited countries with child sex industries. It explains why the MIC controls him so completely, they likely have all the goods on him.

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Draft? They are being paid to go over and make a killing. Literally.

Grunts won't hesitate to kill for money. Once patriotism goes, the civic spirit goes with it and all that is left is money-grubbing.

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It is important to note the indoctrination the woke communists are doing to the GAE's military. They are being brainwashed to hate their own citizens who have fair skin. So when the order to kill comes, they won't hesitate.

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Another reason why T-Rump will be installed. He will sucker them with BS and more printed money

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That is one of my fears, and I have written about it. See the White Males link on the front of my substack and scroll down. You will see the article.

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You're probably right about mercs, who are usually prior service combat vets, but the GAE military is presently dangling money in front of the kids who have never enlisted (promising enlistment bonuses, tuition assistance, etc), and it's not working. Maybe those kids will agree to work for Blackwater (or whatever Blackwater's equivalent is in Ukraine), but they won't enlist in the military in anything like the numbers needed to make a draft unnecessary. The US of Gay cannot fight a kinetic war with Russia and/or China just by subcontracting it out to mercenaries. They need too many bodies for that. They would have to bring back the draft.

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They brought that on themselves with the not-vaccine mandates and the relentless anti-White hate they've pushed for the last 20 years. Nobody wants to fight for them now, and why would they?

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I know this is a thread from a while back, but interestingly the army recruitment ads in the UK over the last couple of months have also now started to feature non-minority males and no other racial types. It was very quickly noticed and commented on widely on alternative social media, apparently. We're always a while behind the US, but it always gets here in the end. Panic is setting in at the absolute state of the armed forces, and that is before even mentioning the laughable state of the infrastructure like aircraft carriers that don't have compatible aircraft on Day 1, and are back moored up in dock as they find the engines fail in warmer waters like the Mediterranean!

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Yup, they screwed up and they know it. I have been warning White males to stay away from the US military, and they should stay out of the UK's too! Let the empire collapse, there is no point in becoming cannon fodder for the depraved elites that own and run it.

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I call the not-vaccine #StrokePoke and #ClotShot

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Ha, strokepoke? I hadn't heard that one before, good one. 😂

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This is an interesting angle and I don’t think you’re wrong. I can see our government staging a false flag to gin up patriotic fervor for enlistment and political support for the draft (9/11 anyone?).

I’m interested to see if new migrants and urban blacks will rush to enlist?

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There will be many who fall for it, I don't doubt that, but that's part of why I wrote the article. It's a small thing in the larger scheme of things, but we do what we can.

I doubt blacks or illegals will sign up. Perhaps some, but most don't want to die for the empire either.

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I wish it could be this simple as the scales of justice slide away. The people deciding who will be allowed to be a CO are in on the scam. Only Woke people will be allowed to be COs. As you said, they want cannon fodder (ie white males) to die.

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I disagree, draft boards are local and there are still many non-woke communities in the GAE. However, your point is well taken as the woke communists might already be infiltrating local communities in preparation for a draft. It is an unknown, but we'll find out soon enough if a draft is put into place.

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A draft would mean draft riots. Maybe this will be the straw that finally breaks the camel's back and precipitates the end of the US of Gay. So the GAE may well get young white men to sign up for military service, only it'll be for the opposing side in a civil war.

Great job putting these resources together, by the way. Hopefully men of draft age will put those resources to good use.

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I certainly hope there will be riots, it will be wildly entertaining to see the soy boys, alphabet people, and other elements of the woke communist movement lash out after they get their draft notifications. They have long been content to let straight, white males die in the empire's wars, but now it's their turn. Enjoy, woke commies!

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