Sep 13, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

If Substack cancels one of the writers to which I subscribe or to which I donate, I will cancel them all. It’s an information hill on which I’m ready to die.

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The Left destroy everything that they touch. Ultimately, ‘progressivism’ is a synonym for nihilism. I believe we are seeing the hard limits of this ersatz religion play out now. It only remains how much damage they can cause in their death rattle.

They cannot be reasoned with, they cannot be bargained with, and they absolutely will not stop, until they have destroyed everything that is good and worth preserving in the world.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

"...the leadership can work on" is all the alarm bells you need. Wannabe bullies hiding behind the skirts of teacher. I get your rage. This platform must remain organic and unfettered by controlists. Just as Biko said he would write what he likes, we too, will read what we like.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

The first writer he would cross off would be Orwell, followed by Kafka and Arthur Koestler.

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This James Richardson fellow is precisely the sort of holier-than-thou scowler who gives a bad name to folks who are talented in the techniques of conveying propositions that are, at their core, neutral at best, and unpopular at worst. The mechanics of his argumentation are clean, lacking in profanity, and come across as reasonable at first blush. A careful and skeptical reading of what he is advocating for, however, reveals precisely what he is, and once more, our Unfriendly Neighborhood Not-Quite-Spiderman, better known as Morgthorak, calls it out for precisely what it is-

A Wannabe-Gatekeeper.

Setting aside the fact that Mr. Richardson doesn't even breach the seemingly arbitrary threshold he would like to see imposed on everyone of 1,000 subscribers (he is listed at the time of my writing this as having 700), there is an unavoidable reek of elitism in his position that wafts off of his Note in much the same cloud as a skunk's spray when it is suddenly spooked by what it believes to be a predator. He smuggles in the notion of censorship and gatekeeping in the wrappings of classical methodology, speaking of the Master-Apprentice dynamic that has, historically, produced some of the finest craftsmanship in the areas of hard, tangible, functional creation (think blacksmiths, woodworkers, plumbers, and other tradesmen). I suspect he does this because the folks he would like to see pushbroomed off the stage of the Substack platform are typically the kind of people who appreciate these tradesmen and their traditions.

This chameleon-like application of sentiment isn't fooling people quite as easily as it might once have, though. Mr Richardson may be well-spoken, but his capacity to observe the public around him in the digital arena seems to be lacking; he obviously missed the memo wherein it was clarified that people can much more readily sniff through high-caliber vocabularies and linguistic trickery and trap-setting, get right up next to you, and with a wolf's predatory grin say, "I call bullshit."

I am in full-throated concurrence with our local undead clarion-caller. [Hunches down to scoop up half-rotted, detached finger, offering it back to Morgthorak] Dropped this, bud. When the euphemisms game begins with folks like Mr Richardson bemoaning what he views as 'the platform going away from its purpose as a place for writers to get paid', he reveals himself for the kind of 'Pick Me!' mercenary who always plants proximity mines around the place, then complains like a toddler when someone smartly tosses a stone at the most recently laid one to blow a gaping hole in his argument in favor of restriction.

He forgets that artistic expression is sometimes its own reward.

Carry on, Mr. Morgthorak.

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Thank you for picking up my finger, Josh, it is much appreciated. Your comment is dead-on!! 👍🏻

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I love this bit from his stupid, censorious ramble:

"Strong communities are hierarchical, gatekeep entry, enforce rules, and create vertical obligation (master-apprentice).

No single digital network has ever really understood this basic anthropological truth in my experience, which is why they eventually fail. "

Really? Twitter? Facebook? Instagram? TikTok? Youtube? Etc, etc, etc.

Yep, all hierarchical, gatekeep entry... master apprentice?


Where does he think he is, the middle fucking ages? And he obviously knows nothing about network effects to write that. It's all just bullshit cover for his ego-stroke: "I'm homo imaginari, consultant extraordinaire and I'm here to tell you how to run your business into the ground".

I bet he's a failed consultant as well, not to mention his whining, whinging post "My book will do better in Europe" or whatever.

I'm starting to think he's actually a troll mocking the ideas he spouts because he's so completely ridiculous.

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I don't doubt it, did you look at his content? Blech! Bland, tedious, boring.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Marxcissists tend to do to the marketplace of ideas what the mafia does to any industries it enters. At least the mafia created some interesting characters for some great movies. So far, all the Marxcissists have produced is a bunch of hysterical tantrums in public for folks like Joey B Toonz to make fun of, or really terrible remakes of old movies for The Critical Drinker to savage. Plus the mafia actually maintained a sense of honor and integrity in their organizational culture.

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I'll take the old-school mafia any day. They didn't hate western civilization. Yes, they broke laws and did bad things, but they never waged cultural and political war on the societies they were a part of and profited from.

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And they ran thousands of comedy/music clubs that attracted and paid incredible talent for many decades -- and not just in Las Vegas but all over the country. Give me the mob over woke corporate blandness any and every day.

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Anyone who begins a sentence with ‘so,’ should be immediately scrolled past.

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Sep 15, 2023·edited Sep 15, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I think of some turd coming over and passive aggressively mentioning that you might want to mow your yard and that do you really think your kids should be playing in the street. Then calling some authorities on you. Like a snitch.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

You go Morgo!! You and Yuri fire the best broadsides against the statists and commies. Keep it coming buddy and I will keep reading.

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Sep 13, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Thanks for calling out these parasitic plebes. We can now be assured he will have no influence here among us. He and others like him will have to buy or bribe their way in top down. We will then find or create another platform where we can be free to express whatever we want.

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