Why neocon witch Victoria Nuland resigned
Plus: The dissident right mapped on Substack; Why Hercules (and Xena) went off the air; How to sanitize YouTube links; Troon gets rolled by a game developer; Who did Russia kill in Kharkov?
Welcome to this week’s issue of Morgthorak’s Goody Bag. This post is a smorgasbord of the content I’ve read this week, and that I liked enough to share with you here. 😎
Neocon witch Nuland resigned in a huff
I wrote a post recently celebrating the resignation of Victoria Nuland, and Revolver News has some details about exactly why she resigned:
According to two senior state department sources who spoke with Revolver News, Nuland quit in a rage at having been passed over for a key promotion. Specifically, Nuland was thought to be a shoe-in to replace the retired Wendy Sherman in the role of Deputy Secretary of State. Rather than elevate Nuland to the post, however, Secretary of State Blinken chose Kurt Campbell, a former NSC official who had served as one of the key architects of Obama’s famed “pivot to Asia” policy. Nuland was so incensed at being passed over, and passed over specifically for Campbell, that she resigned in anger.
Can you believe this creature? She is one of the people responsible for the deaths of many hundreds of thousands of people in Ukraine and in other places in the world, as well as the assassination of Gonzalo Lira, and she resigns because she didn’t get the promotion she wanted?
Disgusting. A selfish, rotten, corrupt, shallow, and evil woman. But I am glad to see my curse is at work with her, and not getting a promotion is just the beginning. Keep an eye on the news for her name in the years ahead. Since Gonzalo was 55 years old when he was murdered, my curse is in effect for the next 55 years.
Nuland and the rest of the scum and filth involved in Gonzalo’s murder have years of pain ahead of them. Justice for Gonzalo has only begun. 🙏🏻
A graph of the dissident right on Substack
Substack has a substantial number of dissident right writers, but who are they? Neofeudalism Review has created a graph that maps some of these writers:
What a large number of beliefs under the umbrella of the “dissident” label! Indeed, as Cioran argues it is in the twilight of belief in the existing paradigm that a plethora of new possibilities arise.1 Could these viewpoints be organized in a way that simplifies and clarifies? Is there an essence that can be honed in on (other than the common factor of low agreeability on the Big 5 personality test)? I think, perhaps, the answer is yes. The hope is that by organizing these views into something simpler that it will provide insight on some fundamental fault lines as well as to offer new writers for you to read depending on your reading style.
With that said, these views can be organized into two disparate values that can be expressed in chart form: (1) whether the dissident is philosophically optimistic or pessimistic and (2) on what level the writer posts at.
Click through to see the graph.
I was happy to be included, though I had not thought of myself as an optimist, but I do enjoy battle with the vile, depraved woke communists. I draw energy and satisfaction from it, so perhaps that is an optimistic point of view.
One other thing I liked about NR’s graph was that it helped me to see others that were more or less on the same team as me. I hadn’t known about some of them, so it’s helpful to see it mapped out that way.
Why Hercules and Xena went off the air in the 90s
Bros Krynn and I were chatting about the Hercules TV show on Notes, and I mentioned that Kevin Sorbo left the show because of money. It turns out that there was more to it than just money, and here’s what Bros Krynn had to say about it:
I had no idea about all the dirt behind the endings of both shows. I remembered that when Hercules ended, the finances didn’t work for Xena to continue, so that show ended too. It’s a shame, as both shows were great in their time.
If you haven’t seen either show, here are their intros to give you a taste of what they had to offer viewers:
How to sanitize YouTube links
YouTube changed how they do links, and this image will teach you how to quickly and easily sanitize them to defeat YouTube’s tracking:
Troon gets rolled by game developer
A troon did a voiceover for a game, not knowing what its character looked like, and, well, I’ll just let you see the results for yourself:
The assassination of Julius Caesar
The ides of March fell this month, and there was a good retelling of the assassination of Julius Caesar on X.
For the record, Brutus and the rest of the conspirators were scumbags who ultimately got what they deserved for killing Caesar. The people were behind Caesar because he was the only one who stood up to the corrupt, depraved elite of Rome that were screwing over the people.
Sound familiar? Let’s hope that, if we get one, our Caesar doesn’t make the same mistakes that Julius made back in his day. Of course, the fall of Julius ultimately led to the rise of Augustus Caesar, and Octavian certainly knew how to deal with his enemies.
Who did Russia kill in Kharkov?
I don’t know if you noticed, but Little Napoleon (Macron) in France has been losing his shit lately. He threatened (and then backed away from) sending French troops into Ukraine to fight Russia. France wouldn’t last a week in a war with the Russians, so something sent Macron over the edge.
Simplicius speculated that the Russians killed somebody very important to Macron in their recent strike on Kharkov:
Memes of the week
Runners up:
Controversial meme of the week:
Morgthorak the Undead week in review
If you missed some of my content this week, here are the links so you can get caught up:
Israel is the reason TikTok might be banned
Friday fun thread: Who is the worst famous, female narcissist?
Vengeance: An open letter to Donald Trump
Donald Trump is not going to cut Social Security and Medicare
Only the card catalog can save us from AI!
GamerGate 2: Sweet Baby Inc and the twisting of games to push a woke communist agenda
How you can support my writing
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Disgusting. A selfish, rotten, corrupt, shallow, and evil woman.
She fits in well with the selfish, rotten, corrupt, shallow and evil men in DC.
Napoleon was actually a huge fan of Caesar. You might enjoy my recent article on this very topic: https://www.ancient-origins.net/history-famous-people/napoleon-french-caesar-0020437
Happy Ides of March! Also, hilarious meme of the woke Walmart military, haha!