White males: Listen to "Fortunate Son" by Creedence Clearwater Revival
White males should not sign up or serve in the US military; let "diversity" fight and die for the corrupt, depraved empire that hates White males
Note to readers: Please take a moment to share this article everywhere you possibly can. We need to reach as many young, White males as possible and dissuade them from signing up and serving in the US military. They are young and impressionable, and so we must try to save as many as we can.
In a post a while back, I encouraged White males to not sign up for the US military, and to consider getting conscientious objector status before the next big war comes. I did this because the neocons that infest the imperial capital of Washington, DC, have made it clear they want war with China in the next few years. In order to have their war, the neocons will need lots of cannon fodder, and I don’t want White males getting killed for a government that hates them.
And if it isn’t China, you bet that the neocons will have some other war in mind. The location of the war doesn’t matter. What does matter is that they want men with fair skin to be their blood sacrifices to the God of War. They need those White bodies to fling at their enemies, and they don’t give a damn how many White males die as a result.
While I was out driving a few days ago, Creedence Clearwater Revival’s song “Fortunate Son” came on my playlist. I had forgotten I had the song on my phone, but as I was driving, I started to key into the lyrics. If you haven’t heard the song before, here it is:
And here are the lyrics, so you can read them and understand what they are trying to tell you:
Some folks are born made to wave the flag
Ooh, they're red, white and blue
And when the band plays "Hail to the Chief"
Ooh, they point the cannon at you, Lord
It ain't me, it ain't me
I ain't no senator's son, son
It ain't me, it ain't me
I ain't no fortunate one, no
Some folks are born silver spoon in hand
Lord, don't they help themselves, no
But when the taxman come to the door
Lord, the house lookin' like a rummage sale, yeah
It ain't me, it ain't me
I ain't no millionaire's son, no, no
It ain't me, it ain't me
I ain't no fortunate one, no
Yeah, some folks inherit star-spangled eyes
Ooh, they send you down to war, Lord
And when you ask 'em, "How much should we give?"
Ooh, they only answer, "More, more, more, more"
It ain't me, it ain't me
I ain't no military son, son, Lord
It ain't me, it ain't me
I ain't no fortunate one, one
I include the lyrics here because I suspect there are some younger White males that don’t know much about Vietnam or even the Gulf War. These young, White males are vulnerable to the regime’s “patriotic” propaganda, and I want to fortify their resolve not to join the US military and to understand that the scum and filth in DC actively hate them and would be pleased if they were killed in the next neocon war.
So I ask the young, White males reading this to focus on the lyrics of this song. It’s all there for you. The lies, the exploitation, the faux patriotic bullshit, etc. The rich, who shelter and protect their own sons, but demand that the sons of poor and working-class people go and fight the empire’s wars.
Never forget that these rich assholes will happily sacrifice your life in a war for the empire if it means they can line their pockets with a little more cash. They don’t give a damn if you get your balls blown off, or if you come back without your arms, or if you end up in a body bag inside a casket.
The same goes for the politicians, who are owned and controlled by the ethnic oligarchs, who are the real decision-makers of the empire. The politicians will feed you bullshit about “democracy” and other lies, and then they will send you off to fight, kill, and die in a war that will inevitably end up with the Globalist American Empire tucking its tail between its legs and running out of whatever country they invaded and bombed.
You will be wounded or killed, but don’t worry about the politicians or the rich bastards who own them. They’ll be just fine back at home in their mansions while you suffer and have to live the rest of your life crippled or with a deep mental illness that destroys your ability to have a normal life.
White males need to understand that the country they grew up in is gone, and it’s not coming back. Fighting for the empire is drawing a dagger across your own throat. You will be exploited, and then casually disregarded by lying, treacherous politicians in Washington, DC.
Never believe a word the politicians say, and utterly reject all of their attempts to brainwash you into fighting, killing and dying for their rotten empire. Beware of recent ads put out by the Pentagon that feature White males. Those are bait to lure you into signing a contract with them that will likely result in you being injured or killed.
And the military itself? It is controlled by woke communist ideologues that have been brainwashed into hating White males. You will be chosen for the most dangerous missions, and if you are killed, those same ideologues will smile as they add more White males to their Killed In Action list.
Remember that the US military is facing a recruitment crisis of epic proportions because many White males now realize that they are hated by the people who run the military machine. Don’t be one of the stupid White males who disregard this and sign up anyway. There are reasons why men like yourself have wisely opted to forego serving in the military. Take heed of those reasons!
Some of you might even have long-standing family traditions of serving in the military. Put them aside because that country is long gone, and it’s not coming back. The country that exists now is not worthy of your service, and it certainly isn’t worth getting wounded or killed for in any way. Nor is it worth killing for, either.
If you are the parent of a White son, make sure you educate him about how he is hated by the people running the US military. Make sure that he understands that he will be used by them to serve the financial interests of the ethnic oligarchs who control the empire, and then he will be discarded to live his life in misery and pain, if he survives the empire’s war. Counteract the lies and propaganda with cold, hard reality.
I beg any White male of military service age to heed my warnings and not sign up. Your life has value and meaning, in and of itself. Do not put it at risk for people who despise and hate you. Let “diversity” fight and die for the empire. White males have already paid the highest price in blood and death of any group in the history of the country.
Should your resolve not to serve in the US military ever waver, just listen to Creedence Clearwater Revival’s song “Fortunate Son” again, and it will remind you of the reality that exists in this country. White males are considered to be expendable cannon fodder and sub-human scum by their own government.
Do not sign up, and do not serve, White males. Let the empire collapse and die, while you remain alive and well.
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Overall yes as to impersonality of the elite,but other ethnicities were a very small percent of combat fatalities. Even recently White males were 84% of Afghanistan deaths and 81% of Iraq death, far higher than our proportion in uniform or society. No lack of props to those non-Whites brothers who stood up for the meat grinder, however. I never faced combat, myself
Once the combat largely ceased, I got an email during the 2nd Obama term that promotions would be prioritized for diversity. Put in to resign my commission the next day.
Friends kid was in till recently and it's bad. Al Queda and Isis were threats, but DEI is a direct and present threat to me. In the country both my parents lines were in well before independence, where we have served during all major conflicts, I'm expected to embrace being a second class citizen?
No. I will not answer a recall. I will tell White kids not to join and already do.
We haven't fought a legal war since WWII. There have been no declarations of war, as the constitution demands. Every president that got us into these conflicts needs to be tried for treason.