Oct 12, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Just dropping by to say I'm very happy to see that you changed your mind about accessing benefits and to post the URL to something I wrote about suicide (a demon I've wrestled with more than a few times) that quite a few people have told me helped them through dark nights. https://hollymathnerd.substack.com/p/a-suicide-note

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Bravo, Holly! Thanks so much! I restacked your comment onto Notes so more people can find your article!

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Oct 12, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I like the acronym DIE, but I prefer to use DEI because it is so symbolic. The false god wearing the name of the true God.

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Oct 12, 2023·edited Oct 12, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Tips for working the system and living in poverty

1. Getting EBT is easy, the paperwork is a hassle, but if you are making under 15K a year you will get approved for real money over 200 a month.

2. Get the Obama phone sim card, do not get the actual Obama phone, it's a cheap piece of junk dual processor Android phone that will be frustrating to use. IMO the best phone to stick it in is an iphone XR or XS which have decent cameras including stabilized 4K video, and decent screens, and a shit ton of apps. You can buy a used one in great shape for 200 bucks.

3. Get the medicaid but use it sparingly for stuff like yearly checkups and dental work that big pharma haven't wrecked yet.

4. Get a used car, that you can afford to buy outright. Usury monthly payments is one of the keys ways the system fucks us over. A used Toyota from before say 2010 or so will go 300,000 miles with decent maintenance.

5. Don't go to coffee shops, out to the bar, or smoke weed maaaaaaaan, these are all money traps and the second two will wreck your mental health.

6. Buy your clothes from thrift stores and ignore fashion trends which are for FrAGmentS anyway. If you must have a style dressing like old money on vacation with used high end hiking clothes like fleeces is low key and stealthy, comfortable, practical and will keep you warm. Finding a thrift store in a retiree resort area can be a gold mine for these sorts of clothes.

7. With all the money you save put away a nest egg to buy some rural land, even if you have to live off the grid in a trailer before you can afford a better house and utilities it's so worth it to get out of the rent or mortgage trap which is more usury.

8. Just like the hippies of old our motto should be, "fuck the man."

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Thanks Brother

Also: get on the carnivore diet and hit the weights and get some sun on your skin

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I have done a bit of lifting recently, but I must go slow as I've gotten out of shape and I am older. Slow and steady wins the race! 😉

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I walk a mile with my dog in the wilderness every day, by either a trout stream or a remote lake.

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Good for the body and good for the soul

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That's what I'm sayin' Pic of the lake I walk by in my notes just now.

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We don’t have that much fresh water in the whole of Victoria ha ha

Luckily wifey and I have moved near to Seaford , a suburb on Port Phillip Bay and we get our walks in

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I am lucky to be a county literally called Lake County in northern Michigan, there are lot's of beautiful lakes and rivers, so many I could probably damn live on fish alone if the grid went down. The downside is it's really cold here, it can get to 0 or below for a week and we usually get two feet of snow standing on the ground by early February.

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Noice, like most Americans who live in the empire's bubble I am sadly ignorant of geography outside the U.S. What's that like?

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Oct 12, 2023·edited Oct 12, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I remember you were reluctant at that idea a few months ago, and I praise your mental flexibility for changing your mind on that topic.... I see so many persons unable to change thier minds, especially after 40,

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It required me to deprogram myself from the two things I mentioned in the post: "boostraps" and "rugged individualism." Those ideas only work when you have a level playing field where people are hired based on qualifications and experience.

No such system exists at the corporate level in the GAE now. It belongs to the past, and so too do those ideas.

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Back in the 70’s when I finished high school I made the mistake of saying to my Dad that I might go on the dole (unemployment benefits : which was easy to do in Oz at the time) and spend a couple of months learning to surf.

I found out quickly that not working and collecting Government money was considered a major crime

Ha ha times have changed

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By all means get what you can! At this point, it’s all about accelerationism. The system hates us and wants us dead or enslaved, so anything that will hasten the death of this wicked system is a godsend. If the government wants to give you money, take it, and do your part to help bankrupt the evil empire.

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On a somewhat related subject, here is a my how to guide on how to buy a wilderness survival cabin or cottage for cheap.


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I'm sorry, my dear old liche, but I can't bring myself to depend upon the government for anything.

They haven't taken care of me yet.

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Raven covered it, so I won't repeat what he said. But the choice is yours, you must do as you will. Others will choose differently.

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Oct 12, 2023·edited Oct 12, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I would say don't be "dependent on them," but there is no harm and no foul in offloading some of your expenses on them to free up resources to gear up for the big ugly.

LOLbertrain idealism is utterly laughable on the eve of WWIII and system collapse. You ARE living in literally the Soviet Union now, take the government cheese or starve while ALSO taking active measures to exit the system.

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