Jan 17Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I think at this point an outright assassination attempt is unlikely. No matter how it was done, they would never be able to sell it to his supporters or independent voters, and even a lot of democrats would have to see it for what it was. The better play is to just continue doing their lawfare tactics and try to keep him out. If he does end up taking office they will just bog him down with process, manufactured scandal or crises that they create to sabotage and derail his agenda.

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Maybe, but they have a big problem with the lawfare stuff. He is going to be the nominee, if they convict him on a felony and try to put him in prison, it is going to cause a shock wave inside of the country. Everybody knows it's political persecution, so putting him in prison is going to show the entire country what they are and will remove the "protecting democracy" fig leaf they've been wearing.

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Jan 17Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

There has been a lot of news recently about accidents happening on aircraft due to DIE policies.

Maybe they’re conditioning the sheep to just accept it when it does happen.

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You could be right, I hadn't linked DIE with Trump. But you never know with the Deep State, they are as sleazy as it gets. Scheming bastards.

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Jan 17Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

If not the deep state directly, certainly any number of their pet lunatics. There's always small assassination plots that get foiled or fizzled out; that just comes with the job of ruling a country. But I'd be shocked if he made it through another term without at least one high profile attempt on his life.

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True, that is why we must hope the Secret Service is not compromised and that they do their jobs properly. So far, so good in that respect.

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Jan 17Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

If America were a movie, this guy's got matinee billing. Even if they killed him, I'd be waiting for him to come back like the Terminator.

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He would become a political martyr if they killed him. They would regret it eventually as he would haunt them from the grave for many years.

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Jan 17Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Yep, making martyrs isn't great for the martyrers. Dead people don't screw up, and people like to remember only the good parts about them.

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Jan 17Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

They will put him in prison first and see what kind of reaction that causes among the deplorables. If it turns to riots they will call in the military and Waco a ton of people. Assassination is possible but only if there is no other option. Allowing him back in the White House is clearly not an option for them regardless of how the election turns out.

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Good point, but they must first convict him of a felony to put him in prison. Will they have the balls to put him in jail immediately after a conviction? Or will they wait until an appeal is heard? I am not a lawyer so I do not know the legal mumbo jumbo that applies here.

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Jan 17Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Getting a conviction is super easy. They can just control the venue, choice of judge and jury selection to get the hand picked results they need. The trials are already a forgone conclusion.

When will they put him in prison? I guess it depends. First they will try and remove him from the ballot first, then they will fortify the election to an insane degree, way more than 2020. Putting him in prison is the final step if he actually somehow beats the fortification effort and wins the election. They will definitely arrest him before he can set foot in the White House.

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Well we'll have to wait and see how it plays out. The ballot thing is likely to be killed by the Supreme Court though, I don't expect that to work.

It is going to be interesting to see what happens. Putting him in jail is complicated by the Secret Service too. They cannot just grab him and throw him in a cell.

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Jan 17Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

They can do anything they want to do. There are no norms anymore. They have violated every one of them already. The only limiting factor here is what they are able to get away with. What will the counter reaction be?

The fact that no red states have tried to remove Biden from the ballot in retaliation means they will continue to push the envelope since they have yet to suffer any consequences for doing so. They could easily remove Trumps secret service protections if they wanted to. Why wouldn’t they? The Republican Party likely won’t do anything to stop it.

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I was thinking, if they are that psychotic and willing to destroy the country, it would be a "died suddenly" in his sleep - as a partial FU to all those who know the mRNA train to be democide.

If he dies, most of the country is not going to believe anything the deep state and media mockingbirds say about it, whatever they say people will believe the opposite, and all bets are off about an armed uprising.

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I believe he took the regeneron crap when he had covid. I don't know if he took mRNA or if that stuff had it in it. Who knows what might happen after taking big pharma's covid crap.

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Jan 17Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I'm not sure that Orange Man isn't an Ultimate Muppet himself, globalist controlling hand up the posterior and all.

there were a couple of things he signed during his regime that I fully agreed with, but he jacked my ability to get a mortgage (along with every other low income applicant with student loans in Income Dependent Repayment plans) with a particularly nasty 2017 modification to the FHA loan program. and he funneled a lot of dough to the rich during his tenure.

the lawfare welded against him has been humorously inept, to the point of looking deliberately ineffective. it's almost like those in power are just building his popularity to get him back in.

just to Devil's Advocate for a minute.

and, Benevolent Lich: I seem to mysteriously have obtained a paid subscription. not that I'm complaining, it's cool and all. Thanks, if that's your doing and not just a computer malfunction (a large percentage of machines do like me, except for those which have been deliberately programmed to discriminate against my kind like bank computers.)

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He is a boomer con, so expecting radical change from him is a bit much, but I don't think he's as bad as the globalists. He wants to adjust the system back toward what it used to be, but they want to keep moving it in an entirely different direction.

You might have been comped a while ago, but are just now realizing it. If you wish to make a contribution to the Tomb, you can use the Buy Me A Coffee button at the bottom of the page anytime you like.

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I mentioned on the donations requested post that I could toss a lonely buck your way but five currently exceeds my means.

I don't have any transactable crypto, so if you've got another method to donate a little bit of cash....

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Jan 17Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Dude, If I were Trump, I'd do whistlestops. It'd be hard to blow up a train, especially since the Secret Service and Private Security can guard it twenty-four/seven.

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Interesting idea, but it might work better for the general election. He's got to hop around a lot for the primaries in a certain order, I don't know if a train would work well for that right now. After he has the nomination though it might be a good idea.

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Jan 17Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Yes, if that becomes necessary.

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