Jun 28Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I won! Because I didn’t watch.

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You are wise. Alas, I had to watch it to write my article.

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Jun 28Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Maybe I can catch the highlights.

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Look on X, I'm sure there are clips flying around all over the place already.

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Jun 28Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

We all lost.

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Jun 28Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Didn’t watch. But you forgot one more potential option they’ll swap Biden out with during the DNC - Killary. The monster has been itching to get into the White House. It’s wise of Trump to not criticize the intelligence agency military industrial complex… they are the fourth and most powerful shadow branch of government that can destroy Trump. He knows better than that at this point. He’s probably aware of the fact that they killed JFK, that they were behind the stolen election, etc.

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Hmm…good point, I had written her off as a has been, or rather a never was. But you could be right, I wouldn’t put it past them to do it. But she’s so repellant, I don’t know if they would risk a rematch with Trump.

Interesting possibility, however. Good job bringing it up.

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Jun 28Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Thing is… if they stole the election for a senile old man, they could easily steal another one for Killary or Michael Obama if they wanted to.

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Obama wants nothing to do with politics as far as I can tell. She's happy on Martha's Vineyard and didn't seem to like being first lady, nevermind president.

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Jun 28Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

"Hillary has been stealthily flapping her leathery wings overhead for weeks as this debacle approached." From another substack author I just read. My apologies that I forgot which one.

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Jun 28Liked by Morgthorak the Undead


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Jun 28Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Didn't she recently publish a bloviating opinion piece sharing her brilliant insights into both these walker jockeys' failing minds? She (and her stooges) are, potentially, setting the stage for another old white people nobody likes rematch. For fucks sake, in a pool of literally hundreds of millions of options this is the curdled turd soup we're offered. My blank executive line on my primary ballot will probably become a tradition (at least until that comes to me pre-completed).

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Jun 28Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Nine CNN commentators looking like they just saw a ghost.

The conversation quickly turned to “a lot of people just spent a lot of credibility telling us they Joe is fine, at his peak, doing cartwheels in the Oval Office”. What do they say and do now?

I think they have to replace him quickly. That’s likely why the debates were scheduled so early. There’s still time.

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You are probably right, Scott. But I thought he did better than expected. Trump didn't take this in a walk, but that is likely due to little preparation on his part. He had some good opportunities but did not take them, and his ADHD scatterbrain was all over the place at times.

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Jun 28Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Trump was what you’d expect. A parody of Trump is very difficult because he is a parody. He kept slamming down on the immigration issue. Whatever his failings, he saw an opening in 2016 and took it and it worked.

I saw that the border patrol unions, who have been loudly and abusively critical of Biden, had an angry response to Joe claiming in the debates that they had endorsed him.

The game is now afoot. Chance often favors the bold.

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I saw the union thing too. Good for them.

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I don’t think a minute is really long enough to answer a serious question. I think that is why Trump jumped around so much. He had to respond to FJBs lies and the questions in a very short time frame. A real debate would have serious policy questions—not “gotcha” questions only for one candidate.

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It felt as if everyone kept using their minute to go back to some different argument with the result that it was easy to avoid topics you didn’t want to discuss.

Remember writing those ten page essays in school (do kids learn to read and write anymore?) And it was only eight pages and you had to pad it out?

That’s how it must have felt with those “you have 46 seconds left, are you sure you’ve got nothing else to say?” prompts.

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Jun 28Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I watched about 20 minutes and then fell asleep on the couch and woke up to Van Jones saying Biden should drop out on CNN, which was kind of wild. Don't asked me why I streamed the CNN version, just lazy I guess.

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Luc just suggested they might run Hillary. I hadn’t thought of her. A rematch of sorts with Trump. She’s probably scheming to get picked even as I type this comment. She’s wanted revenge on Trump for years.

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If you fell asleep you won I guess, this doesn't sound like it was exciting.

