So why didn't they put the story in the Friday afternoon trash? Good question, and you may have guessed the answer. Allow me to suggest another possibility.

$kamala has a 91% staff turnover rate as VP, which is about the same she has had ever since she became the boss of anyone because she's a psycho bitch-from-hell boss. Some of those people are very well-connected and personally despise her for quite understandable reasons.

Just saying $kamala has far more enemies who are Democrats than just the Bidens.

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Excellent points, OB. I had forgotten the staffing thing and that suggests a Cluster B personality to me. If so, she will be a nightmare as president for the entire planet. No foreign country will want to deal with her if they can avoid it.

I am content as long as whoever is her enemy acts to hurt her politically. As long as she is kept out of the White House, we can all breathe a little easier.

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Aug 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I do believe that there is a yearly economic calendar. I go to the calendar first thing every day to check the economic numbers as well as earnings announcements and dividend announcements every weekday. Have done for nearly 40 years. Before the internet there was a paper publication. Not a secret. The day was decided long ago.

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Aug 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

true. Economic data has set dates where the institutions have to publish them. There is little room for manipulation around the date. However, the published data itself is another story. They want to pressure J Pow into lowering rates, which benefits globohomo and minions like Yellen and democrats more generally. The high interest rates are really a pain for Davos and the EU, and they want to get rid of them. It is basically a play on time between the ECB and the Fed.

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Interesting point, Ellis. But why not wait a couple more days and do it on Friday evening? That's how they usually bury bad news. Nobody pays attention once the weekend starts. But they didn't do that this time.

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Just like the Fed meetings and the release of the minutes and the beige book and all the other government statistics. What do you think all those bureaucrats and economists do all day? Lalala…

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Aug 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I wanna see the entire Democrat Party + RINOs go down in flames. On the other hand the demise or curtailment of the USA would likely be a good thing for the world, given how controlling & malevolent US hegemony has become. Plus BRICs multipolarity will be a breath of fresh air, despite the even deeper collapse of Europe implied in this shift.

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Total nothingburger. MSM won’t report on it, 99% of people have no idea what it means and no one will explain it to them. Besides 40% of the country is “vote blue, no matter who”.

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Oh you'd be surprised how useful it will be to Trump, especially if there are debates. He will bonk Kamala over the head with it at every opportunity.

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I think they did it during the convention because Dems are all in the clouds, and by Friday it will be forgotten.

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If they wanted to bury it, they would have published it on Friday evening. That's how they always do it. Somebody wanted it released before Kamala's speech tomorrow to embarrass and damage her.

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I did it. All of it.

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