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Jun 28Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

"Hillary has been stealthily flapping her leathery wings overhead for weeks as this debacle approached." James Howard Kunstler/ Clusterfuck Nation on Substack

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Jun 28Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I watched about the last 10 minutes of it.

Trump went on too damn long about black this and black that. "Black jobs, the asphalt is black, and when the sun goes down, there is more blackness." Nobody INCLUDING blacks wants to hear that.

Biden sounded like Winnie The Pooh. So timid and weak.

I don't think many people took it seriously, I didn't.

The debates give little insight into who the next crop of *behind the scenes* rulers are going to be.

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The audience and the memelords won.

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Look at the rapidly shifting PredictIt odds:


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Do people bet real money on such crap? Wow. Must be nice to have cash to waste on such things. However, I don't think it will matter much, especially if they boot Biden and find a replacement.

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Jun 28Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Spot on analysis...100% agree. I've had 3 family members succumb to dementia and I was shocked at how well they managed to juice Joe last night. In his condition, he shouldn't even have been able to manage standing in one place as long as he did, let alone *speak* in that debate. It's clear to me that whatever they've got him on, it's NOT what's available to the public at-large!

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Trump followed the mantra if your opponent is digging a hole don't stop them. Trump was on his best behavior, Biden was the bumbling fumbling fool he's always been. It was all just out in the open so the Democrats could no longer support the lies on his mental state. Tomorrow will be interesting to how Jean Pierre gaslights even biden supporters that seen just how bad he is. This is nothing short of elder abuse by Jill and the DNC. Jill is a power hungry evil woman. No wife that loved her husband and - ever duri g their relationship would put their husband out there to be abused and made fun of like this.

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Jun 28Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

This probably sets a record for the first presidential debate won by TKO.

“Everyone said i was the best debater they ever saw, that after debating me, he had to drop out of the race, he was so humiliated. Everyone tells me that.”

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Ha, ha, ha! Well done, you captured him perfectly. 😂

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Is it just me or does this resemble early 80s Soviet Union were they kept wheeling out clinical dead First Secretaries.

By God we are in trouble.

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The debate simply underscored that someone other than the president is running the country.

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Another choice other than Newsom might be Whitmer?

A few years ago I would have said cuomo but that ship has sailed.

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I think it has sailed for her too. She was loathed during the fake pandemic, and her personality is as bad as Newsom's. I just don't see anybody on the Dem side right now to replace Biden. Certainly not Kamala either.

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If she can last I can see AOC getting it in the future.

She has the celebrity for it.

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Biden has more on the ball mentally than her. She might win Tittie Presidency, but that’s about it.

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😂😂😂 agreed 100%. She does have the popularity on her side (as in the extreme left loves her.)

I think she’s hot so that would do it for me 😂.

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Jun 28Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Anybody at the state level who was publicly pro-vax or pro-lockdowns is pretty much DOA in a national race. Whitmer, Hochul, even Gruesome Newsom polls poorly nationally. People have short memories but not about shit like that.

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I'm more critical of Trump than I am of Biden. Everyone knows Biden is a walking corpse, his "performance", or lack thereof, came as no surprise. Trump kept wanting to "correct the record", with his "If I may, just go back and ..." when like you said, no one gave a fuck.

When asked very direct questions such as, "What would you do to alleviate child care expenses?" - something that concerns a lot of people, including myself (a father), he would drone on about how the other guy was a piece of shit, and how he did "so great, everything was great, we did a great job."

Yeah, it was painful to watch, and he doesn't have the same amount of support I would have given him in 2016. or even 2020 He's a last resort pick, for me, and honestly the way he kept dodging or refusing to answer these types of questions that actually concern working class people made me almost want to vote for the other guy. Kind of pissed me off, actually.

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Jun 28Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Why does the government need to do anything about childcare expenses. I paid my own back in the day—no one helped me. Everything that government gets involved in gets more expensive.

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